A group of marines is surrounded and out of ammo

But then they find a hidden stash full of WW2 m1 Garands.

How well could they do against the average muslim forces armed with AK47/AK-74?

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The marines are trained marksmen while your average muslim militia is praying to Allah to guide his bullets while he does the Mogadishu shuffle.

Assuming the Garands come with plenty of ammo and it's all good, I think the Marines have a 50/50 shot of making it out.

Depends on way more factors than what weapons everyone is armed with. That said there are worse guns to be stuck with.

>average muslim forces

kek first post i see here is retarded, take your gay politics back to pol

>101 KB JPG
>But then they find a hidden stash full of WW2 m1 Garands

They were all dead. Since all the Garands already rusted too hell without any maintenance for decades and crayons-eating Marines are to retarded to operating such a complex mechanical devices such as great M1 Garand.

I don't know about M1 garands. But for sure if they found a nazi stash of STG-44s or FG-42s they would be sure better equiped than the shitty m4.

If the M1’s functioned ok and the muzzies weren’t lobbing RPG’s like crazy, the Marines would probably do pretty well if all things are equal.

Butthurt tranny

But Jow Forums is Jow Forumslite, right?

Channel the spirit of the Jap-Removing ancestors through the holy Garands and remove hajis with righteous fury

Attached: Marines holding a Japanese flag after the battle of Cape Gloucester.jpg (1140x910, 185K)

They'd be at a disadvantage for CQB, but they're still semi-automatic rifles, and the fact that the rifle is 'full-powered' and can be reloaded really fast, counts for something.

Nope. Training, battle experience, tactics, and communication don’t matter - if you have “obsolete” guns, you’re going to lose. I know because some fat autist who wore a plate carrier with TNP patches on it down to the local range told me so.

One guy will get Garand thumb while loading the gun, reveal their location for the muslims. Rest is history.

What are "average muslim forces"? Taliban or an actual army?

>kek first post i see her

Does it really matter?


skip the scenario, but i think they'd do well with an m1

Wouldnt make much of a difference, seeing as US SOPs for Actions On Contact is 'blat off rounds in every direction and call in airstrikes/IDF on everything that moves and a lot of stuff that doesnt'.

>crayon eaters find the ancient stash of rifles
>like sticking a plug into a wall socket, the marine truly awakens as his intended tool and the toll of his forebears enters his hands
>the marines later take over Afghanistan, or whatever shithole they were thrown into

naw the crayola munchers are, on average, individually more incompetent than your average Jow Forumsommando. if handed anything older than an A2, your average muh will lose their shit, being as they have no idea how to handle anything not made with polymer. not to mention their arms arent even prepared for the power of the 30 06 in its unfiltered glory. these mason jar headed boots may have a few kids who play Call Of Duty and have seen a garand but as soon as they find themselves in an unfavorable situation without air support their pants will be smelling of their call of doodie.
the mudslimes will wipe the floor with the wanna be few and proud

They will just eat them

>Average marine using a gun or anything really) he wasn’t explicitly trained how to do

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yes, taliban is far more effective than your average muslim army.

Crayon eaters probably won't be able to figure out how to work the Garands

We are very Jow Forumsite, we’re all armed after all.

They would do fine unless the muslims find a hidden stash full of WW2 germans

Well, if the rifles are in decent shape, and there's plenty of .30-06 and en bloc clips, I think they'd do fine. I'm sure more than one marines would have seen how to operate the thing.

I think the crayon eaters fight their way through hadji and then ask their CO if they can carry Garands from now on.

*they will just fuck them


Newfag detected

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The m14 is just the M1 Garand but with a box magazine. It's not like the marines will be using ancient weapons or anything

>If you have "obsolete" guns, you're going to lose.

At a certain point this is true, though. Garands would be a toss-up against AKs (and that's what the OP is getting at), but if the Marines came across Mosin-Nagants or Martini-Henrys, I'd put my money on the sandmen - especially if they start closing distance on the Marines.

>Group of marines was found well ventilated with broken thumbs

Tell that to finnish conscripts.