Why is the world laughing at India? Both western and eastern news equally laughing at India right now. How can a big nation like India get BTFO by a small like Pakistan this badly?
Why is the world laughing at India? Both western and eastern news equally laughing at India right now. How can a big nation like India get BTFO by a small like Pakistan this badly?
India is probably losing, but they could be winning and the fake media would still be laughing because they don't like Modi.
what did you expect? 60% of that country still shits in the open
Fucking yes to this
>60% of that country still shits in the open
Noticed the 30% of Indians that don’t shit in the streets are probably the Muslims, Christians and atheists?
Hell to the yes to this. Indians shitting isn’t the streets is a Hindu thing. I don’t even like religion. Even I noticed Muslims parts of India are cleaner. Same with Christian villages and secular communities.
pakistan aid to terrorists will be the end of them anyways
There is no war. India dropped bombs on fields, lied about it, lost two aircraft through stupidity and cowardice, declared victory, and slunk off to passive-aggressively shit in their loin cloths instead of actually do anything requiring courage and competence. What a joke of a nation and a race.
>pakistan aid to terrorists will be the end of them anyways
But the Taliban and isis are using nato weapons and driving Ford rangers.
>truly a global power to surpass China lmao
Who cares. They are both shitholes.
>diriving ford rangers
why would a world feared terrorist will drive such a shitty car?
toyota hilux is recommended by all the terrorists
>pakistan claims the su got downed inside of pakistan
>pakistan claims the fields were just rice fields and not terrorist camps
>pakista also said bin laden wasnt on pakistan
>they forgot they built him a fucking mansion to live in
>believing anything that pakistan says
Superpoower by 2020
>Indians shitting isn’t the streets is a Hindu thing
Same with the cow worship and cow piss drinking.
The country that has China's backing usually wins. Even if that backing is very very minor and in form of using their arms.
This is a historical rule. You know it to be true.
To be fair Pakistan is also in the top 10 nations of outside shitters. Let he who is without sin cast the first turd.
>why would a world feared terrorist will drive such a shitty car
Because they are cheap
The only People who deny shitting in the streets, cow piss and shit eating has nothing to do with Hinduism are ether liberals or Neo pagan larpers that mostly hang out on another Chan Jow Forums because admins made the board a hug box for Varg fanboys.
Shit man. Even a nation backed by Jamaica could beat India. India air war was more embarrassing than Argentina during the Falklands war.
> the only Indian loss caused by enemy is literally 1 (one) old jet, of which the pilot was returned
> India btfo lol war lost war lost lmao!1!!!
You people are retarded. There is nothing even close to a war. Remember when turkey shot down a Russian jet? Is that supposed to be hurr turkey won? Everytime India and Pakistan have gotten into real wars India has won every single time. As if one jet getting shot down during tensions means any kind of victory.
I guess when those 4 spec ops dudes got lit up and killed in africa, that means US btfo by sub Sahara Africans, right? According to your logic. Brainlets
>t. Seething poo
Indians are getting outmatched in literally every single aspect of this conflict. They've done nothing but lose
seeth more poo
How are they getting outmatched exactly? Pakistan has done nothing except shoot down a single jet. No territory gained, or even a single kill has been accomplished by the pakistanis, all theyve done is take out an old plane. And the "conflict" has been a whole lot of posturing by both sides but ultimately nothing. You're a retard who knows nothing about actual war, especially in the east. How's Afghanistan by the way? And how was vietnam? The west can't fight in Asia so really your input means nothing, keep making up imaginary kd's though to justify your losses.
Nobody is calling it a war you mongrel. It's a standoff, and the victor is clear. And it's not the country with 10x bigger economy and 10x more people.
And how exactly is India supposed to use the 10x bigger economy and military in a nonconventional fight? It doesn't make a lick of difference in that situation how big the economy or military are. And the standoff is not over, nor does one side "win" by shooting down a single plane. If you applied your logic to US military excursions there would be a lot more losses than you already have including mogadishu, Niger ambush, etc. Those "standoffs" as you call them were lost too according to you.
Not only is the Pakistan military BTFOing India (won two air engagements), but the rag-tag group of Islamic insurgents is BTFOing India as well. How is it possible to lose more soldiers than insurgents killed in a small COIN conflict? I've literally never seen that before
If India is losing THAT badly to Pakistan, imagine what China would've done to India. Would've been a Microsoft tech support Holocaust.
true that.
Look up the Doklam standoff. India bullied Nepal in 2015 after an earthquake by blocking the country's exports/imports to/from anywhere in the world. India can only bully Nepal and Sri Lanka.
I really wonder how the Doklam standoff would have went if it escalated.
>Would've been a Microsoft tech support Holocaust.
I just woke up my household laughing at this
"Losing". If it actually came down to all out conventional war Pakistan would cease to exist. Pakistan is using terrorists and the threat of nukes to keep them alive, forcing India into a position where they cannot use all their assets without a nuclear war
Neither Indian nor Pakistani forces are capable of anything approaching efficiency unless led by white officers. The endemic laziness, corruption, and ignorance of the subcontinent is just too much to overcome.
LOL whites have lost every war in asia, even to dirt poor countries like Afghanistan and vietnam. Even your bullshit kd's have been exposed by vets. Whites are the last people we need advice from on how to win Asian wars, you offer nothing but a misplaced sense of arrogance and incompetence which is why you lose.
>lost every war in Asia
>Japs in Pacific
>Moro in Phillip
>Norks in Korea
Oh ok Pakman, sorry we came in without knocking. Know that keeping OBL, stealing from US supply lines, and funding and training Pashtun terrs didnt go unnoticed and we have no qualms about your hurt feelings. Please kys.
- The West
> japs in Pacific
Literally lost more men than the japs, and had to nuke them in the end to actually win. Nevermind the multitude of insurgencies in SE Asia that helped. Not a conventional win
> moros
An insurgency, not a nation
> Korea
The US literally lost the Korean war, it was a stalemate at absolute best. The plan was to take the whole peninsula, but both sides stagnated in the middle and US forces were pushed back by the Chinese and Koreans until the current border between SK and NK. not a win by any stretch of the imagination
What are you talking about? India literally invaded Paki airspace with the intent of bombing Pakistan because of a terrorist attack. They're not afraid to use their "assets" , retard. Just face it, Indians are fucking worthless at war and the only way they could possibly conceive of victory is by letting a nuclear bomb do all the work for them
>Literally lost more men than the japs,
What are you talking about even vatniks skull fucked the japanese
The maps got blown the fuck off every island they had. No shit island-to-island fighting is more costly for the attackers
>Even your bullshit kd's have been exposed by vets.
How so?
*Let he who's without street throw the first sheet
Bhutan is impossible to bully.
>Opium war
>Boxer Rebellion
>Vietnam (America lost in their living rooms, not in Vietnam, look at the K/D)
>First Convention of Peking (Sun Tzu himself said the pinnacle of skill in war is to get what you want without fighting)
A bunch of other times.
>Opium war
>Boxer Rebellion
Ancient history.
Japan vs USA, UK, Australia, Canada, China, Russia and a ton of insurgencies and they still did fine for 2 years and literally nobody has any idea how bloody actual invasion of Japan would be other than it would make Vietnam look like kindergarten.
Is still a victory for Vietnam no matter how you spin it.
You also forget all the times locals won vs colonial European powers after WW2.
I>s still a victory for Vietnam no matter how you spin it.
you mean vietnam war 2 the return of slant ? as first conflict was damn convincingly won by usa and in second we decided to not get involved
Goalpost status: moved
>whites have lost every war in asia
On balance, I think they've won most of them, hence Asia being victim of European imperialism from the 18-20th C. It was only in the latter half of the 20th C that Asia started to get its shit together.
Stop being a faggot. Poo and Pak airforces are rougly peer opponents, they faced each other in air, and pakakistan won while india lost. Nothing more to it.
But Pakistan lost in all conflicts it fought with India. I don't understand, are posters here Pakistanis or something?
Indians might be incompetent but Pakistanis are hardly better.
kekd and checked
That's exactly why it's so embarrassing and entertaining that India managed to fail beyond expectation here.
Fuck Pakistani sand niggers too.
Dont forget about the Kunduz airlift. Where my hate of the pakis started
>not wanting to play fallout: New Delhi
>nuclear mutated americans vs pooclear mutated indians
I'd take my chances in the Wasteland, thank you very much
anti paki commencing
He probably means US taking more casualties (not deaths) in Iwo Jima. Rooshans beat riceniggers at Kalkin Gol but took a lost a lot of men, was closer than people imagine and they would have lost without Zukov.
Probably backlash from a week of insistent poo shillers.
>this is how a real superhero
to be continued?
man will be drowning in bobs and vagane now
Had to go do something, back for the rest
and longewala just for the keks
>This is how a real superhero poos
They are teaching hygiene for the designated pooping streets
mah negro
just... kill and death ratio?
these wars were like playing the good ol' ants vs. looking glas game.
Whites are bad at math, it's why we had to teach you in ancient times
Full scale war when?
9 more months until superpower
Airspace, its all about airspace and who controls it.
Pakistan now controls the airspace over the border region.
India loss, when has the US ever lost control over the air. Never.
If one old plane is all that India has to defend its territory then it has no territory.
Pakistan can move in and take what ever land it wants because it has control of the airspace.
He's saying there's only like 10% of the total population of India are Hindu that use toilets.
Was there any confirmation to Paki F-16 shot down over Pakistan and the pilot lynched over mistaken identity?
No F-16 has been downed. The poos keep trying to pass off one of their own MIG-21 wrecks as a Paki F-16 but only brainlets and slavs are buying it.
Absolute state od this "war"
They say don't shit on your doorstep, but the Indians already have.
It's not like the Pakistanis have much to loose
funposting aside, i'm kinda shocked that india got outplayed to such a massive extent.
pakistan kills their dudes with a sneak attack. okay, that happens. do what you gotta do, no one will complain. but india's response completely backfired. pakistan captured a pilot, an indian wing commander killed himself (totally unrelated, sure), and then pakistan files a UN complaint b/c india fucked up and bombed a stand of trees! the world is watching, india is on center stage and they completely shit the street.
this is some AND 1 mixtape streetball. india is the punk with his pants around his ankles while pakistan is slam dunking. they killed india's dudes, captured & returned an officer, and made us laugh with the tree bit.
This is Modi we are talking about standard fare blow hard. Indira Gandhi had more balls than this guy
i don't care who's calling the shits over there. i thought they'd have a few binders full of solid moves considering indo/pak is 80% of india's strategic theater, they both have nukes, and they clash nonstop.
as they say here, presidents come and go but [insert agency] is forever. aren't there professionals in command? do they even intel? i guess they're arrogant because no regional power can simply be so stupid.
Gopros are good cameras
All they need is the Bobs and Vegane to defeat Pakistan with
>Would've been a Microsoft tech support Holocaust.
More like a Poo-o-caust
How many white guys are fucking your wife right now?
I just hope they nuke each other to Kingdom come
>go to war to prevent the Norks from conquering hte south and spreading gommunism
>BTFO the norks so bad that you decide to push to the chinese border, almost get there
>china comes in and politicians wont let you fight them properly, get pushed back to the border
>leave with the original objective of saving south korea from filthy communists successful
>60 years later south korea is one of the most successful capitalist countries on the planet while north korea is a third world communist shithole
what a loss
Waaaaaaah Cry more mutt and be not white somewhere else
Why not visit today? A nuke would hardly make a difference.
Pakistan wins the air war against India because Indians eat a lot of curry and fighter jets don't have toilets
Just cut a hole in the seat, give the Pakis something extra on the next bombing runs.
I dislike both but consider Pakistan to be considerably more subhuman than poos.
India is going to escalate until they get the body count they are looking for. Upwards of a couple dozen planes involved per sortie if they have too.
India can always just resort to slaughtering some of Pakistan's civilians in a wanton slaughter if they want.