What's the most elite military unit in the world?

What's the most elite military unit in the world?

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The Harvard rotc program

Band class

Holocaust class survivor

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my DnD group we play on sundays youre invited anons

USPS inspectors.

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Do they carry guns?


maybe the real delta force was the friends me made along the way

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A task force involving JSOC and the SAS

Department of Education SWAT team

Yes they do

The entire Chinese military trains at a level equal to that of the best western special forces groups. The PLA's special operations group is so far above and beyond what any western military power is capable of.

Varsity. There is absolutely positively no unit in the world that can compare.

I have reported you to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for subverting the People's Liberation Army, People's Liberation Army Airforce, and the People's Liberation Army Navy.
We train at a superior level to all imperialist forces, and the lowliest recruit cook is physically and technically able to best western "special forces" members. To say that our fine soldiers are merely equivalent to western "specialist" units is a spit in the face of the great men and women of the People's Liberation Army.

You are most correct. As an American, I was eating my breakfast hamburger and began regurgitating it when I saw his insolent comment. I felt my diabetes tremor throughout my veins as I struggled to comprehend the utterly immense physical prowess of the Chinese people as a whole.

Too bad their equipment will breakdown before they get to use it

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The guys that killed kids in beslan are pretty cool

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They have a bigger body count than the atf.
They won't stop with your dog. They'll level your house.
Do. Not. Fuck. With. The. Mail.

No need to report me, I was merely testing the waters for dissidents. OBVIOUSLY Chinese forces of any variety are vastly superior to anything the western imperialists could hope to field.

Spetsnaz, they are the only group that and enter a building with 5 terrorists and 10 hostages and kill all 15 terrorists.

impressive; with that one swoop, china and the PLA have effecitly neutered american and european military superiority.

>What's the most elite military unit in the world?
NASA combat operations section

Enjoyed that
Thanks user

50 Chinese pennies have been deposited in your account

Someone post the chinkbuster pasta

marine core

These are always Small task forces built temporarily, for a select crisis/operation, and composed of curated operators from the myriad of permanent black ops units. They are disbanded and returned to their original units when their purpose is served and we usually never even hear about them.
>See "task force orange"

We'll probably never know about the best ones.

He’s pretty cute desu

What? the KSK is german, not swiss.

Yes taytay is a very elite oper8or

Unironically wouldn't fuck with the postal service

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How did you get that picture of me at wizard camp?

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