Elcan General

>want quality optic with zoom.
>don't like flip-to-side
>don't like reflex sights attached to scopes
How to not fall for Elcan meme?
The only thing like it I've seen is the WPA PSU for $1000 less. But has a plastic mount, that I can see breaking very easily, and other problems.

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What are some other variable zoom optics for poorfags?

vortex has variable zoom scopes in every price range.

I like acog's better.

Most people just do ACOG. Nothing wrong the ACOG + smol dot on top.

If you're not cloning there isn't any compelling reason to chose the Elcan over a modern LPVO. Buy a Vortex Razor instead.

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On a Tavor where the rail is already very high over the barrel...The red dot is gonna be a pain to adjust to. So maybe it's viable in certain cases like an AR, but not all.

I want one to put on my FS2000 for cyberpunk aesthetics. Are they really worth it over a ACOG?

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the gimmick is the quick switch from 1X to 4X with a flip of a lever.

Transitioning to offset or piggybacked optics is often much faster than manipulating a physical lever that requires your support hand to dismount the weapon.

True. It's the Gucci optic.

Also the smaller footprint. Many LPVOs are long. Adding an RMR on top of an ACOG makes it quite taller.

Are battery powered ACOGs fine or is it tritium or go home?

always. unless it's not a "serious" rifle/use

...and when the tritium decays, you throw it away.

Cloning? What does that mean?

a "replica" of a service rifle...complete with all accessories.

Yeah but honestly it makes sense when you really think of how you use the optic. Pretty much every one with an lpvo either uses 1X or (max)X. Like who the fuck is like ah there 2.25x is exactly what I need. Gradients are too hard for crayon eating motherfuckers. It's on or off, all or nothing. Niggers.

No, you send it to trijicon who will repair it. Also, the reticule is etched in the glass and the fiber thing on the top will illuminate it in most but complete dark settings.

O okay I'm retarded thanks. What modern rifle uses an alcan? I thought US .mil all use ACOG?

I have two, I can confirm they are not worth it for the price. One upside to them is that you can use them passively with Nods very easily. Garand thumb has a ver good video on the elcan 1-4 DR


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I've seen some Tavors with Elcans. Not sure what country uses them, though.

canadians, french

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>I thought US .mil all use ACOG?

The Elcan (SU-230) is a Block II SOPMOD accessory, so it can be found on almost any weapon in use by SOCOM.

Attached: SOPMOD_M4A1_01.jpg (1035x784, 124K)

How similar are the civvie Elcan C79s to the real deal?

Holy shit that dude is ancient. What is he, 50?

Oh shit they're phasing out acogs? Big gay

>Oh shit they're phasing out acogs?

"They" being SOCOM, not the entire Army or Marine Corps. This news is like ten years old already, did you hear we landed on the moon?

>doesnt keep up with SOCOM
>clearly is an illiterate pleb
Yep das me nigga how u kno? Ayy lmao
Fuck that hurt to type

IMO an Acog with an offset T2 or RMR is a VERY strong competitor.

Durability? Footprint? Not compelling reasons, but reasons nonetheless.

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Die wuggy.

Razors are heavy as fuck because they're built like tanks, if anything the absence of external/exposed adjustments make those specific components more durable.

LMFAO, I m praying for your sake that was a joke and you dont think 50 is ancient because you are outing yourself as a punk ass lil kid!

He looks more 60.

Why does wuggy still come on Jow Forums? Isnt he universally hated by fucking everyone?

T. Boomer

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Nigger what? 50 is fucking ancient to still be flying around in helicopters with rifles unless you're larping or your country is in a civil war.

you could also look into the steiner m332 optic. its got schott glass and is super clear. The reticule is calibrated for either 556 or 762 and it can be had for 379 . I have one on my x95 and its been pretty solid. I mean,sure, it's not an elcan, but it hasn't shifted on me and has held up to all I've ever thrown at it.


Get the tritium acog with the battery rmr. The RMR will more than likely be used in environments where tritium isn't bright enough yet ambient light will be absent or not consistent. Best of both worlds.

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>>want quality optic with zoom.
It's called magnification not zoom

Want to put a sight on my x39 ak, am I restricted to just those that were made for the rifle platform or should I get a regular optic and just zero it to 100/300yds and be done?

zoom is variable magnification you dumb noguns faggot

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There are also SU-269/PVS in use with some regular Army
Difference is that they have a black finish and a reticle that's a bit of a mix between the SU-230's ECOS reticle and the M145 reticle

When's the nearest time we can see milsurp of old sights such as the ELCAN or ACOG?
2020? 2021? Now?

If you want one with a BDC reticle then yes, if not then invest in a good first focal plane optic.

You can find real (used) used specterDR's of various generation models for around $1700+ on EE or tacswap sometimes

I mean all I really want is the Chevron reticle with drop markers, I dont need and horizontal info. Is that what you meant by BDC? I'm sorry my new is showing but I only ever shoot irons.

Looks kinda neat

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