Anti-poaching guerrilla operations sounds like the most exciting modern operating:

Anti-poaching guerrilla operations sounds like the most exciting modern operating:
>bilateral support from across the world
>objectively the Good Guy
>no one cares what you do to the enemy
>jungle/bush warfare

Attached: itstimetokickassandsavepandas.png (628x571, 139K)

Fuck animals and fuck vegans.

Fuck you, animals are rad. Fuck vegans too though.

Vegans yes, but animals don't deserve anything. Like red pandas, they're basically retarded and they deserve protection because of it.
>inb4 natural selection

Vegans are presumably the ones bitching in that buzzfeed article, cuz even the comments are full of leftists saying 'cool, fuck poachers, get em WWF'. This isn't about eating meat, this is about chinks harvesting rare birds to grind their beaks up for some voodoo medicine bullshit, shit like that.

>ywn traipse through the rainforest in an old land rover with a FAL blasting poachers in a WWF sponsored bushwar
>panda patches hastily sewn onto surplus brushstroke

I have no problem with hunting I'm pro hunting provided you eat it. Killing adorable animals just for their fur is fucking disgusting. Or even worse just wounding them so you can cut chunks of their body off with a chainsaw so you can leave them slowing dying from infection as they howl in agony. I fully support poachers getting whatever these people give em.

some leftists try to push the
>muh impoverished poacher
line but nobody really buys it

everyone hates poaching

>>objectively the Good Guy
>>no one cares what you do to the enemy
wrath is a sin

Im pro-hunting well managed animals so long as you legally take them.
I dont care what you do to the body so long as you dont hunt something to extinction.

>doing it on your own dollar
>at risk of a multitude of diseases at all times, but most at risk of contracting malaria, hepatitis and/or AIDS
>nobody cares what happens to you, 50/50 chance your corpse will be cooked and eaten
>living with niggers
Sounds fucking terrible

that sounds fucking awesome, they can sell tags for poachers the way they do for lions or other dangerous game

as the world's nihilism increases, we get closer and closer to just setting up a two way range for shits and giggles

This is pretty basic shit that can bring us all together. I think it's fair to handle pokitrainers that got on the wrong Chan and got hot on collecting animal penises with discretion.

Side note who's on board with shooting invasive species? There needs to be a law, that rewards invasive species hunters.

But most importantly, Fuck jannies.

Attached: nuck figgers.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

>local gov deciding you're a threat anytime they want
>local gouvernement can make your life hell in general
>eternally poor
>clowns try to get good boy points but just fuck around take larping pictures and leave

Hunting The Most Dangerous Game isn't supposed to be easy user.

How would one go about contacting these groups? For scientific purposes of course

>Golly, Pandas are rare
>Let’s just kill every fucking single one of them
>There are more pandas why am I poor :,(
Why do people think like this

Same as any funky shit
Do you have environnement management, international law, niggety nog background? Do you know anyone? What do you bring to the table another local triggerpuller wouldn't?
Are you ready to get buttfucked once you come home because you did shady shit?

In a lot of cases, citing CA here, invasive species hunts are pretty unregulated. You can take any amount of Eurasian dove as they are invasive


>Are you ready to get buttfucked once you come home because you did shady shit?

Except you won't because they can't prove you shot some chinaman or nigger halfway across the world in some desolate plain trying to protect a group of Pangolins.

I'm sorry, am I supposed to feel bad for poachers?

Literally ask any veteran of bush/jungle warfare and they will tell you it is the worst on this earth.

Jungle warfare looks cool until it's 50°C, 100% humidity, you're carrying 70kg on your back hacking through solid jungle in the pouring rain, mosquitos are in your mouth, nose, ears and eyeballs 24/7, all of your clothes and sleeping bag have soaked through, your feet are rotting in your boots, the insides of your legs are raw and bloody from chafing, every cut is infected, your weapon is going orange with rust, comms are always down...and at any time you could walk into an ambush or booby trap and die, or worse be in excruciating pain being carried out of triple canopy jungle for hours until the ame chopper picks you up.

Anyone who shits on French or US/AUS/NZ 'nam vets because they disagree with the war, or Apartheid bush war vets, Portuguese in Angola/mozam or Rhodesians etc. is a piece of shit. Blame govt for conscripting 18y/o and sending them to the epitome of suffering.

lynch yourself negroid

Nice try, Liberal faggot

Fuck peta fags this gives me an excuse to go poach petafags while hunting animals out of season to put into my freezer for food.

>The paramilitary guys are Peta fags
>I'll be able to kill them without getting myself killed or beaten to death in jail
>Mmm rhinoceros meat. Can't wait to put this in my freezer to eat later.

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Natural Selection says otherwise

So after reading this all: besides the torture and individual crimes committed by the rangers, most of the things the WWF is accused of doing seem to be more or less unavoidable.

I mean how the fuck are you supposed to fight a trans-continental undeclared war against what amount to armed insurgents & raiders without basic resources like dark money, weapons, and intelligence?

Besides nuking China, that is.

Attached: WWFsSecretWar_Buzzfeed.jpg (1104x5087, 1.38M)


Poachers are almost universally niggers. Are you saying you don't want to legally hunt them and mount them on your wall? Maybe convince the locals that poacher blood is voodoo or some shit so you can sell them back to the market.

this dumb nigger actually doesn't give a shit about the environment and the natural order of things.

Attached: he watches on high.png (579x440, 292K)

god aint real

They're an invasive pest, like boars, or rats. But culling their populations and eventually smoking out their sources, the rangers are doing great deeds helping the environment.
Suffer them not to live.

>Fuck animals
This is Jow Forums, so yes.
>and fuck vegans.

Daily reminder if you don’t care about animals and the environment you’re worse than the worst nigger.

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U miss spelled fun

>Literally ask any veteran of bush/jungle warfare and they will tell you it is the worst on this earth.

I'm Flip and I have buddies in the Military. They say they'd prefer their usual junglefights with insurgents than have another urban shitfight like Marawi or Zamboanga.

The way they explained it is like this: in Jungle warfare, you'e all at least on the same "plane" so to speak. You're enemy would almost always be just behind some tree, foliage, or whatever. With urban war its not the case, threats come from above you, at the same level as you, below you in tunnels and sewers, and in buildings you've thought clear. Also the absolute riot of colors in urban war makes it quite hard to pick out enemies, whereas to them doing the same in the jungle was actually supposedly easy. And this is not counting all the civilians dodging bullets to safety.

Turns out if people are used to Jungle fighting its not too horrible for them.

Attached: 1496465345073.jpg (960x640, 85K)

>bleeding heart liberals still think all world problems can be solved with love and friendship
>complain about underfuned and understaffed anti-poachers having to resort to questionable methods

Why the fuck does anyone even entertain being associated as a left liberal is mindboggling. Also are they using FAL’s or G3’s?

Where do I enlist?

Worth every penny imo

based and redpilled

1000 times over.

t.nigger who likes depleting natural resources

>With urban war its not the case, threats come from above you, at the same level as you, below you in tunnels and sewers, and in buildings you've thought clear

> above you, at the same level as you, below you in tunnels

What is Vietnam war?

And Cincinnati is a city, what's your point nigger?


>selling tags for poachers

proof again the guiding hand of the freemarket will solve our problems

WWF should hire all the worst guerilla fighters and instead of them robbing innocent people and trying to stir up revolutions, they should just tell them to kill every poacher they come across. Pay them extra for their scalps.

>be me, guerilla fighter
>rob innocent people
>cut their scalps off
>get mad WWF bucks

I will never understand limp dicked retards that think people who let ethics dictate their diet bother them

if you support factory farming you should be forced to spend a month working and sleeping in one
say what you want about vegans and vegetarians but they dont fucking lecture people IRL about their diet

Yes you're right. Caring. Not supporting govt funded bullshit pushed by leftists. It should be approved of and encouraged to take care of your local ecosystem and stop overzealous destruction but man comes first and govt get out.

>vegans and vegetarians but they dont fucking lecture people IRL about their diet
Nigger what fucking world are you from because I'll trade you seats right fucking now.

Good, fuck poaching and support your local hunting groups. Animals are pretty Jow Forums as fuck.