Trade, create, and sell your patches
>Previous Thread
>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

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GWNPatch just went live

Anyone know where I can get this?

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Im delaying order send outs till Wednesday. Need to buy bags for your patches so they dont get fucked in transit

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fuckkk F

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>Those style patches
>Every single one is embroidered
Shit lad, well done.
>Puck bunny

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Just by bubble mailers. Folks who pick the cheapo mailing option get GladĀ® plastic-wrapped patches instead if they're going overseas. It's worked so far.


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Just started my collection, got these in the mail today. I have... 25 more on the way.n How am I doing so far?

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Goly shit I cummed and hnidded my pantsWoW

>Tinnitus patch
I don't want one but I probably should buy it

Restocc now or else I'm going to say the n word.

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no plz

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You've made the best worst choice in your life.
The ride never ends


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You son of a bitch.

That's it boys, shut the place down before the FBI gets here.

>no indication of patch sizes

Yeah, PatchGWN can you upload sizes?

Jesus christ...

N I C E !

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thank fren

Say it

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Get some better lighting for your product pictures, senpai. Also, provide patch specs.

Just buy some sandwich bags from the store my dude.


Good taste
>Thin Blue Line patch
>2nd Amendment patches
I was gonna ask if you were stupid but then I saw the Marine Corps patches :^)

Attached: Konata_Giggle.jpg (403x396, 41K)

Will do, specs are up now.

I'm a bit disappointed in the bottom lettering but it looks better than the previous sample. Should I just tell them to run it or tell them to fix the jap letters?

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Tell them you'd like the lettering fixed. Also shit, the old colors aren't half bad. RIP.

Go back to Fucking your Child Size Sex Doll, Douchebag, just don't make too much noise or Mom will bang on the floor

god dammit i liked having a dog

>No sense of humor.
>Can't take a joke.

Thank god I retired. People like you made the Corps a miserable place.

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>Also shit, the old colors aren't half bad
Yeah but the logo is based off NASA sort of, so they didn't fit the theme. I can always switch them back if there's interest.

Are the rhodie shirts done yet?

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With how dark that room is, I'd be willing to bet you are the basement rat.

At least my mommy gives me tendies after I'm done making love to my dolljoint waifu. You probably only get crayons to eat after your CO is done giving you the big green weenie, famalam. And the cheap Roseart crayons too, not the nice Crayola ones.

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>anime shit

b-but bongo cat

tac tabbies will you ever come back

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Better than the last one, but they're still struggling on the letter details I see.
Have you considered going up to 3.5" round? Would help get the details better.

I appreciate the decent prices you're offering, and that you've made the commitment to embroidered.

done n done

Yeah, I forget who but one of the other namefags told me to do it and it came out a lot clearer than before. It's just the jap lettering I'm a bit bothered by. I'll probably tell them to make it clearer and just go ahead and run it.

thanks mate

>made the commitment to embroidered
But his site even says he's going to restock them all as woven


I dig the seal cat

t. GWN


I have literally no idea what any of your designs mean except Bongo cat


hope that helps

>oh the art for rifu is pretty cute
>holy shit that patch looks awful
Jesus christ how horrifying

im the sales guy, the owner says it was too expensive to do anything else for launch. he's wanting to get that one specifically woven eventually.

*i agree*

Who is GWN?

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GWN is the sticker lad
i am GWNPatch, the patch lad

we've spoken, all is well

>>im the sales guy
>about page says it's one guy from canada


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>Sales guy agrees that the patches on his store looks bad
You should be fired for your insolence.

Im doing every patch woven until proven embroidered.

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What patch panel is this? where'd you get it?

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Why do people hate woven? Can someone explain that to me?

It provides none of the classical and traditional aesthetics of embroidery and doesn't provide the expansive increase in quality that printed materials do.

It's a good middle man for some projects, but if something works fine embroidered you should always choose embroidery over printed patches. They also don't age or fray the same.

I made it for less than $8. It took maybe 5 minutes.

You can too.

Oh, someone else with a tigr. How did you manage to use a psl mag?

But buying felt and eyelets is toooooo difficult

I mean, it doesn't seem that bad an idea for patches with details

Attached: woven-vs-embroidered-fox-dune-800x402.jpg (800x402, 256K)

But Y tho, so EZ. user, pls stahp.

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No, but it works well embroidered. Another reason people don't like woven designs is because, frankly, it's a crutch for people when designing a patch because they don't optimize a picture or design. You have to take into account the limitation of embroidery technology, and so instead of spending time needed to make a design look nice a 3rd-rate hack will just draft something in Photoshop and get it woven knowing full well 0 effort was put into making it look nice.

>you can too
that's a rather bold assumption

thereminator is going to cry after reading that, he optimizes designs for the weave.

Some things are just going to come out better woven. It's not for every design though, and embroidery does have a much more classic look.

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It doesn't look good embroidered in the first one. If anyone can make patches, isn't that a good thing?

I now realize my mistake and stand corrected.

Patch when?

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Did something happen to neet patch guy? Went to his site and it's gone.

hes got a new webzone


Link? I have been looking for like 10 minutes now and feel beyond retarded.

Refresh the page, look at the post above yours.

>Good taste

Thanks for the input. I'll update it as the rest arrive.

Check out my new webzone. Comment below for pizza rolls

Attached: plinkett.jpg (1039x792, 468K)

I squeeze Gats, I squeeze Gats, I squeeze Gats, I squeeze Gats, I squeeze Gats, I squeeze Gats,

>Some things are just going to come out better woven.
Most things will, but like I said before, someone can make a design that looks good embroidered or woven. It's simply a matter of how much effort you're willing to put into a design.
But whatever makes you feel better about selling people second-rate products.

>most things will look better woven
>second rate product
Make up your mind, faggot

t. Badger
It's a second rate product because any retard can just grab a .png and make a woven patch. Just look at PK. But I suppose you wouldn't understand. I take it you're the type to buy merchandise like that? Pathetic.

> the owner
> it was too expensive for Launch
but full embroidery is the most expensive option...woven would have been cheaper
also, DON'T TAKE THE FIRST SAMPLE. Bitch at the chinks till they get it right.....

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I rarely buy woven patches anymore cause I just don't find them aesthetic.

I find woven worse because
>Flimsier, doesn't have the same sturdiness as embroidered because of less threads layered on each other
>Details don't pop like embroidered
>Isn't traditional
And I don't know about you fags, but to me a woven patch simply doesn't feel as good as embroidered. You should always strive to get embroidered, it's simply higher quality.

woven is definitely a controversial subject

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>Thousands of anime girls puking.gif

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When did he leave?

How does that make it second rate? Explain.


it did not work for shit. well you can push the mag into the action and it will sorta work. the rifle was well under price so it was worth it. i have the right mag on the way.

He was in the other thread yesterday

Same for me, I've got some psl mags that I have bought for cheap (10 euro) and sooner or later I'll try to make them work since I'm sure some years ago I saw a guide on how to make them compatible. With my 7,62 saiga I had to file the lug on my bakelite mags to make them work, with this I think it will be the same. And if there is too little material I'll try to weld an excess on it and then file it down. Definitely worth a try since svd mags are 50 euros a piece.

>50 euro
I wish they were that cheap here