You walk into the mess hall and have your favorite meal before you head off on patrol. What is it Jow Forums?
You walk into the mess hall and have your favorite meal before you head off on patrol. What is it Jow Forums?
I dont care as long as it contains jalapeno cheese spread
Potato Cheddar Soup with Pork patty and wheat snack bread
100 year old beef please
>mfw these Pollywogs don't call it a galley.
>before you head off on patrol
Oatmeal with fruit, lightly sweetened. Save the big chow for after the patrol; potential combat is no time to have the fucking itis.
A line of coke and a sammich
pussy and milk.
Fried breaded porkchops with mash and gravy.
>tfw I was lucky enough to rate comrats because of my job
Fuck Sodexo and their shitty chow hall hours.
The blueberry cobbler MRE is the best thing they have in the mess hall.
Chili mac mre
2 hooah bars
3 cans of wild tiger
Most of Jow Forums wants penis and man chowder.
vegetable lasagna my nigga
Sorry for being a weeb but tonkotsu ramen
>before patrol
Eggs, grits, water. Big meals and salt make you into a sloth.
Scrambled eggs with hotdogs cut up and fried in with them.
The galley is where food is prepared, you fucking gelatinous sea slug. The messdeck is where food is consumed, boot.