Hungary rises

Hungary's rearmament project continues. 56 Leopards, 24 PzH2000's, dozens of Airbus choppers, possibly some Patriot missiles and now Pumas. Two hundred Puma IFV's. What else would Jow Forums buy for either Hungary (or for a generic, moderately developed, small and landlocked country that wants a decent military)? Discuss.

Attached: puma4.jpg (2244x1535, 1.08M)

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Romania could still swat them like a fly though.

The Crown of Saint Stephen shall rise again.
Godspeed, brothers.

Attached: Traktat_w_Trianon.svg.png (480x385, 37K)

Attached: hungarian polish border.jpg (640x377, 62K)

Where´s the source on them getting the Puma´s?


It's all in Hungarian though.

Attached: The-German-Puma-IFV-SPz.jpg (1200x800, 219K)

>German manufacturer seems to be a favorite

So it´s not fully confirmed yet.

I´d honestly be surprised if the Puma managed to get some export sales, considering that it´s the German governments super special snowflake boutique IFV.

Yes, they want to replace all their IFV's with Pumas. On the other hand, Pumas are from the same KMW that manufactures the Leopard 2A7+'s that are being sold to Hungary. If they sell those, they will sell Pumas as well.

financed by what though?
