Wolf defence

Last night I went hunting with my dad I densely populated farm area in Europe and saw a wild wolves just outside someone's home. They've been slowly taking over the place for years now and killing them is still illegal. How can one protect himself against them hiking or sleeping innawods without risking their loicense and guns confiscated by police for the time of self defense investigation?

Attached: European_grey_wolf_in_Prague_zoo(2).jpg (800x879, 154K)

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>in Europe
Take out your government provided prayer mat and ask Allah to smite the wolves down

Pee on them to establish dominance.

Wolves are just free doggos. They have chosen a life of freedom in exchange for no belly rubs. We should respect their decision.

But what if they decide to eat tendies from my backpack when I leave it on the beach to swim in a lake?


Can you guys get bear spray or a large can of pepper spray over there?

Do you imagine that if you kill the wolf a policeman will suddenly materialize and take you to jail? Just don't get caught. Should be easy.

This post restored my faith in humanity

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Sorry OP but if you can’t spell the word “defense” then I feel like you’re the one that needs to be culled

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Illegal unless you're hunting, and hunting wolves is illegal anyway

>Buying, posessing or carrying pepper spray

>Carrying a knife
If it is single-edged and below a certain size it is techinally legal to carry a knife, unless the police decides it's illegal in which case it's an offense (I'm not joking)

You have to write down every hunting trip in register beforehand and there's not much of people roaming around with guns anyway. If some farmer finds dead wolf and decide to be dick about it they will come to you.
No bully pls

Just shoot it, and dont report it.

Carry a folding shovel, duh.

Move from your shitty country

>How can one protect himself against wolves when hiking or sleeping innawods?

They wont attack you if you're a fit and calm person with a plan. I.e. campfire, whistle, rocks, firework
If you're fat, old and/or panicky then Darwin.
Any attacker looks for an easy target with as little risk as possible. If there is other wildlife around wolves will find something cripple or dumb there.

Attached: hfOS2cO.jpg (750x766, 137K)

reads to me as if the wolves are the least of your problems. better take care of the "wolves" in your .gov


Probably will get you bitten, but it'd be worth it.

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The only true answers in this thread.
Shoot on sight and bury in quarters. Generously cut around the wounds.

how about you dont tell anyone if you kill one?
shoot and scoot. twig pigs are not fucking omnipotent.

We don't have natural wolves here, so that's a plus
On the other hand there's not a single party in favor of gun rights so we won't be getting those either

And even if possession became legal, the prices are kind of ridiculous

$1500 for a Remington 700 VTR
$1300 for a bone stock M&P15
$900+ for a stock G17
$825 for a standard M&P9
$740 for a second hand Mossberg 835

Don't know if average U.S. prices are supposed to be over or under MSRP, but fair to say our prices are probably on the high side