I don't get why our soldiers are so oppressed and constrained by so many stupid rules. We're not allowed to kill civilians, we're not allowed to loot, we're not allowed to take women as War trophies and rape them like all soldiers have done in the past, we're not allowed to execute captured terrorists or captured enemy forces and make an example out of them for fighting against the will of the United States, we're not allowed to round up suspected insurgents without being accused of war crimes in human rights violations whatever that means. And we're not being allowed to wage war as how War historically has been waged. There's a reason why it's called War it's bloody people die. So why aren't we allowed to fight like it's War?
Why can't war be what it is supposed to be? Like war
>"You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18."
its called common god damn courtesy, to prevent escalation of such things on both sides, so that things are better off for both parties involved
you dont want that crap to happen to your own men, so you sure as hell dont want to invite the enemy to do so by doing it yourself
Liberals and other weaklings whined until the U.N. made up imaginary rules for fucking war
War is hell. Don’t fight if you don’t want violence.
war is hell, but that doesnt mean stupidly inviting brutality to your own men
but at the very least take some damn steps to ensure as many of your men make it home in one piece as possible
there is almost zero reason to commit any of the things you mentioned above and a million reasons not to
Nukes and do to others as you would have them do to you.
Too many people would die on either side which would lead to miner regional powers being able to overpower the countrys that started the war.
Most of war isn't actually fighting. it's waiting around until one side gets ambushed.
>And we're not being allowed to wage war as how War historically has been waged. There's a reason why it's called War it's bloody people die. So why aren't we allowed to fight like it's War?
Do you think that war has looked like Lord of the rings battles or Band of Brothers?
>We're not allowed to kill civilians, we're not allowed to loot, we're not allowed to take women as War trophies and rape them like all soldiers have done in the past,
Because most people arn't brutal savages and because of humans are killing averse from the get go.
Jesus Christ how edgy. Are you seriously claiming you want people to suffer more? For innocents to die? Children, parents and families to be burned and tortured to death? Entire cities emptied and nations genocided?
Life is suffering, don't live unless you don't want to watch your family tortured to death.
If you torture the enemy and fuck him up hard enough he’ll submit. The key to pacification is overwhelming cruelty.
>Liberals and other weaklings whined until the U.N. made up imaginary rules for fucking war
You mean the Hague and Geneva Convention? Those are both separate from UN.
Do you even know what the UN does?
Who user, that's so dark... you're so mature for your age!
Humans are fine with murder, rape, and torture against out groups
>The key to pacification is overwhelming cruelty.
Alexander the great, certain roman emperors and countless kings and Queens the world over have shown that's not the case.
If you're an insane person then yes. But most humans want nothing to do with those things because those things are awful.
That’s the idea. War is about utterly destroying the enemy.
Only in your autistic fantasies, you underageb& sperg.
>The key to pacification is overwhelming cruelty.
"Why is the enemy fighting us, sir?"
"Well, they believe that we're a bunch of assholes that have oppressed them, prevented them from moving up in life, and interfered with their customs all without remorse or apparent remediation."
"Well then why are we fighting them? Doesn't it make more sense to help them to some degree, keeping in mind that we can't be completely friendly as we've just killed thousands of them and they have us?"
"Nah let's kill more of them, that'll fix it!"
- Saigon, South Vietnam, 1969
Liberal pussy is liberal
>Are you seriously claiming you want people to suffer more? For innocents to die? Children, parents and families to be burned and tortured to death? Entire cities emptied and nations genocided?
Literally yes. Name one thing wrong with any of the above.
>War is about utterly destroying the enemy.
Not really, take away their ability to wage war in a controlled but measured way (decapitation strikes, targeting C3, economic sanctions) will do more than wanton destruction ever could.
We could have won Vietnam if the liberals let us invade the North and exterminate the VC networks (families and friends) completely
No its not you retard. War is a extension of politics, a means to get your way when diplomacy has failed. Selling death and destruction is simply how you get the proles on board with the idea, not the point of the exercise.
>Liberal pussy is liberal
What does being liberal have to do with not wanting to murder and commit other atrocities? Norman Schwarzkopf nearly ran for Senator on a Republican ticket in the mid 90s. He was a known conservative whose number 1 goal in the Gulf War was to make the war as decisive and as short as possible. He did this by prioritizing precision strikes against regime and high level military targets.
So you basically want to be just like any other fascist/communist empire without any ethics, and reduce the US soldier to the level of a common criminal. Got it.
I know that you war hawks basically don't really care about american principles or integrity, but as you sit there comfortable in your bed, having never actually produced anything of substance in your life and being terrified of actual conflict to the point where you would wet yourself if your life was actually in danger, there are people out there who had to show integrity even while their lives were being threatened, and be better than the people that they were fighting. If they weren't, we wouldn't be on top today because everyone would have turned against us.
But there's more and more of you every day, insufferable oxygen thieves who don't care about America doing the right thing, of being a champion of democracy and human rights. People who are really only Americans by virtue of birth, with none of the substance or resolve that actually made this country good. So it might have been pointless after all. Maybe you should be thrown into a conflict zone in the middle east, and we'll see how well you do without any of those pesky human rights to prevent war from being waged with its full savagery.
>we could have won Vietnam if we made the Chinese invade again
What Vietnam is now, you should have been aiming for back then.
Absolutely rekt, just go back home to mother's tendies OP
>We could have won Vietnam if the liberals let us invade the North and exterminate the VC networks (families and friends) completely
Not even, the heavy handed tactics (and everything terrible about them) started coming around after the US stopped listening to the Special Forces and CIA guys on the ground about how to fight the war and deployed the heavy guns.
On the contrary, overwhelming cruelty will light an unquenchable fire in the heart of the enemy and they'll fight you to the death of their people, because you've showed submission to be the inferior option. The only way to pacification is to prove submission is an acceptable choice for the common man. Bread and circus with a side of stability will bring the majority to your side, leaving only the dwindling numbers of extremist ideologues.
>Name one thing wrong with any of the above.
Aside from moral objections, it's far from the most effective way of conducting war. Through mass destruction with no regard for conventions, you cause retaliation against your own people, cause discord amongst your population as well as anti-war sentiments, destroy economical power in the region and ascertain that if you lose the war you will be utterly devastated, your cities destroyed, people genocided.
The different conventions of war exist to keep the stakes and results of war as low as possible. Without them escalation would have risen to mutually assured destruction where any war at all would be a matter of genocide and civilizational collapse. Either we have war limited by conventions, or we all fucking die.
Humanity (Western Civilization in particular) is trying to escape a violent and animalistic past. The idea is to move forward and not regress into jungle nigger tendencies. Also; you think the Assyrians, Romans, etc would have been as brutal if they had access to first world amenities back home, a broader understanding of what humans can accomplish, and 2000 years of Jew theology telling them that they will burn in hell forever if they rape and maim? Stop making this shit posts you under age retard. Use a little bit of critical thinking. It doesn't take a lot to make neurons reach action potential.
None of the dipshits who whine about the UN on this board know what it does.
All they do is complain like little bitches whenever the US gets condemned by the UN, but a lot of the time, it's for breaking rules that we put there, so we really have nobody to blame but ourselves.
What I always find funny about you kind of people is on one hand you'll talk about the necessity of war and wiping out "the enemy" with acts of unspeakable cruelty (but like, it's totally needed tho guiz) then in the same breath talk about fighting against some invading army with your shitty AR build and somehow surviving and winning decisively without a hint of fucking irony....
>None of the dipshits who whine about the UN on this board know what it does.
They should, it's an international forum that allows nations to bring their disagreements to open and fair discussion instead of sperging out, actually believing their own Kool Aid and starting a war which they then lose and blame on the very people they wanted to fight in the first place.
It's like people don't even know that the UN has been the reason that warfare and general shitty lives have been on the decrease in the Post War era (not to mention the expanse of capitalism with an investment on human capital)
You've never been in a fight in your life, let alone fought in a war. Shut up. You're not impressing anyone with your edge. What you're broadcasting to everyone is that if you were on the other end of any of these things you promote, you would die pathetically, screaming for your mother, without any dignity.
God you're a fucking dumbass. We didn't want to rule Vietnam you stupid fucking cocksucker, the whole point was to underprop the South Vietnamese to the point where they could rule their own country and the VC would be weakened. We weren't looking for colonial assets, and there was nothing to be gained from having direct control over Vietnam, we were looking to build an ally that would stop the spread of communism from going further. The thing is, when you start committing heinous atrocities like My Lai, the people that are on the fence start joining the VC, and at that point, exterminating all of them becomes logistically impossible due to sheer numbers. So it isn't just that you're morally wrong, you're also just stupid and didn't think it out practically either.
>because you've showed submission to be the inferior option. The only way to pacification is to prove submission is an acceptable choice for the common man. Bread and circus with a side of stability will bring the majority to your side, leaving only the dwindling numbers of extremist ideologues.
This, this, a hundred times this.
Here, have a Pasradan RPG bike for your trouble.
>t. ISIS
god, the worst part is if you were in my squad i wouldn t be allowed to decimate you by cheating with the straws
This. To successfully wipe out a people, you first need to get them to surrender their weapons and stand at a point of submissiveness, and it is only then can you do any of your edgy genocidal fantasies.
The US took out the natives by appealing to their good natures and sucker-punching them when they weren't looking, after all. As did the Arabs in their conquest of the Middle East.
Bacause most wars are fought over territory and the populations within them. If you treat the other side like shit and try to exterminate/rape/torture them, they will continue to resist for decades or centuries to come, (you raped my mom/sister.wife, etc) making your gains pretty useless. The best wars are short and cause as little damage as possible, allowing you to loot/make use of/become allies with what you have captured. Compare 1941-44 German oocupation methods in the East to the post war occupation methods in 1945-1989 West Germany.
Because most people aren't raging barbarians and also because military law exists to lessen suffering on the battlefield. Also,you do realize that soldiers still occasionally steal crap even now. Right,OP?
Because US international goals and policies aren't devised by edgy 17 year olds.
If American forces acted the way you think they should act, world opinion would quickly turn USA into a pariah state.
>so lets just nuke eryyoneXDDDDD
It's something magic and amazing called discipline: armies of the past have literally been caught with their pants down by enemy forces because they were too busy fucking/looting/killing the civilian population to notice an ambush or an encirclement. Allow it to go rampant and effectively you're giving the enemy a fine fucking opportunity to smash down your back doors and buttfuck you.
>US took out natives
No it didn't.
Join ISIS then you fucking edgelord faggot, because they're exactly what you're looking for.
Yeah yeah whatever, Tom. Stop skipping school or you won't get any presents for your 15'th birthday.
Fighting in WW2: Better fucking level half of Europe with massive incendiary attacks, specifically designed to 'dehouse' entire cities. When civilians bar their town and shoot at you, you raze the whole place with artillery. Let's not ignore the nukes, or the firestorms in Japan.
Fighting in Korea: drop more HE than in all of WW2, giving an entire country a throbbing hate-boner for the next 70 years.
DESU, I'm amazed that Iraq and Afghanistan still exist, considering the US's track record.
Ah yes, how could we forget the massive and flourishing reservations.
don't project your personal shittyness on all other soldiers through history people like you are the reason we still have to have the death sentence
I can think of at least one person who disagrees with you there.
>Fighting in WW2: Better fucking level half of Europe with massive incendiary attacks, specifically designed to 'dehouse' entire cities. When civilians bar their town and shoot at you, you raze the whole place with artillery. Let's not ignore the nukes, or the firestorms in Japan.
not to excuse american decisions, but they were generally carried out under the cold but rational decision to destroy german industry and infrastructure by any means necessary even if there was heavy collateral damage
because shortening the war by damaging their ability to wage war would save more lives in the long run
it was an unpleasant and cold decision, and not always justified, but there was a rational behind it and it wasnt a decision they took lightly
however, they generally took good care of their prisoners, making a point to adhere to the geneva convention whenever possible
many german prisoners received more calories in prison than they did on the field
they also tried to take prisoners whenever they could and generally tried to avoid killing surrendering troops, whenever it could be enforced at least
they may not have always made the best choice, or the right choice, and they had their fair share of psychos and sociopaths who would engage in or encourage such atrocities
but in general they tried very hard to avoid the worst of them
>tfw we cant saturation bomb every target with cluster nukes
The UN is force vaccinating everybody and working for the illuminati.
This. /thread
Because you aren't fighting a normal war to take land and resources for your people or to defend yourself from an enemy that wants your land and resources. You are mercenaries whose people is not allowed to have a nation of their own and is due for extinction fighting for billionaires to meet the goals of their little pet nation they've created for their own people in the middle east.
Because that's all ineffective and even counterproductive in a COIN operation. Except
>we're not allowed to execute captured terrorists
In the field we handed them off to ANA/ISF and they took them to a ditch.
>The UN is force vaccinating everybody and working for the illuminati.
The reason your asshole is sore is I astraly project my cock into your ass every night while you are asleep. I'm not in the illumanati either, I just like ghost fucking your ass because I have a fetish for sexually dominating simpletons who believe utter shite
>In the field we handed them off to ANA/ISF and they took them to a ditch.
Well you see you are nota allowed to hand over prisoners if you know they are going to be mistreated, summarily executed etc. For a start you are fucking over your own intelligence people by denying them a potential asset and second you are show horning yourself into being an accomplice to war crimes. ROE for ISSAF does not allow you to do that with any exception for being thrown in front of a military tribunal. Do you want to rephrase your tale now?
That rationale doesn't stop it from happening. And handing them off to an allied force is within guidelines. Usually the threat of it alone got them to comply.
If that means nobody has polio and equally terrible diseases, that's fine by me
Imagine being this autistic
Imagine licking schlomo's boots this hard
>billionaires to meet the goals of their little pet nation they've created for their own people in the middle east.
Wtf does this even mean? Pet nation? Have you ever been to the fucking middle east? Nobody wants that pet senpai
Holy shit OP.
diseases are good, they kill people who are too dumb to get vaccinated
prove me wrong
Lol. How can you be on Jow Forums and not know who he means.
>handing over captured terrorists to the legitimate armed forces of the host nation is a war crime
LMAO try prosecuting anyone for that, you'll get nowhere.
God I can smell the autism from you already.
we have found the stupid jew.
I know you are a sociopath because you are jew but please leave this board and don't come back like .. never. never come back.
read iliad,priam and achilles at the end.
Stupid basedman
Based and redpilled
As much as I love some of the well thought-out replies in this thread, the topic is Jow Forums and should go.
Yup, Apocalypse Now was a great movie.
Sometimes I wonder if the first world is too soft. These people sit and reap the benefits from the hardships of generations past, sitting fat and comfortable without contributing anything of substance.
No one who has had to experience the horrors of war would wish for the things these edgelords do. I don't know if it is a failure of society that people (I would put money on upper-middle class) can come to think like this, but one way or another, it has to be corrected.
Let them dream. Let them be the first to die when we eventually get into a bigger conflict than just dealing with proxy wars. Either way, the problem will take care of itself. It always has.
Ok I’ll bite, that isn’t true because it will motivate them to fight more fearlessly.
Retard, the goal is not to completely destroy the enemy, it is to convince the enemy that fighting wouldn’t be worth it. Infrastructure must remain intact or there will be no plunder.
We did a war like that back in 1914 and after that the civilians who survived started taking over governments and demanding that soldiers stop raping and burning all thier shit.
The powers that really fight wars are not constrained. What you're seeing is chains on the dogs of war. This is to protect the plunder for the owners of those dogs.
PTB want wage slavery, absolute compliance and loosh from conquered peoples. Wastelands are poor providers of Adrenochrome.
Oh wow, I thought I might find some like minded INDIVIDUALS but clearly I was wrong. It seems that liberal propaganda and "values" are adhered even by those who claim they believe in the cause. I see no men here, only pussified robots who cant swallow the truth of efficient warfare. Youre the reason why we had to retreat from Vietnam, youre the reason why were are losing war on drugs.
To keep this text clear, Im going to refer Jow Forums as "you" and the genius entity as "us"'
Basically, you make our lives harder than it ever has to be. Our abilities may be different, but the mindset and early adoption of pure logic is what should have had remained throughout the species. So when we know the answer to the ((question)) nobody else acknowledges, should we suffer from it? It may be hard to imagine but the foundation of our world is the very logic that runs your world too, nothing more and nothing less.
However you choose to close your eyes to that logic. Hiding behind feelings and its inducted weakness youre too afraid to crush your enemy. Afraid that it might haunt you in the future, just because youre a slave to your caveman brains. However we are something better, we know that war is about destruction and satisfaction of our carnal senses. You might claim that the enemy wins if we kill him but thats all bullshit, we kill the enemy and we win. We destroy their lives and we win. There is no arguing about this.
>based clausewitz poster
Whole lotta words to say a whole lotta nothing.
The rules of war as they are now are based on mankinds (particularly Europe) experience in the Great War and WW2.
You have not had this experience, and thus do not understand the reasoning that it is based on.
Go and do some research on one or both of those conflicts (proper research, not skim reading wikipedia and shitposting on /his/) and if you are clever enough you may well figure out where all this came from on your own.
Rules of war were made by the victor to upkeep status quo, to defang the loser so he would not take out his revenge. Only the meek abide by those rules.
Also, funny for you to say that when no real warrior, soldier or combatant created those rules. It was the penpushers who wrote them, real men know no need
When did this idea that savages were better at killing the enemy than professional soldiers?
Not a bunch of jiggaboo nig nogs running amok and inviting the local population to join your enemy or immbittering them for generations to come, jesus fucking christ read a book on war you stupid little shit.
Thats why "we" dont do it anymore. Now go to bed timmy tardfuck its time to cuck your dad.
Still wasn't rape, pillage, and burn. Exploding military targets that "civilians" who are directly supplying the enemy military are too stubborn to evacuate is perfectly legitimate.
Those "civilians" were in fact, non-lawful combatants.
Afghanistan has no infrastructure to bomb, so the point is moot.
>Do you even know what the UN does?
absolutely nothing
gee what could go wrong with that type of unrestricted warfare
You sound fat
Anybody who hates the U.S should probably swallow this redpill. Any other empire in history would've subjugated the entire planet if they were capable. We just sit here and slowly rot from the inside out like retarded niggers.
>t. Discord tranny
t. Some underage faggot who hasn't even been punched in the nose yet
Real war is shitty enough, we don't need to make it any worse.
Your community college probably has a public lecture by the resident foreign policy professor who will go over the basics of war, sovereignty, and interacting in the international systems.
Learn more about "The Huns" in WW1 and you will learn how doing things "the old way" feeds the propaganda machine that turns neutral countries against you.
I recommend the WW1 hardcore history for anyone who hasn't heard it. It's a nice summary of a complex war
Based and Americapilled
what fascist country did the edge shit OP described
Unless you go for all-out genocide in quick fast sweeping instance, you’re going to rally the fuck out of the enemy populace. Not to mention kick up some shit with your own. Let’s not forget other nations around you. If you go full retard, the other nations will become very nervous on how you’ll treat them as well. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing a coalition built up to come at you. Unless you nuke everything and everyone, then congrats on fucking up everything.
>I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.
This comes from a man that actually did what you're talking about, OP.
>mfw this thread