/meg/ Military Enlistment General

Back In My day Edition


>Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification.
>No vague questions, like "What job is best?"

/meg/ official discord

Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)

For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

>Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

US Army High school to Flight school

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
tl;dr: Long hard school, long work hours, with good job prospects. It's definitely not for everyone or even most people in general.

CG info

ASVAB for Dummys


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Is U.S medical shit as expensive as people say without health insurance? I'd like to get a physical, an eye exam, and fix my noses airway before I attempt to enlist.
Can't make my own thread for some reason so I figure I'd ask here. I haven't been to a doctor in about 15 years so I'm either completely healthy (with shit eyes and a hard time breathing through nose) or have super cancer.

Texas National Guard Infantryman who is deploying to africa in the near future here. I can answer questions about 11B OSUT, and Texas NG

Enlist and join the army so you can get backstabbed by a black brotha somewhere in bumfuckistan and killed for no reason.

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Speaking of the devil. Thank you for your future service and for fighting for American freedom in Africa.

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Soon or are you guys relieving the NJ unit? Trying to hop on a mob.

Would you die for Israel and what % mutt are you?

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Aviation Operations Specialist AIT, and I’ve been involved in numerous ARMS inspections and have over 300 confirmed flight record scrubs.

I am trained in TOC operations and I’m the top RTO in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another breach. I will close you the fuck out the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of DTS clerks and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the denied voucher. The denied voucher that wipes out the little thing you call your budget. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my CAFRS laptop.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the flight ops office and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit coffee all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, crew chief.

>and Texas NG
how many guys go through the 19th SOG training

How does American army manage to not kill itself with all the Mexican and Negro gangsters in the midsts?

>with all the Mexican and Negro gangsters in the midsts
many gangs are just small street gangs, it's not the 70s and 80s anymore, and gangs do join the military they typically leave their because of all the money they're making by themselves

Bro203 here, I’ll take any USMC/Officer/clearance questions for the next few hours.

Not sure what unit we are relieving, location we are going to is staffed
fuck off
Can't speak for TXNG SF but I am near their HQ very often and can get you a recruiting contact to answer questions if you are interested

Shouldnt run more than 8 thousand for all that

>Texas NG
Are the 15Q in the NG active guard reserve? I plan on joining soon


Airborne? Ever since LRS deactivated I've been sad.

>educated in a first world country, strived to be the best in school
>joins the world's finest military, outperforms his peers and is selected for special forces
>trains for years, works with the most advanced equipment, operates around the world
>gets killed by a single bullet, doesn't even have a chance to shoot back, body is desecrated by Africans that probably don't even know how to read and write

This dude sure is a fucking metaphor

Do one for 19K/19D

Gangbangers don’t last long in the military, no discipline.

>gangbangers don't last long
>Looks at every SNCO that gets arrested for running prostitution rings using the junior enlisted females or running drug rings

They seem to last long enough

Are you able to join the air force with a guaranteed job? My recruiter basically told me "you need an aptitude area on your job list too", are they BSing me or not?

Not gangbangers. Just amoral entrepreneurs.

>mfw there’s actual incels and thirsty fuckers in the ranks who will unironically drop $250 to hump the sweaty unwashed ass of a 4//10 on the toilet

Without people like that, strippers would have to find another profession. It's just a goddamn shame that it's taxpayer money that is getting thrown away. I'd rather waste it on making better fucking pens or at least upgrading some of the office equipment. FUCK

>Are you able to join the air force with a guaranteed job?

Should I press my current recruiter or find another one then?

Find another recruiter. They all need numbers; don’t be more desperate to join than they are to sign you.

Are 74Ds POGs?

>Should I press my current recruiter
just tell you recruiter what you really want, if really want to be an air traffic controller tell them

kinda, it was a relevant career field during desert storm but now they don't do much

ATC is a good gig and they need people for that role, so this recruiter isn't doing himself any favors for not fast-tracking that. Then again, AF recruiters are stereotyped for a reason

Considering the wars are just about finished, what’s it like in combat jobs these days?

>what’s it like in combat jobs these days?
rangers have been on nonstop deployments since 2001 and the RRC is almost always working, most SOF get deployed semi-regularly along with pilots and drone pilots
I do remember seeing a video of a Marine mortar team inside Syria tho

you better fuggin believe it.
NBC/CBRN is about as POG as you can get. It's chill though.

This person is fucking retarded and not a recruiter.

They do NOT need numbers in the Air Force.

ALL applicants must have at least one (sometimes two, depending on the command) open aptitude area on their jobs list.

It's possible to get guaranteed jobs (about 40% of trainees come in with them) but it's not up to the recruiter, it's up to what jobs come down in that job drop for their squadron.

You can increase your chances of a guaranteed job if it's one of a few in-demand ones (linguist, security forces, any Battlefield Airmen jobs, and a couple others.)

But as a general rule, you have NO negotiating power with an Air Force recruiter and if you come in acting like you do you'll be laughed out of the office and barred from the DEP.


That's a surefire way of fucking yourself into a job you dont want.
If you dont get signed on to the job you absolutely want they talk to other recruiters. Its years of your life, do you really want to fuck that up?

But being rude is bad, so it's better to take a shit job than offend a guy that I'll never see again after I enlist

Then you don't join the air force. Period.

You will never find a recruiter who will allow ANY applicant to simply not list an aptitude area on their job reservation sheet.

It has nothing to do with that. It's because no Air Force recruiter will ever let you do what this person is telling you to do.

Gay, should I buy health insurance and just cancel that shit when im done?

I was diagnosed with aspergers as a young child? Do I have no chance now of joining the Air Force or Navy as an officer?

The first sentence is a statement, not a question, fuck

Wew. What's the point of going to the air force? Go open contract and ending up in supply? Fuck that.

Open contracts are for people who wanna get blindfolded and facefucked

Based off of the performance of officers, I can't say you have no chance.

This is a post of facts.

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Which aptitude do you recommend then?

Tbqh, I don't really care what job I end up with as much as I care about not working autistically long shifts. Like I'd absolutely love doing aircraft maintenance but I heard it's ridiculous hours (12+ hour shifts regularly). Otherwise I'd love to do anything to do with computers or finance. I already have most of the cyber jobs and finance on my list.

>My cousin who’s only 14 joined the Army and is at Fort Benning

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Hey bud im leaving for mcrd sd on the 11th. What should i bring and any advise would be appreciated

I'm leaving for basic in less than a week, I have one question. Should I bring my own socks? I have several new pairs of Gold toe socks which I like. Can I uses those instead of going to the px to get some?

whatd the black guy do

If you feel comfortable carrying everything you’re bringing over your head for 30 minutes then yeah

Give me a comfy MOS that I can work for 20 years.

I watched a video about a navy corpsman med assistant whatever who day to day treated a few std cases then calls it a day, He said he often got 2 hour breaks and finished on time or early.

He was a nigger.

you ever work with the OK ARNG?

Stay on reddit with the rest of the recruiters trying to scare people into going open mechanical.

it's a meme retards starting to spread

Why is the blackie wearing an Airborne beret yet a 3rd group patch?

Only if I get to fuck hot Jewish princess types with big noses and tits.

I think he was just attached to them as a translator

All of group support is Airborne.

How difficult is it passing the SF86? I backpacked Europe this past year for a few months and am wondering if it will affect the process.

is actually eating the first week of basic a good idea?

How many noses do you currently have?

does 11b OSUT give you a solid enough grasp on Land nav for RASP or q course? same question for 13F if you happen to know.

how do I avoid 30th ag

Why wouldn't it be

Lol no, unless you actually do it and don’t just follow the group you won’t understand it
t. The guy who just followed the group and didn’t actually learn till my first EIB

No. The course is significantly more challenging for Q course. RASP - from what I've heard, big disclaimer - isn't much more difficult. But selection land nav is supposed to be significantly harder, and while daytime is fine for most joes straight out of basic, the nighttime course is one hell of a filter.

You don’t

Don't join a combat MOS.

If you do 18X you'll go to SOPC prior to selection, that and all the holds should give you enough time to get you to where you need to be.

Fun fact : If you were in the Peace Corp you are barred from any intelligence jobs for 4 years in the US military , further more you are not allowed in any intelligence posting related to the country you served the peace corp in.

thanks. will there be enough time to supplement land nav after basic/airborne to git gud before RASP?

Yeah if you use your time wisely and appropriately.

Thanks to you as well. exactly what i ended up asking


got tdq'd for not doing the fast walk fast enough
what do

walk faster bich

What do members of different branches call each other? Do you have to salute an officer of another branch?

By their rank, and yes.

If you're in the Army and see a Marine, you call him a crayon-eater.

If you're a soldier and you see an airman, you call him a pog bitch.

If you're a soldier and you see a sailor, faggot usually suffices.

The other three just calls soldiers fatasses.

The coast guard doesn't count.

Yes you salute other branches' officers.

how tho


This but faster. If you're serious about being in the military, you cannot possibly be hung up on something as stupid as a walk.

That's not an insult. We all gorge ourselves on delicious boi pucci every night.

Have you seen some of the people that get waivers for failing the asvab?

Yes, and it's why I have gray hair before I'm 25. I'm not advocating for waivers, but end of day I'd rather have an idiot that can at least survive a movement toting a machine gun than someone who can't walk.

Sounds like you couldn't go wrong with any of them.

General has some of the best (some cyber) and some of the worst jobs.

Same for Electrical, as that includes a couple Maintenance jobs (Avionics)

Mechanical, you obviously know about

FYI you can't get Security Forces from any open aptitude categories any more (or if you can, it's very rare) so don't worry about that.

It's worth going in, even with an aptitude area instead of a guaranteed job, as opposed to almost any job in any of the 5 branches. The perks and quality of life are worth it.

>Bitch, faggot, dude, sergeant, sir, ma'am, etc. whatever the situation calls for

>yes, including officers of allied countries

Was thinking about getting pic related, but what does IYARFY mean? If you ain't reactor go fuck yourself? I know its a derivation of IYAOYAS. Speaking of which, besides Nuke what is the most autistic/hardest to be around rate in the Navy?

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Get a shirt that says "I fought for Israel and what did you do, antisemite?"

my knee pops whenever I extend it
can I make it through meps?

Looking to enlist AF but got misdiagnosed with Depression around a year ago and did therapy and sugarpills (big mistake). I know that MEPS won't find shit, but I want to go for jobs that require TS clearance. Anyone who got TS who fibbed with MEPS? I don't want to lie, but I also don't want to fuck myself over. Thanks in advance.

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Tell matt i said hi


Holy fuck, I'm glad I didn't get suckered into working for free in Africa!

Kenya was actually pretty fun to visit, and we made a difference where we were sent

What did you do while you were there? The stories I've heard were all from western Africa, so excuse my cynicism if it comes off as uninformed

Not airborne. I didn't know about the 143rd until after I enlisted. From what I've heard the 143rd usually recruits from other units. I guess you gotta be really hot shit in order to get a slot to enlist into them. Another thing is their "drill weekends" are usually much more than a weekend long and that doesn't work for me.
I've seen them at AT but not really. The mobilization that I am on right now was looking for volunteers from all over Texas but even then they didn't try and get any OKNG
Land nav during OSUT was a complete joke. I was with 3 guys and we hardly new what we were doing. The whole course is so overused that it is completely full of trails and MRE trash everywhere. Pretty much just plot your point and pick the trail that looks like it is headed in your azimuth direction lol. My group realized this very quickly and finished just behind all the "high speeds" that had studied land nav extensively.

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Taught elementary school math & english. Rode a bush plane. Convinced a girl’s parents to let her finish school instead of marrying her off to a rich guy. Learned about the existence of goat racing. Realized weeb shit is more popular than I thought overseas. Kids were way more chill than Ameribrats.