How would you execute a US invasion of mainland China?

How would you execute a US invasion of mainland China?

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First question is why would you want to? They'd just conscript every peasant that could walk, mainland invasion of china is pointless

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Like we did with the red niggers of north america but instead of blankets covered in smallpox, I'd infect millions of dogs with some disease transmittable between dogs and humans and release them

I think going through Vietnam would be your best bet but even then it would be really damn hard.

War with China will eventually happen, an invasion of the mainland may one day be neccessary.

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I'd make them listen to our pop music and wear our blue jeans, of course.

Go be stupid elsewhere.

There's not really a feasible way to do it without a unified, American - allied Korea. An amphibious landing in Liaoning if we had total surprise otherwise...I'm not sure that I wouldn't just sit back and bomb their infrastructure and cities into Dresden.

Cyber warfare, drone battles, and arming rebels in East Turkestan/Tibet

>almost all economic activity in china is done from the coast
>US supremacy in supercarriers would allow blocking imports and unchallenged force projection

no need to invade
just show the chinese what they stand to lose if they dont back down

Biological warfare

They have such dense population centers it would spread like the Hindenburg

>invade China with 1 million troops (notional)
>China pulls a USSR and deploys at least 10 million reservists domestically
>you are now badly outnumbered on an Army Group level
>you have the capability to conscript, at best, 10 million more troops
>they have 1 point something billion people and a dangerous surplus of men that can't find wives
Realistically you're going to have to nuke the fuck out of them, break them into smaller countries/districts/tribes, and then dominate them British style with retarded levels of machine guns and chemical weapons. There is no way that you can pull off an invasion and occupation of China if they have any ability to resist in any form.

You should just nuke them once or twice, destroy the PLAN and PLAAF, then mine their ports and wait. Maybe throw in some cruise missile attacks on whatever pipelines they put up to Russia.

Why would I even consider it?

>How do you invade a vast country with a population in the literal billions, many of whom are potential enemy combatants

Not even Germans are retarded enough to do this.

You could promise the Uighurs a new country and liberate Tibet, that
should help somewhat

let India do it
fuck chinks and pooskins

Only if the Uighurs could substantially reduce enemy combat effectiveness. Tibet couldn't alone, and the Uighurs are being rounded up in camps so I don't put a lot of faith in that. It couldn't be an American game, Taiwan would have to reinvade, Japan, a unified Korea, all of NATO, and Russia would have to at least give a nod and wink. It'd require redeploying all of our carrier assets at the least, and Iran and Russia would presumably take advantage of that.

Can't be done. Way too many people.
You might win a war with enough nukes and maybe discreetly smallpox blanketing them with something, but it'll be pretty damn hard to invade.

Also consider the absolute sheer scale of having to fight through something like this:

Just miles and miles and miles of identical apartment buildings which may all house combatants.

name one reason why you think this is stupid

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T-45 power armor and laser guns

Same way the US was invaded and conquered: slow & steady.

Military invasions are for 20th century and for retards. You sound like one.

Wont happen, its a nuclear power. Unless that can somehow be neutralized noone will try.

That's quite easy. Just invite Mongolia, they seems to be experts about invading China. Also offer Russia some sweet sweet Warm Water ports. In short, Just try and get as many nations in. I bet even North Korea would like some extra land.

Please elaborate and show him his retardation.

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Meme warfare, got it.

Year long bombing campaign and get other nations to be the cannon fodder. Arm ethnic groups with weapons. Eventually start to deploy targeted plant diseases for rice. Institute a draft and build up 5 million+ able men to fight and another couple million in reserve during the year long bombing campaign.

I would send the jewish poz psyop battalion to fill their airwaves with sitcomms and reality TV and faggot home remodeling shows until the population goes bezerk and then conventional invasion.

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This. Don't invade and sog through miles of apartment buildings that would make Stalingrad look like a first date at Chuck E Cheese's. Just block the ports and starve them out.

Uighurs and Tibetans are worthless fighters.

Also good luck in dealing with Han Chinese & Hui populations in both autonomous regions. They're already armed as militiamen over there to help out in suppression/law enforcement. Any Uighur/Tibetan rebellion would probably be massacred by their Han/Hui neighbors first before the PLA could respond.

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Not him, but why would it happen in the first place? Why waste the resources?

There is, in farness, that big fucking railroad they're building. While not nearly able to bring in the same supplies at the same rate as through ports, who's to say they give a shit about anything but materiel at that point.

China isn't japan dude. China has both huge amounts of ores, oil and farmland. And before you bring up imports, those are economic, not self sufficiency reasons. In a wartime footing they would have plenty.

>invading china
we solved this problem if i recall in 1945

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I don't, I mine their ports and sea lanes and starve them out. They'll be eating each other, no need to invade.

They tried that with the Soviets tho

>Cut off all trading and import/export with China
>China needs us far more than we need them. Watch as they collapse.
>Walk in and take over whatever peasants are left that haven't been eaten.

I wouldn't. The very idea is madness.

This idea that China, in wartime, would be reliant on the world is very stupid. Think about it for a second. You're talking about the biggest manufacturer in the world, but if you cut it off, it'll die?

Their plan was to take the oil fields and breadbaskets, destroy their armies, wait for the country to shatter into a million pieces like it did during the revolution, and walk straight into Moscow. They didn't expect the Soviets to pull a second Red Army from nowhere and stop them. The first Soviet counteroffensives were a complete surprise as the Germans honestly believed that the Soviets had no more strategic reserves. I'm not sure of the exact numbers but I remember reading that just before the Germans were turned back they had occupied a large enough portion of Russia to deny them essentially half of their prewar population.

The calculated if brash choice the Germans decided on is a million times more sane than invading fucking China.

doesn't china buy 80% of their food from other countries ? because muh industrial power

Dealing with China would be a pain in the ass if we did a land invasion, the trees would speak Chinese and we'd just napalm them

Do you fucking know how big China is? Japan was literally butt-fucking China and they never made a real dent terms of in being able to occupy the country.

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I wouldn’t. I rely on chinamen to make my favorite sneakers

You wouldn't, just butt fuck their navy airforce and port cities

What the fuck, where did you get that from? China is self sufficient in wheat and rice. They import just a few million dollars worth of this every year.

China has a net food importer for economic reasons. Most basedbeans for example, go to feed livestock. They also import huge amounts of meat, fruit and fish from other nations.

>implying there was anything besides that worth conquering on that godforsaken landmass

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Penning our unconditional surrender seeing as it will either end in an all-out nuclear war or prove so costly that it causes an already divided society to violently disintegrate and a Second Civil War drowns the American homeland in a sea of blood much like Russia in 1917.

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Because eventually China will fight for dominance over the US and that may lead to war. Why do you need a why to answer this question? you don't.

a war of that scale would absolutely unite the united states

this, but a prion disease, so as to be only transmittable via consumption

At least we'd finally be able to get truly reliable numbers on doge-munchers

All out War is impossible when both country's have nukes. All you could really do is; rally all of China's ethnic minorities to revolt while supplying them with weapons and aid, Jew the Canuck gov into forcibly retaking land bought by Chinese interests, move in on China's Africa interest. The last one can be done through a combination of thinly veiled proxy wars and economic moves, eg; outbidding the Chinese on the infrastructure loans given to developing African nations. In the end all you can do is stop the bug people from resource grabbing. The difficulty comes from the sheep mentality associated with these people. They aren't going to balkanize or revolt because they have a herd mentality and will do whatever they are instructed. The Chinese have been stripped of their culture, their self determination, and even their women yet they don't revolt. We could never win against them because they are like a horde of obidient ants with machine guns and nukes.

>near the chinese coast
Not even the brass of the american military is that stupid

Dominance of what?
China can have Asian and most of Russia for all anyone cares.
Only japan and Korea have the means to threaten them and neither one could for very long.
The US is only in Asia to support our allies and those days are numbered.

>Dominance of what?
the world, global economy, resource claims and power.
>The US is only in Asia to support our allies and those days are numbered.
That seems incorrect.

>implying the carriers are for bombing
nearly all of chinas manufacturing centres are on the coastal areas
carriers can deny the use of there ports without having to expose themselves to ground-based weapons

even if chinese arent reliant on food imports, their economy is still reliant on import and export of goods
chinese would very quickly go to the negotiating table because both china and US are actually heavily tied on the economic level, and wouldwnt want to risk economic meltdown and a return to a purely command based economy

>The US is only in Asia to support our allies and those days are numbered.
The US is around the world to maintain its wealth and position as the sole superpower. If China advances enough to challenge that position, the two countries will walk straight into Thucydides Trap.
If China wants to progress and the US wants to maintain its status, the two will come to conflict, without a doubt. Only through great diplomacy could any real war be avoided, but with Mutts on one side and soulless bugmen lead by Winnie Pooh on the other, I doubt that's really an option.

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But that's what the artificial islands and the new silk road are for. China is taking concrete steps to secure its future and livelihood.

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>>US supremacy in supercarriers would allow blocking imports and unchallenged force projection
this is the only realistic option tbqh, but the navy would still stand at some risk of getting BTFO'd by chinese coastal artillery/ASMs, plus chinks could always pull a stalin and just relocate their industry way into the heartland.

>but the navy would still stand at some risk of getting BTFO'd by chinese coastal artillery/ASMs, plus chinks could always pull a stalin and just relocate their industry way into the heartland.
carriers dont need to expose themeselves to ground fire to turn away merchan vessels

just the general warning that US carriers dont want any commerce in and out of china will evaporate nearly all trade

> plus chinks could always pull a stalin and just relocate their industry way into the heartland.
while this will allow them to survive on a subsistence level
it would still crash the economy because they have no one willing to trade with them, to buy or sell to

the US would suffer economic dislocation, in the short term no iphones, in the long term a credit crunch and recession
but for the chinese, it would be catastrophic as all their manufacturing centres have no oil to run and no customers to sell to
not to mention the carriers can inflict way more harm to their navy then theirs could to the US

>just the general warning that US carriers dont want any commerce in and out of china will evaporate nearly all trade
Yeah you're right. Chinks would have to resort to over land trade and I don't know how well they can rely on that to keep their economy from crashing with no survivors.

This, combined with Opium War 3: This time with Meth. CIA has gotten really good at running drugs, and the western border of China is basically uninhabited.

>Chinks would have to resort to over land trade
this isnt done for international trade for a very good reason
its incredibly inefficient in comparison to sea trading and takes much longer

its also limited by geography, overland trade would be limited to india, SEA, and Mongolia
and would be bottle necked by the physical size of the roads available as opposed to the main bottleneck in ship trade being port size

Ok so 64% of their trade is done by ships. A blockade would definitely be hard to stomach, but it all depends on how the war started in the first place, because other countries might give support to china in case of apparent US aggression.

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Overwhelming force. Chinese military ain't shit. Outdated equipment, unmotivated/untrained/undertrained soldiers and a litany of other issues

not with guns I wouldnt

We would have to bring out some doomsday bio/chem weapons coupled with a massive nuclear bombardment, they just have so many people.

>because other countries might give support to china in case of apparent US aggression.
When, in all of the US' bullshit wars of aggression has any Western nation given serious support to the victim nations?

A war on the insects you say?

which will end poorly for the rest of asia

these are dated and souldn't be relied on.

What interests does the US have outside of its allies? The pacific can’t be denied to the US. But mainland Asia has only ever been a waste of time.
If we get involved at all it should only be to sell weapons to China’s enemies ie India, Vietnam, Indonesia etc.
Japan and Korea can choose their own course. Both are capable of defending themselves in a short war.
Japan can become a nuclear power over night if it wanted to.

Blow up the Three Gorges Dam and other important infrastructure and leave Taiwan to pick up the pieces and eventually assume control of the mainland government. No way in hell are we setting foot in that death-trap, and the goal is to NOT massacre those 1 billion diligent workers so they're still willing to work for us after their government is toppled.

You can't
Chang simply can afford way more the you can.

Airdrop 1 billion cheeseburgers

You don't invade a nuclear armed country. You either first strike or you get nuked.

Give the Japanese full command of the US forces.

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not that it would work

international trade and a global system. they will not just withdrawl from the region because it would have negative effects on the system they have created.

>tfw you will never ride down seperatists with your warhorse, shoot CIA niggers with your carbineand cut off their limbs with your sabre.

Why live?

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>>China pulls a USSR and deploys at least 10 million reservists domestically
Honestly if they did that, I would just sit off the coast and laugh as they try to maintain those troop levels without any domestic production or farming going on. There is a reason the Soviet Union had a famine from 46'-47'.

China had a 10 million strong active military just before its major downsize reforms in the early 90s.

And they had no famine since the 1950s despite that.

So aesthetic.

Really want to join these guys just to ride horse and go full Mongol on the turkshits.

Sorry, but Japan has been broken in both body and mind.

They will kill noone anymore, but themselves in that forest.

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holy shit. this picture shows the true meaning of domination.

This makes me sad, and Im stationed here.

In response, the Japanese government established the Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA), military brothels to cater to the Allied troops upon their arrival, though most professional prostitutes were unwilling to have sex with Americans due to the impact of wartime propaganda.[18] Some of the women who volunteered to work in these brothels claimed that they did so as they felt they had a duty to protect other women from Allied troops.[19] These officially sponsored brothels were ordered closed in January 1946 when the Occupation authorities banned all "public" prostitution while declaring that it was undemocratic and violated the human rights of the women involved.[20] The closure of the brothels took effect a few months later, and it was in private acknowledged that the main reason for closing down the brothels was the huge increase in venereal diseases among the soldiers.[20]

Japan literally whores out its women for their conquerers.

falseflag china into thinking that israel attacked them

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No joke.

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This is unexpectedly depressing.

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>Japan literally whores out its women for their conquerers.
no, they did the smart thing and kept the mutts from raping their way through japan. Think for yourself, would you rather rape some farmer and risk court (even if thats unlikely) or go to some whore house ?

skeletons and naked skeletons with boobies strapped on

Flatten it with nukes and balkanise the rubble.

>mutts from raping their way through

this post reeks of butthurt asian admixture rape baby europoor

looks like I hit a spot

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>never fight a land war in Asia
this is the basic rule that has been understood for a very long time. Beat China by naval power only, no point in invasion, literally impossible to occupy all of mainland's been tried before

But this didnt save those schoolgirls on Okinawa

read through the entire article, retard. there was plenty of rape and when they shut down the official whorehouses the rapes spiked even higher. the jap government covered it out because they were led by pardoned war criminals freed by americans, lmao

not claiming it did work