Is there anything more pathetic than eurofags spending $1000 on an airsoft gun and talking about how its almost as loud...

Is there anything more pathetic than eurofags spending $1000 on an airsoft gun and talking about how its almost as loud as a M14 and scares the shit out of other players?

Attached: no guns eurofags.png (1280x812, 2.23M)

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Yea. Me buying a semi-only AR15 with a 16 inch barrel in "The Land of the Free"

no problem bro that can be fixed

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I would have thought airsoft was more popular in the US/Japan.

I own more guns than you and you can't afford them.

I fucked your mother and her mother too.

t. Namibian

Yeah theres a lot of shit more pathetic than that.

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Airsoft is something children do in the US, also running around with toy guns like these is a good way to get shot, by the police, especially now days will huge panic over mass shootings.

>itt: user whines about being poor

Yes, definitely the only reason I spent $1000 on a real Springfield M1A instead of a fake airsoft one for the same exact price is because I'm poor. Makes perfect sense.

t. Costs €800 for a basic bitch Savage Axis.

Lol poorfag

I'm surprised your minder let you spend your tardbux on a gun. Did you screech and threaten to hold your breath until you turned blue? Tell the truth; I know you won't.

Why the hell would you do that? Savage makes pretty okay rifles, but y'all have got some good domestic manufacturers, too.

>tfw living in France and American guns are two times more expensive here than the US MSRP

Oh you want that sub $900 Marlin 1895 SBL? It's 2000€ here thanks.
Oh you want that sub $300 10/22 takedown? That will be 710€ thanks a lot.

Fuck this country. Seriously.
I can't stand being a yuropoor anymore, earning lower wages, yet paying more taxes, paying more for housing, for every product. We are like third worlders compared to the US.

just American guns? pretty much everything new is expensive
>tfw spaghettinigger
oh you want that basic bitch Beretta 96/98 (92s are illegal here because reasons) that sells for 700 shekels overseas? that'll be 1k cuckcoins plus transfer fees, thank you
oh you want that 600 dollar Block? that'll be 11000 eurobux plus shipping
thank the Jow Forumsube for (relatively) cheap slavshit and the used market, at least

airsoft is pathetic regardless of where you do it.

claiming "euros can't have guns" is spreading literal fake news. OP, you are the problem.

>look at this cope

Attached: 1489910252257.png (665x465, 115K)

>he bought the shitty cast receiver springshit

>didn't buy the JRA

wew, added a digit too many to the Block part, but you get the idea

True, everything is more expensive. Not just guns for that matter.

It's even worse, as the common man in Spaghettiland has roughly a third of the income of the stock retard in the US, without even considering VAT and random taxes.

Thank God for the used market, imagine having to pay 600 bucks for your garden variety .22 plinker.

Yeah the top photo totally wasn't staged whatsoever

Is there anything more pathetic than airsoft?

Yeah, I think American talking about their guns like it makes them something special and better than Eurofags is kinda pathetic.
It's just a gun man, anyone can buy one. It doesn't require intelligence, or training, or skill or talent or even strength.
You're just a fag with a gun, thinking he's somehow better than a fag without one.

t. Not a european.

Well i dont know from what country you are from, but here lot of the old military surplus rifles are cheaper, german autistspacemagic rifles dont cost internal body parts, used norinco 56 are around 300€ here, used to have saigas and veprs too like 500€ but since whole europe russian panty pulling eachother things went shit and we dont have russian aks anymore on market, when in america you have to pay thousands to get them. Guns maybe semi/ converted semi but hey i wouldnt use auto anyway.

t. Nogunz

it does though, because the founders trusted the people, the US has the lowest prices for some of the most world restricted weapons and in lots of states you can carry them on your person in public and legally defend yourself with them.
You see yurofriends post here daily speaking of the hoops and taxes they have to go through to get guns and ammunition, how hard it is to find a place to shoot them, and how some of them cant even legally use them for self defense in most situations and you still dont realize how special you were to be born somewhere that at least pretends to respect your rights.
very disrespectful to all country's gun hobbyist user.

>Europeans get extremely pissy that people make fun of them for playing with toys.

Atleast i don't get shot because some triggerhappy cop thought I'm armed.

Also in case of SHTF I'll be op as shit because I got a rifle and alot of people don't.

Owning an Airshit is a good alternative to getting shot because you killed a bunch of people.

Attached: atf watching.jpg (374x503, 45K)

Don't americans play with this shit too?
That infamous video of a kid getting brrrrrttd from one of these toys is in the US

The kicker there is >kid

>Is there anything more pathetic than eurofags spending $1000 on an airsoft gun and talking about how its almost as loud as a M14 and scares the shit out of other players?

maybe being so offended and triggered by it that you have to bring it up to your 4chin friends and be reassured

Yeah, an American doing the same, but also buying gear for it.
Eurofucks at least have an excuse for their pathetic life, but whenever I see an American with a toy gun, it just boggles my mind.

>he didnt spend $3000+ on a decked our HK rifle

I'm sorry but what the fuck is that supposed to do

>be European
>play a fun game where you shoot other people with airsoft
>to go range and shoot anything you want from WW2 HMG's to HK416 in full auto
>never feel the need to own real gun becasue there is almost 0 crime
>laugh at fat americans dickwaving about their gimped civilian guns and """home defense""" online

Attached: [Aesir-Anxious]_Smile_Precure_-_46_[720p][9D15EAB1].mkv_snapshot_03.34_[2017.11.19_04.27.47].png (1280x720, 1.25M)

Google coat hanger machinegun
And then throw your computer away

>>never feel the need to own real gun becasue there is almost 0 crime
>>>>>>the need
I got your need right here, faggot.

>almost 0 crime
That's a good one, tell us another

> Being this new

It's a full auto sear made from a coat hanger. Designed for ARs

Attached: Screenshot_201810120922222.png (1080x1333, 1.66M)

>OPs pic
>has a camera on his forehead
>another camera over his right shoulder
>yet another camera down the optic
How self-important do you have to be to do this.


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>lives in a nanny state with zero wild animals
>0 crime
>lives in fantasy land
It checks out.

I bet you don't feel the need to own a car since you can use the public transportation too

Attached: orwell-riflequote1.jpg (420x331, 46K)

Everybody use Uber now retard.

How long do these actually last?

>paying someone to drive you somewhere
Do you also pay someone to fuck your wife?

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holy shit it's real.
stop. the bait is too strong.

>How self-important do you have to be to do this.

If you live in a major city uber/lyft can be a legit cheaper option to owning a car if you don't want to put up with it.

>if you don't want to put up with it
>if you don't want to put up with owning a car
Imagine being this spiritually cucked

Good bait

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I do not live in a major city. I do live in NY state and can tell you that not only is there no uber here, there's no lift or any grocery delivery or errand runners for you here... You are reliant on doing everything yourself.

Crying poor fag: The morons defense to spending money on stupid shit

>gov taxes something to unreasonable level making it inaccessible to average person
>"lol dumb americans, we just wait, pay, and rely on someone else"

Someone needs to pay for Ahkmed and his 9 kids and 3 child brides to move in

>>paying someone to drive you somewhere

You mean like how rich people do since cars were invented?

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Letting someone else take the driver's seat is cuckoldry in one of its purest forms.

Holy shit America it's not middle ages.

In exchange for housing and providing a livelihood; yes in the past people had servants.
Do you not have a butler that keeps up your house and maids to clean and stock it too? Fucking poorfag.

Can’t forget about all the niggers and pakis fucking your women and doing mean things to the rest of you

I own a tikka thanks. Neither do I need a pos ruger when I have an Anschutz 527. If you actually bought or owned guns you would know how incredibly cheap good guns are at auction in the UK, France, Germany etc. But you don't you are just some near illiterate in a tracksuit who plays vidya

You are literally retarded. Having your own driver is literally the sigh of riches or noble status since dawn of civilization.

Attached: 763900.jpg (427x185, 20K)

>Can’t forget about all the niggers and pakis fucking your women and doing mean things to the rest of you

I'm in Europe not los angeles or new York living in the American/bong multicultural clusterfuck

Peasant. Call me back when you have a maid and a driver.

How many years have you spent honing your skills with the blade, user?

I hate this, luckily HK guns tend to be the same price as in the US, but thats not saying much considering HK guns are price. But I have no idea why a basic glock here goes for $1000. $15 mags cost easily up to $50 here.

I really love it how burgers who never left their state talk about things they have no idea about and think shit you see on Jow Forums is reality.

I hate to break it to you, but you're a literal cuck if your uber driver is allowed to drive anyone OTHER than just you. If there's no exclusivity, then sorry, but you're a cuckold who probably has open subscriptions to websites like,,
and the classic,

Is this what you tell yourself to cope? Meanwhile in real world people are comfortably riding uber while watching youtube.

Airsoft in general is pretty cringe, especially the shit you see on YouTube that's clickbait advertised to 12 year olds. Nothing wrong with shooting your buddies in the nuts in the woods but it's never just that, always either COD kids larping or 20 something man children

There's simply no need for it because people can take care of themselves.
as said in >it's not the middle ages
>wants servants to care for and pamper them
Kind of contradicting yourself here aren't you?

>You're just a fag with a gun, thinking he's somehow better than a fag without one.
>points gun at nogunfag
>"give me your wallet"
I am now richer and better than the nogun.

New york state has uber you stupid fuck.

>Meanwhile in real world people are comfortably riding uber while watching youtube.
Letting someone drive you so you can watch someone else play video games on youtube.

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 40K)

Not in my area.

>people can take care of themselves

Why waste time? You have to maintain your car, keep it clean, fuel it, insure it. How the hell is that more convenient than calling a dude with your phone?

Yes cars were a status symbol and very important tool in XX century. But times change. In few decades everyone will be using self driving electric cars you call with an app.

>believing the app propaganda

Because sometimes I drive very short distances and sometimes I drive very long distances? Why would anyone stand around waiting for someone else to show up and make shitty small talk while they charge you 5 dollars to go half a mile?

I like having a cleaner, she's Brazilian 32 supplies her own vacuum and has great tits and also does the ironing. I have a Romanian who cuts the hedges and does the gardens and a girl from china who does waitressing and kitchen when I have guests in a maids outfit. You are a fucking pleb. They are glad of the work and I like having a comfortable life

Give it a generation, friend :’)

>In few decades everyone will be using self driving electric cars you call with an app.
>you don't actually own the cars
Who owns the cars user. The people? Is this a socialist future you're hoping for?.. They'll be 'free' too, right?

>need to own real gun
People like you make me so glad my ancestors moved to america

You ever put your dick in the help?

>its not the middle ages
>lives like it's the middle ages

So in America if you have a decent income, you spend your time driving, mowing your lawn, ironing and vacuuming and cleaning your toilet? I thought you had Mexicans or something?

Why wouldn’t you?

This so much. Nothing beats little asian maids.

>You ever put your dick in the help?

Nope, I remain a polite courteous distance away. They do get me Christmas cards. I have a bondie for dick maintenance (although it kinda turns me on when she bosses the Chinese girl around) and had a thai who used come around and do massage but got bored of her. The Chinese girl *hates* the blondie. Its all very entertaining. Servants are great.

As the French user can attest to, the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen declares;
>The most sacred right, is the right to resist oppression.

Big corps like Uber. Why do you think them or Google invests so much in self driving tech?

While you were out partying, I was mastering the block chain

>I wirr rezist gobbimint!

Yeah sure. I'm sure your semi AR-15 will help when Abrams arrive.

>that euro-poor cope

>Is this what you tell yourself to cope? Meanwhile in real world people are comfortably riding my wife while I'm watching youtube.

Asking who owned the cars was rhetorical user. It was to get you to admit that you don't want people to have private property and don't think anyone NEEDS to have anything.
>why own a car you have uber
>why go shopping just order it
>why get married just have the kid
>why have a gun there are police

How do you know those websites, user?

Why are americans so obsessed with cuck crap?