Actually good tank thread

The armatard just got a 3-day vacation, so lets have a good modern tank thread to celebrate.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>armatard just got a 3-day vacation
Yay! Time to post obscure tanks and discuss them.

Looks like bit like a Leclerc with that turret. From when is that tank? Kinda suprising seeing the mention of a 140mm gun in such an early state of development

Attached: chrysler-tv-8-nuclear-tank.jpg (630x638, 61K)

>Looks like bit like a Leclerc with that turret. From when is that tank? Kinda suprising seeing the mention of a 140mm gun in such an early state of development
It dates to the late 80's early 90's, back when it was thought that the Soviets would keep making tanks and such a gun would be necessary.

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One last threadbump with some goofy shit: proposed upgrade of M60 by KMDB of Ukraine.

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Still sad that Object 640 did not get adopted, it is the best looking slav tank.

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>There was a time when Sweden considered buying both Leclerc and T-80U.
It could have been glorious.

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Chinese tanks are top notch aesthetic.

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Oh, hey, it's a Varsuk

greetings my fellow armafag

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hello gamer

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How not to make tanks:
>Borrow a bit outdated CV-90 chassis paying wheelcart of money
>Slap on it fiberglass body kit with a dummy barrel and fake sensors
>haul it over all expo

It would be funny, if wasn't a scam. On a more serious note, 105mm seems to be obsoleted by heavy ERA, am I correct?

Captcha ate my pic :(

Attached: PL-01_concept_direct_fire_support_tracked_combat_vehicle_Obrum_Polish_Defence_Holding_industry_milit (640x427, 22K)

I know the Chinese are bug people, but god damn they must be tiny to fit into that tank

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I think it got jewed and adopted by Israel as the merkava, they look quite similar

I am monitoring this thread.

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Seems to be, considering that al ot of armies are now looking to get rid of even 120mm guns and upsize. Still has some use as a platfor for dealing with lighter AFVs and static bunkers, but probably not much use against modern MBTs or even decently upgraded legacy vehicles.

>S U P E R I O R T A N
you got that right.

>Looks like bit like a Leclerc with that turret. From when is that tank? Kinda suprising seeing the mention of a 140mm gun in such an early state of development

Stretched hull with 7 road-wheels per side, allowing to increase the thickness of the glacis armor array and move the driver's hatch farther to the rear thereby eliminating the weakened area around driver's optics present on Soviet tanks.
The bustle-mounted high-capacity ammo magazine/autoloader that allows high rate of fire, fast automated ammo replenishment, eliminates main survivability issue with Soviet tanks, and reduces the height of the tank by 400mm compared to T-80U (allowing increased front armor density).
Placement of the armament in a separate compartment with provisions for the installation of a wide range of different mainguns (up to 152mm) without the need for heavy redesign.
Placement of each crewmember in a separate compartment, thereby limiting the crew casualties in case of penetration.
Very sloped frontal armor with high degree of protection uniformity over a variety of angles.
Thick turret roof with multilayered armor to counter top-attack threats.

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>chamfered hull sides
Pretty smart design desu. you get what, a good solid 2-3 inches of additional armor to pack on that thing's sides judging by the cutouts for the suspension arm.

i wouldnt write off 105s quite yet those things still hurt

Man, the Merk 4Ms fuck huge. An absolute unit. Wouldn't want to be the guys in charge of transporting it anywhere or maintaining it but damn that thing looks mightily impressive. Its like a bunker on wheels with those bank-vault thick hatches.

Kek, what did he do this time?

It is pretty fucking big. I find it to be one of the coolest modern MBTs when it comes to looks.

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Being an obnoxious nigger I'd imagine.
You know, the usual.

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what a silly dood

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I'd like to see outrunner tracks come back. Side armor would become a thing again. Seriously, outrunning track + torsion bars bearing multiple teeny roadwheels wrapping under the hull = good ammunition storage compromise.

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Honestly should have just removed the treads and mounted it on the railway

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Huh, i always figured schizo-boy and armatard were one and the same, or at least played for the same team

Is it wrong if I'm aroused by it? I've always loved seeing an Eastern take on Western designs and modernised old hardware, so this combines several of my fetishes.
Yeah, it's truly one hell of a loss, especially since they finally made a tank with a turret bustle.
Not to mention that they were working on a T-80U-based 152mm armed tank, and they could have relatively quickly combined both for maximal overslav.
On one hand you get good ammo storage options and great cross country performances, but on the other hand, you increase the vulnerability of the tracks and make it hard to make a tank that has both a normally shaped turret and a total height lower than a 3 storey building's.
It could be a cool base for a counter-insurgency tank though: you will spend most of your time on prepared roads,the design of the tracks allow you to put the bottom of the hull quite high and thus increase crew survavibility against IEDs, and trading the main turret for barbette/side guns could actually be a good idea for urban warfare.
Bonus point for an armored B17-style turret on top with twin autocannons to engage targets in high rise buildings.

Meanwhile, have a cute pic of a T-55 family on holidays.

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Apparently train full of spoils from Syrian war cruises through Moscow Princedom.
There is T-55 under all this nigger rigged ERA.

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>The armatard just got a 3-day vacation
I am retarded and dont get this meme


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Ah so it's basically M60 with T-84-120 turret

>armatard just got a 3-day vacation
So that's why the level of discussion has gone up and the number of derails has plummeted. I KNEW something was up.

Seeing how hard that guy shitposts on a daily basis, what exactly did he say that caused a ban? Because that bar is pretty high from what i can see


Hundreds of T-80U breaking frontline with this things playing Mozart's K.626

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Best looking Soviet tank coming through

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>Creating a turbo enjine tonk
>Switching it to diesel
obj.292 on pic

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Well thats pretty light for him compared to others he's made, have the mods stepped up their game in recent time?

>Yeah, it's truly one hell of a loss, especially since they finally made a tank with a turret bustle.
The Black Eagle's turret bustle ammo stowage is pretty advance; it can be reloaded by swapping the entire bustle like a magazine by a dedicated reloading vehicle. Pretty neat, huh?
But the again, the bustle is the main issue why it wasnt adapted- Russians don't like turret bustle stowage for combat loads. Makes the turret larger while at the same time exposing ammo to more enemy fire. The T-90MS is a limited exception since the ammo is stored in an external box outside the armor where explosive bolts can presumably eject the thing when the turret is turned to the side.

>Best looking Soviet tank coming through

das always going to be welded turret T-72.

Attached: properly welded t-72 turret, welded by sovjet high elfs.jpg (800x600, 133K)


Attached: afshbhfa1y19ยง15.jpg (720x405, 68K)

but that is not a T-72, thats a T-90

Is it not an object 187?

Imbecile! Don't you know INDONESIA got the BEST MBT IN WHOLE ASIA!? INDONESIA Leopard 2RI (RI stands for Raging Indonesia for your stupid to understand) is the best and got the best professional tank crew in whole Asia. Bring up your stupid Vietnam T-90, Singapork weaker Leopard 2, Malingsia fool PT-91 or Australia shit Abrams. INDONESIA Leopard could kill em' all! INDONESIA Leopard 2RI is the best crewed even American Abrams, Israeli Merkava, Soviet Armata, China T-99 could falls dead under accurate 120mm shot of INDONESIA Leopard 2RI. Even American General said ONE INDONESIA Leopard 2RI crew is much much worthy than whole Regiment of American Abrams!! INDONESIA IS THE TRUE RULER OF ASIA!

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>Is it not an object 187?
obj. 187 is not T-72. I also thought it was a T-90, not a obj.187. but the turret is basically the T-90 turret.

>The turret closely resembled those of the T-90S, T-90SA and T-90A
t. wiki

>obj. 187 is not T-72
i know, i'm not the user who posted the pic if you thought i was.

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ya i did :^)

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I would never post something that low res so it was not me

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This thread= 100% certified armatard free

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I like how Osorio looks.

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What does this mean?
t. rarely browses Jow Forums anymore

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Definitely a neat vehicle, could've been good for the poorer nations that still wanted western gear but had size or budget constraints. Shame they tried to sell it to Iraq while the whole Kuwait issue was ongoing.
go to desuarchive and search for clown, imbecile, schizo, or westfaggot.

Some guy just calls whoever disagrees with him armatard. I've been in a thread before where he goes on some hour long rant accusing me because I liked one Russian missile.

oh, i assumed it was some armafaggot.
>tfw like russian stuff
>get lumped in with subhumans like him
It's not fair

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>Anyone who disagrees with my shithole's state propaganda is one person
The level of your obsession is alarming.
>Object 640
Will mutts ever learn?

For me, it's the T-140k Angara

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Fuck off back to /v/ please, manchild.

Just don't be the armatard and you're golden, having different opinions makes this site good.

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that's why i stopped coming here mostly, anyone who tries to talk about certain things ends up in a thread bogged down by nothing but mutt and vatnik name calling

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How is it anyway? Any good?

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I fucking hate these things.

Pretty damn good for what it was, but not well armored. The Saudis shortlisted it along with the Ayybraps but after the Iraq affair, ENGESA circling the drain, and closer US ties they went with the M1, and that basically delivered the killing blow to the company.

Its 40 tons with 4 crew; its never going to have any armor worth a damn. I like that all the guys up in the turret have their own sights though.

>tfw you country bought Chinese

Attached: VT-4.jpg (1200x676, 147K)

How good is it, chinkposting aside?

Towelhead or ladyboy?

unironic non chinkposting the vt-4 is ok, probably worse than the type 99 though

The livery doesn't remind me too much of the Thai jungle.
So, Morocco did buy the VT-4? I wonder if it's ever going to face the Algerian T-90MS's if push comes to shove after Bouteflika kicks the bucket.

>So, Morocco did buy the VT-4
They actually got almost 400 ayybraps.

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he's probably referring to the vt-4s that pakistan has for testing

Better than the old M60s that for sure, but we only use tanks in coup anyway.

WE also have Oplot-M from Ukraine, but I don't really know much about modern tanks.

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God, that fucking sight in front of the mg is retarded. Who thought that was a good idea?


No such things.

Is this what became the Olifant Mk2, or was it entirely new design equal to the Osorio and other 1980s Western MBTs

Most of those posting in this thread, are women. They are hardly deserving to be called, "male"

Modern IFVs are the MBT of the day - true MBTs are now specialist breakthrough assault vehicles (heavy tanks). IFVs are and have been bigger than even MBTs for quite a while now. ew ACV (and other new wheeled IFVs like the NAMER) are approaching the size of the M48 Patton MBT. Many of them weigh the just under or the same as the T-55 and standardize around bigger caliber guns (the Russians with the 57mm, the US Army probably with the 50mm, and Europeans going with a mix of 30/40mm guns

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Lol normie. The Y button in Arma 3 pings the Zues. So if everyone does it, his screen is lit up and he can't do anything until they all go away, making it virtually (pun intended) impossible for him to put down anymore enemies.

He got banned for global rule number 5 according to /bans. The picture of his post was a drawn Hillary Clinton shitting herself naked on the ground while having an autistic fit. Dunno if mods just gone the easiest route to ban him or they just ban him for the picture alone and are still pretty unaware who he is and what he is doing on the regular.

I don't believe it. Banned for faggotry, after all this time?

So how much is the use of natural resources like trees etc. for camouflaging tanks taught in different countries?

You can see the Finns do it, Ruskies sometimes as well. Who else?

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>Is this what became the Olifant Mk2, or was it entirely new design equal to the Osorio and other 1980s Western MBTs
It was a clean sheet design intended to replace the Olifant in South African service, but primarily to get export shekels. Shelved after 1994 as the defense budget went down bigfully and the prospect of export sales were slim. The Olifant Mk2 is an interesting case- It was originally intended to have an completely new turret using TTD technology, but ended up being a minor systems upgrade (CITV, FCS, and engine IIRC) that was only completed on a few vehicles.

Funny enough, it's taught in the us, but doing it on exercise is forbidden because of greenfags crying about everything

Why do American still use Rheinmetall 120mm L44? Why not upgrade to L55?

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Because if you have +2000 tanks still using L44 it will take a while to upgrade. Also L44 is still "ok" by many standards

Who is the armatard anyways, why is he called that? I come here quite often but I feel like I missed something interesting

Because the Abrams would've needed a whole new FCS to handle the longer gun, and the M829A4 being good enough to handle any MBT.

You'd think they'd cry more about the emissions of the said exercises

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