How do I conduct Blaze OPs like this in middle age?

How do I conduct Blaze OPs like this in middle age?

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Dont be a fat faggot, get some real friends not internet acquaintances, get a real job with real shit to do that lets you sleep at night.
Stop fucking around and set your life straight.
Also stop making these threads constantly. Your half sentence single one-offs are getting tiresome.

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Top tier genetics and the results/conditioning of a lifetime of physical training or else TRT. Most likely both in this case.

I hate when non-Jow Forums retards spout random shit they've heard without knowing what any of it means.

OP's pic is not TRT, it's just straight roids.

TRT only brings your T levels to that of a young man

Nice retarded assumptions.

dude has such a bad roid gut. He has a six pack yet his gut still bulges because he now has a huge stomach and intestines. Thats a bad look. Should have just put down the fork and lifted. Now he has become boomer roid gut man and there is no going back. He over did it and way too young.

I thought growth hormone does that, not roids?

youre right, hes retarded and spewing DYEL shit.

thats not roid gut dude. Hes just not trim because hes an older dude.

Bro he’s made of something else, you have to be born like that. He has no speed less than 100.

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>If you don't go down the path of boomer roid gut eat everything in sight and work out 3 a week in the gym this is what you can achieve.

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roid gut != typical body fat just because he's old

lol k bud.
>dats hgh not roids!!
Both fuck you up. They are taken together frequently. You and I have no idea what stack he is on but its clear he is due how cut his stomach looks and it bulges. Look at any non natrual body builder. They look very similar and its not becuase hurrrrr he is old.

His belly isn’t even distended, it’s in line with his pecs, obviously he won’t look like a bodybuilder because he’s not cutting for show. Looks like an average power lifter shape to me t b h. Why are you so worked up about it?

I watched few of his vids. The man is a good shooter but he's batshit insane. Wouldn't wanna be around him when he loses it (and lose it he will).

Any downsides to a moderate HGH usage with lifting and diet?

Roids. Plenty of roids.

Depends how "moderate" you're talking.

Generally, yes it's safe, but you really do have to be "moderate" about it

>he's batshit insane
Kek, indeed. Pretty interesting biography and hobbies though, he's literally a world class artist.

It could also be visceral fat. Tends to build up more than subcutaneous fat in men more as they age.

He's absolutely right. Nobody in their 40s/50s looks like that without gear use that's definitely beyond therapeutic levels. If you'd spent any time in strength sports you'd know that.

lol die

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pat mac never deployed once to combat and spent his entire delta career as part of a training cadre.


He did clandestine shit in East Germany before Delta, and was in Mogadishu, kys.

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what unit was he in? ISA?

What a fucking legend

hormone replacement therapy

Officially, USMLM, unofficially Special Forces Berlin Unit aka Detachment A had been running ops since the 50s all the way up until the wall came down. Pic related, recently declassified.

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He's drinking bull semen.

Do that.

Not necessarily dude. It actually looks like his ribcage is just conical and flares out at the bottom. Mine is kind of like that too. And I'm a young, slim guy who has never done roids or HGH.

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From his instagram: "ThrowbackThursday. Cold war days. Close to the wall coming down. Berlin 89. Working some cloak and dagger stuff. Bad haircut, murse, and bad mustache mandatory "

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I want more of CW Pat
Gimme all you got

'86 Thailand

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Czech border

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He probably did gay for pay for the STASI

'84, last 80s Pat.

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Just get yourself a bottle of ostarine and do a split work out. Bet you that's what the guy in the picture is doing.

I lied, '86 Thailand.

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lol 4'11

god damn


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This concludes my presentation, thank you for your time.

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Thanks for confirming that you're too stupid and/or visually impaired to notice the vast difference in mass and condition between that pic and the OP

Absolutely amazing dump
Thanks user

you're right.
hgh and igf (insulin-like growth factor) are the things that make guts distend and stick out.

lol, that's not roids dude, that's TRT and training. Joe Rogan does TRT and looks almost identical to this dude.

Pic roid related

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sure thing, almost forgot this one. 2000 at the Bob, presumably with Pete Blaber and company.

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It's all relative, but no, a normal TRT cycle would not get you jacked like OPs pic.

Average TRT is like 200mg every 2 weeks. A beginner's test stack would be quadruple that, if not more (500mg per week). People like Arnie were on copious amounts that I wouldn't even know, maybe 2000mg per week.

>It's all relative, but no, a normal TRT cycle would not get you jacked like OPs pic

Well, no, TRT+gym+genetics would though

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Guaranteed Joe is on more than your average TRT dose. The dude's fucking rich, he can get the best compounds and get his doctor to prescribe him exactly what he wants

>needing roids to look in shape

Lmao, the fucking cope on this goober. I know natty older guys with considerable more muscle. Typical weak puss thinks anyone who doesnt look like a weak bozo is on roids.

Nobody is natty
Everyone is on steroids

>dick riding this hard

>(500mg per week)
>beginner's test stack

nah closer to 300mg/wk.

More to the point, you really want to get regular blood tests and try to keep your blood levels within a certain range, within reason you should just take the dose that accomplishes that and nothing more.

Also: pat mac is clearly roiding. Who cares?

Yep, this guy clearly did NOTHING. He was just a glorified security guard, fucking FOBBIT GOBBIT monkey, training faggot
>so what's his whore look like?

I'm a /fraud/ you fucking moron, I know roids when I see it. FOH dyel skeleton

Gymlets think roids are the ultimate emasculating secret so they vehemently deny that any of their e-celeb heroes use

I hope he’s not taking trt. If he is that would explain his immature joe roganesque behavior


my deployment I think this was Saigon

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Well, the key, OP, is to eat healthy, wake early, and of course, GAS IT UP AND BURN IT DOWN

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>These threads

No matter what the thread is, there is some asshole claiming we have it daily.

Could be discussing a new never before seen gun or something, and there's some asshole saying we had a thread on it yesterday.

What a mogging.

Reminder that Pat agreed to be on The Daily Show and say that he's for gun control

Where is he on that pic?

> just work hard lmao!1!!1!

Anyone who's been seriously into fitness or martial arts can tell you that you do not look like that at 54 without steroids. There are so many roiders in sports, on magazine covers, Hollywood, etc that people have no clue what the natty limit is anymore. You can still definitely look good, be muscular, strong, fast, etc naturally, but if you think hitting the gym you're gonna look like Arnold (who was also roiding and admitted to it) you're delusional.