Hungary rises

Hungary's rearmament project continues. 56 Leopards, 24 PzH2000's, dozens of Airbus choppers, possibly some Patriot missiles and now Pumas. Two hundred Puma IFV's. What else would Jow Forums buy for either Hungary (or for a generic, moderately developed, small and landlocked country that wants a decent military)? Discuss.

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Romania could still swat them like a fly though.

The Crown of Saint Stephen shall rise again.
Godspeed, brothers.

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Where´s the source on them getting the Puma´s?


It's all in Hungarian though.

Attached: The-German-Puma-IFV-SPz.jpg (1200x800, 219K)

>German manufacturer seems to be a favorite

So it´s not fully confirmed yet.

I´d honestly be surprised if the Puma managed to get some export sales, considering that it´s the German governments super special snowflake boutique IFV.

Yes, they want to replace all their IFV's with Pumas. On the other hand, Pumas are from the same KMW that manufactures the Leopard 2A7+'s that are being sold to Hungary. If they sell those, they will sell Pumas as well.

financed by what though?


hungary is doing ok, but not "modernize the entire armoured force at once" ok

great idea enslave yourself to Germ*n equipment

Hajrá Magyarország!

I heard Pumas have had serious reliability / maintainability issues. Is that from the vehicle or the German military's lack of adequate maintenance resources?

Like an army of Gypsies would do anything but sell their equipment as scrap metal.

>Battle is joined between the Hungarian and the Romanian army
>The Romanians mistake the Hungarians for Germans because their skin is slightly lighter
>Offer to sell their army as scrap metal
>Hungary defeats the enemy by buying it

Attached: laughing stuka.jpg (640x895, 73K)

EU bucks

Hungary is swamped with gyppos too retard

good taste

>Hungary rises
Oh yeah !

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>tfw your country cant get all his jets in the air or field a capable army but stills allows weapon exports

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KEK :^)

Which country? :(

which country exports german pumas?

Politics has really changed and there are some real turboautists in charge of some areas now. They like the idea of jerking off to cool equipment more then they like a sensible replacement programe.


Legyen mivel őrizni azokat a tetves stadionokat a hőbörgő szakmunkás proliktól miután a 6. VB bejutást bukjuk el Orbán király alatt

Attached: 1543734855063.jpg (797x876, 101K)

>ennyire seggfájós, mert impotens és nem tud összehozni nemhogy 3, de még egy gyereket se.

Wish you the best of luck and good news at your next doctor's appointment.


Ne aggódj, az is a Gyurcsány bűne.
Nem lesz itt már rendes háború sem.

Fair point. Orbán is a cocksucking faggot and most of the people who are voting for him are giggling imbecilles. But the rearmament program is one of the very few things I genuinely agree with, it was long overdue.

>őrizni a stadionokat a hőbörgő proliktól
>sosem fogsz egy Puma fedélzeti fegyvereivel kitárazni egy nagy csoport degenerált focirajongóra
Mi értelme az életnek?

That’s how it’s done in Ankh-Morpork.

>sell weapons to all potential enemies
>when they invade, open the gates, let ‘em all in
>pawn shops on every corner, souvenir shops at every mid block, brothel bars everywhere
>in a month, invaders are broke, unarmed, hungover, have the turistas, and no idea when that tattoo showed up
>in a year, the invasion is forgotten except there’s a new ethnic minority in their own ghetto, and a bunch of new ‘authentic’ food joints to learn to avoid.


Can you help me out a little?

The pumas are new to me but they will also be producing CZ firearms in Nyirtelek under license to replace their military and probably police arms. Orban, like a broken clock, is right two times a day. I've seen a lot of things blundered under him and a couple things done well. This is one of them. Every purchase aside from these alleged pumas I think is sensible. They understand their budgetary limitations and decided to adopt an appropriate strategy. They know that along with all this new gear they also need to foster an increased public knowledge and appreciation for civil service. They're going to implement some level of quasimilitary familiarity training at the high school level and make many new shooting ranges throughout the country. This is the reality of small, less productive countries. People would need to be pressed into service for a defense.

Nice to see all that money being used for something worthwhile for once.

Fuck this thread is great.