ITT we summon the ATF

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Well, we all got to go sometime.

Ahem, "I am a law abiding citizen who supports the second amendment, and I have a pet dog."

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fuck the atf, randy weaver did nothing wrong

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how to make a suppressor for a non-threaded barrel .22 rifle

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I have plans to machine and distribute automatic lowers from my peaceful religious commune in Texas, also I love my pet dogs and support the 2bd ammendment

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Didn't the ATF literally investigate her

haha! You'll never take me alive!

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come here atf I have some tovex sausages stashed away ready for the end game

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Yes, basically where like, oh shes a liberal, N/M

I have a dog as well, and have shouldered my AR pistol brace before.

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i own many coathangars and also a dog

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ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking it unless you're a politician

Especially if your a democrat.

Done also gift from /b/

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Or a republican pedophile also likes to fuck random dudes in airport bathrooms.

/cgl/. They know what they did.

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Aren't all pedophiles wishful senators?

Damn I thought you were going to hit me with Hurt Locker joke

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Would that be the Irish method

I reckon so. Also, doubles as a good snack afterwards.

>thumbnail bomb
I'm not too worried

This isn't Metal Gear 2 we're not freezing the damn thing


fuck those guys

Take it to em.

Alright are we Keanu Reeves this then

you want a federal agencies attention?
post something about (((them)))
thats the real shit they are out to prosecute and contain

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Isn't that legally 'any other weapon' and not a pistol?

obsessed incel

name 1 person who has ever been prosecuted for only posting deranged jew conspiracy stuff online

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The poopie jus fell out my damn but

pretty sure this is legal now

What they do?

Dont even try. Everything will be spun as "it's happening and even though there's no tangible evidence to support anything I say you just gotta take my word because I'm more woke"
The most evidence they have is that case of the guy who fired his CCW into the black lives matter crowd and the prosecutors whipped out literal years worth of racist and anti-semetic social media posts across multiple platforms. Which albeit, is scary, but also not surprising in the slightest. Employers like to check out your facebook and Twitter for shit like that, why wouldnt a court of law?

Not necessarily.
ATF previously relaxed their ruling on it and said it was okay, but still attempted to fuck over that guy last year for "modifying" his brace "with the intention to be shouldered". ATF tried to block their own previous statements as evidence, which they got rightfully BTFO'd for by the judge and lost the case as a result. The ruling was only regarding modifying your brace, however, not shouldering it.
Which puts ATF in a odd position. They can continue to let it slide, as they have been - or they can attempt to prosecute somebody to make an example and have it, most likely, fail terribly in the same way.

Get your ass blacklisted and g*ng stalked if you come under too many group's radar, not just alphabets either

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

They prosecute you outside of the Judicial system in essentially Kangaroo courts, not alphabet agencies specifically but a whole host if "Civic" and fraternal organizations. They called it Zersetzung in the GDR

That makes no sense and I suspect you have even less evidence to support said claim.

So name one person

You don't know how authoritarian systems work do you? Whatever, go on about your day user
It doesn't matter. FreeMasons will gaslight anyone who talks about this shit. Best just to go about your life

So much pottery I could open a shop

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

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What's the best double barrel to make a saw-off?

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This is how its done

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Anyone know if I could fit this on a 5.56 engine?

itll fit but the oil filter will blow up shooting rifle rounds. you need something robust.

i have funs and a dog thats never been shot before

the coast guard guy's NFA violation was used as a pretext to arrest him for online stuff

Is this really the quality of honeypots we're dealing with in this day and age? Come on, ATF, get a fucking HTML designer.

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

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>domestic pets

When you go against a texan with a big iron

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How does the ATF feel about coat hangers and bottle openers, am I rite?

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Can't imagine that would be very good past 100 rounds.

Can't get anything by you.

All boards of Jow Forums and 4channel

youre a fucked pussy dude. the atf has stated that solvent traps are legal. you wont find 1 case of the atf selling illegal firearms/components and busting people for buying them. its called entrapment. the atf tries to get you to sell them illegal items or they try to catch you in possession of illegal items. this is undisputed by anyone not ignorant.

Hey guys whats goin.... OOOO my God. Get the warrant ready.

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t. ATF

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Stop goalposting

Coast Guard guy was amassing guns and a hitlist of people he wanted to kill.

This, I think. I would imagine the metal would deform fairly quickly considering the rapid movement of the bolt would cause it to heat up.

I am Antman and I never did die but i faked my death and hid myself to throw the FBI off my tracks and using a none VPN and using an old phone to make this post.

Also i love my sweet ants.

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This sounds like something if antman was still alive would say

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Just get a small sheet of metal and do it properly then, hell even forge it with a fucking blowtorch why not
Afterwards just harden the steel

god i love this

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All you literally have to do is start a new religion. Land of the free my ass.

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Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

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thank me later

someone please explain antman for me.


no u

Why does the ATF all of a sudden seem useless and you can literally buy silencers all over Amazon and eBay, SBR rules don't matter anymore because of the "arm brace", the echo trigger is basically a machine gun, the shockwave made SBS law worthless too, I mean literally the entire NFA has been neutralized.

Pretty sure that legislation that got introduced by Trump makes anything that even resembles full-auto illegal.

Trump has introduced zero gun control legislation. If you're trying to refer to the EO he signed about bump stocks, that's not legislation and I would recommend you learn the difference.

Is there an echo trigger for civvy MP5s? Because if there is I'm making that my HD weapon.

Sometimes I get the feeling that the ATF is having an internal civil war between pro-gun and anti-gun people. Also, wouldn't the arm braces not be as effective at absorbing recoil as normal stocks?

The second you open that package containing the "solvent trap", cops will come boiling out of the woodwork like ants.

Why do you hate your dog?

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Christian nation, heretic

After fast and furious and operation kraken, it's amazing the atf exists at all. Oh, and then there was ruby ridge and that flammable church incident. How are they still a lawful organization???

no they wont. firstly because its legal to buy a solvent trap kit as long as it doesnt have bore holes drilled. secondly because entrapment is illegal. thirdly because even if it was a honeypot there are anonymous ways to pay and you dont have to get it delivered to somewhere under your name. fourthly, there is literally no way they could ensure theyll be able to arrest you as soon as you gain possession. how delusional are you and are you not able to picture scenarios in your head? fast and furious was bad enough pr and that involved legal firearms you think the atf would ever provide illegal items that could be used in crime? once again, you wont find one case of the atf selling illegal items and arresting the buyer. NOT ONE CASE. if you respond to this post combatively it will be obvious youre a fed trying to keep anons believing your all powerful when in reality youre absolutely impotent.

When did the ATF jump from being part of the executive branch to being a legislative body that can create laws?

Also, buying solvent traps and filing paperwork is the most common way that people make their own suppressors and save a whole heap of money in the process since suppressors are terribly overpriced.
They issue "regulations", which I agree is bullshit. That power comes from laws passed by Congress and Congress allows them regulatory authority about certain things. It's the same as say the FCC issuing regulations about radio waves, cell signals, etc. The interpretation of the NFA, GCA, etc are left to the ATF for all gray areas, and of course, they feel that there are plenty of gray areas.

For an excellent example of this bullshit, look at open-bolt semi autos, which are banned post 86 as being MGs. Semi auto machinegun. Think about that insanity.

Oh I know, I was just being facetious.

That level of power they wield is ridiculous.

Lots of people in this thread don't know what entrapment is. Entrapment is NOT when the feds pretend to be a shady seller selling you illegal firearm components. Otherwise, undercover drug stings would be entrapment, and they're not.
Entrapment is when a cop/fed coaxes you into committing a crime that you would never have committed without their influence. If you buy an illegal suppressor kit from a fed on Amazon, that's not entrapment, and you are subject to prosecution.

Everyone that post on Jow Forums is in a secret jew prison deep in Alaska.


You can make a list of any names you want. You can also stockpile as many guns as you want. I seriously doubt there was a preamble to his list of names saying "hey this is my list of individuals i plan on shooting with all the guns in the other room and the ALMOST 1000 rounds of ammo" lel shitty post by statist mcnigger.

if it hits lgbt