Was there any part in the war where it fucking sucked to be a vietcong

Was there any part in the war where it fucking sucked to be a vietcong

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I'd imagine around that time some USGI smokes you out with a flamethrower

It always sucked to be vietcong. They died in droves, and lived in unimaginable conditions while they were still alive.

Probably the entire time

The moment the war ended and they went back to their normal lives

>Was there any part in the war where it didn’t fucking suck to be a vietcong


All of it, I would imagine

>live in dark tunnels in the middle of a murder-jungle
>only have used, heavy slavshit the Russians didn't want anymore, and used heavy chinkshit the chinks didn't want anymore
>no air support, no artillery support, no armor support, no body armor, no transport vehicles, walk everywhere and the only weapons you have are what you're holding
>eat only rice and you're thin as a pole
>the enemy has everything you don't, tanks, jets, flamethrowers, transports, shoes, rifles that don't weight 12 pounds, some body armor, and they're bigger and stronger than you
>get brutally killed again and again by these foreigners, can't even fight them conventionally
>have to resort to setting primitive traps in the jungle and spraying at them from behind and running away
>eventually the enemy decides that war is bad and goes home to smoke pot
>celebrate that you beat the unbeatable foreigners
>the party has you executed via firing squad because you were an expendable asset all along

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I bet it was fucking awesome being a Vietcong. You have no iPhones nagging you, no Jewish media indoctrinating your youth and subverting anything that might remotely be good. There are no such things as SJWs or Federal Reserve Banks or Jewish cuck porn producers or multiculturalism or Globalism and no one is encouraging you to cut your dick off and call yourself Sally. These bad ass mutherfucking insectoid gooks had nothing to do but to literally go fight for their fucking country and families and friends and literally not one fucking thing else. And these supergooks were the underdog and they knew it and yet they still knew they had to fucking win no matter what! What is not winning to them? This idea of not winning is so unimaginably and foreign to them that not a single slanty eye does it cross. All day err day these guys got to wake up and fight the bad guys. They ate, slept and shit fighting off the American imperialist. They had everything to lose and everything to win. Sounds fucking awesome.

Based schizo back at it.

Operation Linebacker II

>the american way of thinking

We were just stoned from the 60's through the 80's dude.
>let's light this jungle on fire with our plane-mounted gasoline jelly to fight communism
>let's make space lasers to shoot nukes out of the sky
>let's commit government funding to dropping acid

Could you explain that expendable part more at the end? I'm not caught up on my history.

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>Tfw you go home from hiding inna tunnel with the bros, playing with guns, fighting Americans, and operating inna jungle to farm rice again

Kennedy could've prevented this, he was the last straw.

who is this, please

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>Was there any part in the war where it fucking sucked to be a vietcong

the tet offensive
After that the viet cong were effectively wiped out, in fact it may have been a deliberate cunning ploy to ensure that the NVA alone ran the show from then on and there were no armed south Vietnamese elements left to inconvenience the northern administration

Same thing that happened in 1917
>insurgency fighting for communism has two types of people
>one is just your basic bitch soldier, in this case the average NVA conscript
>other type leads them, your black pajama-clad viet cong funnel dweller
>the conscripts don't do any thinking and are just blunt tools, they go home or continue to serve if they didn't die in the war
>viet cong are dangerous to the authority because they know shit and can lead people, they're shot because they threaten the balance of power
Really the best place to be in any communist power structure is the average grunt. Any lower and you're fully at the government's mercy. Any higher and you risk getting assassinated by your political rivals. The grunts just do what they're told and are the first person that food goes to after the leadership gets some.

They probably didn't think it was too bad due to their standards of living before the war.
Generations have been fighting people for decades, they probably enjoyed the suck

>No iPhones
Because they're the ones building them

All of it

>>lose every major engagement
>>underequipped and undersupplied
>>living like rats in tunnels inna jungle
>>"victory" only when America gets bored and leaves

I respect them for never giving up but damn did they get BTFO every time they turned around. Their victory was one of sheer cussedness.

Le Duan and supporters legitimately thought the Tet Offensive would yield them military victory in 1968, and that was its primary purpose. COSVN and its associated groups had always been a bit too independent for the central VWP leadership's liking, so diminishing the power of the NLF would be a welcome outcome of the operation.

Nikki Bella from WWE.


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I recall some power struggle between north and south communists but he is exaggerated.