Jow Forums /an/ thread

Were still married with /an/ right Jow Forums? Or has something come up. Also post /an/ stuff too

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Far as I know, we’re still together.

>he still thinks its the same Jow Forums

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I'm sorry pige, Jow Forums is too full of faggots now.

We are, and anyone who disagrees will suffer. /an/ is best girl, we need to send an ambassador to them to make sure they know that they are still best girl.

>Tfw no qt /an/ gf to go /out/ with.
It’s never gonna happen is it?

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Of course we are! We do deer things together.

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Yes! And /out/ is our daughteru.

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/an/ noticed us! :D

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Jow Forums and /an/ decided to fuck again without protection and they spawned antman and then shit went hitting the fan. /an/ wanted to divorce because of antman and when the ideal on who would be the parent of the child came up Jow Forums refused but /an/ also refused to take antman as their full custody. Then moot decided that antman would be in full custody of Jow Forums and thus Jow Forums was not only divorced but was stuck with their child antman which also terrified /out/...

Then one day antman faked his death and ran off and Jow Forums was relieved but then antman's anonymous messages started to haunt both Jow Forums and /an/ and /out/ managed to be spared from the craziness of the whole ordeal but /an/ blames Jow Forums for all of it while Jow Forums blames /an/ for giving birth of a ant lover that just happens to like guns.

Jow Forums is still jot dating /x/ for obvious reasons but there are rumors that /x/ ended up with antman in her custody but with the name changed now.

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*mauls your face and melts your heart at the same time*

Not Jow Forums related at all, but I don't care.

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No actually Antman just came out of nowhere and is not the ospring of an but infact was from /x/ for sleeping with a pile of ants. Antman tried to date /out/ but he got mad because /out$ thinks ants are boring so he flipped shit and harrassed /an/ but fucked off because of bugman and decided to harrass Jow Forums

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Wrong user, tigerstripe is always Jow Forums

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Damn, Al Sharpton really hasn't aged well

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OP of the /an/ thread here. We must reignite contact between us and become one.

Make this a weapon

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We can’t do your weaponization for you bee-user. Nice try.


>Were still married with /an/ right Jow Forums?
Sure, Jow Forumss love /an/ !

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Honey-bunny is okay with us hunting. That has long since been established.

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This photo makes me feel so happy and yet so sad at the same time.

>10 years ago

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you may be a faggot Phil, but you've become the faggot that somehow still reminds us of the best of times

still a faggot though

damn, bringing back some old memories

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Have a doggo. His name is Ollie.

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