"printing" is the biggest meme ever
If you wear dark colors nobody can even see your bulge
"printing" is the biggest meme ever
Other urls found in this thread:
>sees your bulge
There is always that one guy that can "recognize that bulge".
And what is he gonna do about it?
"oh no someone knows not to fuck with me"
Can someone please shop the bulge on this guy?
You'd be surprised how keen eyed soccer mom's are when it comes to bulges
If some normie >>notices your bulge
I always look to see who's carrying. If they're with family, gf, or a group of friends, I don't mind. If they're a solo dude, I watch to see if they display aggressive behavior. I get outta there if they start up with any weird shit. I think I spot guns a lot more than most people. Also, if you have any "tactical" or gun related shit on you, I assume you're carrying.
>calls 911
>"uhhh, there's a guy walking around with a gun at *insert here*. Send help before he shoots up the place"
>get drawn down on by a bunch of minimally trained trigger happy goombas with 0 concept of trigger discipline that proceed to shout conflicting orders at you and shoot you if you so much as cough at them
Wow, what could possibly go wrong in such a low risk situation
I've walked into the gym, shirt tucked behind grip by accident, got asked a half hour later why I came in with my phone tucked in my pants.
golden bait thread
>posts inarticulate opinion
>posts image disproving opinion
Jow Forums a fagical place
Until you have to bend down to pick something up. It's easier if you carry appendix but that's much less comfortable.
Who cares about printing? If you open carry 90% of the population is so oblivious to their surrounding to even notice a gun. Most people aren't going to notice a bulge under your shirt
>Tfw you'll never have to do twister for the man and get executed for fucking up.
just wear a loose shirt. tight fitting shirts are impractical and unfashionable.
Usually no one sees shit, cause they're to focus on what they're doing. Biggest reason why I went from IWB to OWB for 90% of my things, only a tshirt and over shirt to hide it (M&P 2.0 compact)
What ever happened to that cop?
I carry a full size and I don't give a single fuck if I print
Probably got a week suspension....with pay.
they wouldn't allow showing the footage in court so the cop got let off.
>they wouldn't allow showing the footage in court
Because even if you told the dumbass jury that the cop who pulled the trigger wasn't the one yelling the orders, they'd still deliberate on pure emotion.
Jury saw it before you and I, bro. Judge blocked it from release to the media until after the trial at the request of prosecutors and the defense. The jury saw Shriver reach to 4:00 to pull up his pants, and decided that was enough to acquit Brailsford. The dust cover with "You're fucked" got excluded for being inconsequential to whether Brailsford's choice to shoot was reasonable or not
The seargent (I assume) barking orders who ignored every single bit of training on a felony stop procedure got Shaver killed with that crawling bullshit, and he never saw the inside of a courtroom.
I was CCing an LC9S at 5 o'clock under a dark t-shirt and some cute college girls were walking behind me and I heard one saying "he has a gun, look he has a gun!" It was awkward.
> LC9s
That sucks. Was the grip sticking out or what? That's a tiny damn pistol
how is appendix less comfortable
do you not drive a car
Stupid bitches
It was obviously a shit-test you dumb virgin, they were trying to get you to act alpha so then they could become your haram
Usual idiots
This dude knows. Police shootings, much like self defense shootings in non-cucked states, are based off the information known to the individual at the time of shooting. At the time of shooting the information was a) man brandishing rifle and b) intoxicated man repeatedly moving hand towards area commonly where a gun is kept.
Prosecutor as usual jumped to Murder 2 where a reckless manslaughter would have probably been a slam dunk. So the jury, using the SCOTUS reasonable officer standard, found him justified. However the cop showed some worrisome unprofessionalism that I'm sure played a part in the shooting and why manslaughter likely would have stuck.
Also worth noting the cop who shot wasn't the one screaming orders like a retard.
>In Real Analysis class
>concealed carry is allowed on campus
>one of the other students is printing
>old professor from the former soviet union notices and says "I thought the rule was that they are concealed."
>He then proceeds to ask the class whether concealed means "hidden" or "covered".
I was having to work real hard not to kek
So yes, people do see you printing.
Must be fat.
>man obviously weeping
>man begging not to be shot
>man obviously trying to obey stupid fucking orders
>man obviously minimal threat, even if he had a gun
>the instant he moves his hand in the general vicinity of his pants, shoot him 5 times
Yeah totally legit
But they knew he had a rifle! And really, who doesn't keep their rifle in their boxers ready to murder unsuspecting cops? Would you bet your life on that?
How is it usual idiots? Cops get away with doing so much shit. Like that one swat tea. member who was found drunk at the wheel, had full kit including full auto mp7, was driving with a suspended license (judge said he can only drive for work) was in a company car, threaten to kill his co workers, all he got was a month off with no pay.
>usual idiot's
Pic related.
dazzle camo works better
>tight fitting shirts are impractical and unfashionable.
they look good if you weight-lift, look pumped, and you're a big guy
>Also worth noting the cop who shot wasn't the one screaming orders like a retard.
You've got to wonder if the cop screaming the orders knew that the other cop was jumpy. And started yelling conflicting commands, knowing it would fuck the situation up.
Arrests should be handled like commercial pilots fly. "I have control." Meaning that I'm the one issuing orders and the rest of you just shut up.
Reminder that screaming orders is the most effective way to make hysterical people listen.
I bet you fucks have never been is a dire situation...
>sees pistol outline
>noticeably stiffens
>quietly pushes children backwards with backwards sweep of arm
This reaction amuses me to no end. Yes, the guy that looks like an undercover cop is a threat to your wonderbread white oblivious children but the thug standing behind you that smells like a Marlboro vomited on him isn't.
I've been in a felony stop before and since the cop never screamed, I had no reason to get hysterical. Wish Shaver had been so lucky.
The cop screaming the orders was a sergeant. I think he is almost exclusively at fault for saying they would shoot him for not following orders, which very much can and probably did consciously or subconsciously enter in the shooters mind.
To add he quietly retired right after and left all the blame with the shooter. Weird huh?
I had a thumb strap for retention so my shit doesn't fall out if I get in a fight or have to run, it makes the holster a bit more bulky. That was probably the only part that was showing under the shirt... Or maybe it just came completely up, idk. People can tell if they're looking, and these bitches we're definitely checking out my hot rock hard bod.
Got a link? That's a shitbag move to let your subordinate take the fall for your leadership fuckup.
You should cut your dick off. You wouldn't want a soccer mom to call 911 and accuse you of rape, cowardly user.
>bend down
Bend your knees instead of bending over. Cover your gun and your ass crack.
That .jpg is perfect
>diabeetus pump
Is this a common enough occurrence in America?
Delete this.
Man I'm glad that this is still going on
Shut up Donut operator.
Cops fucked up
Drunk dude fucked up
Drunk dude was allowed to fuck up because the cops fucked up
Pretty much. The advent portable gadgets that literally everyone carries lets you get away with random bulges.
dumnass the thread is about printing of course youll be able to see it in a static image while trying to look for printing. the only people who look for printing irl are OTHER ccw carriers.
Normies just don't notice.
I worked in an office with a guy for a year. Me and him in the same room. He's a smart guy and gun friendly but he lives in MD so he's noguns. I carried a Hi Power most days and he never noticed until I told him a couple weeks before I left. I was always worried he knew and might tell others who might not be friendly. He just didn't notice.
I bet if you wear good leather and dress appropriately you'll be good to go. I just mean nothing skin tight.
even when it comes to thin dress slacks, my LCP2 in its pocket holster is way smaller and less conspicuous than my blackberry passport
I suffer from chronic hateboner syndrome.
A pump is for type 1 diabeetus which is genetic and not related to weight
Been awhile since I've seen the video, but I feel like the cop was more hysterical than the drunk guy.
Even if you are slightly printing no ones ever going to notice or care unless they're into guns themselves, and even then I don't think they'd jump to say anything
It's not to find. Sergeant Charles Langley
He retired 3 months after the shooting and moved out of the country, to the Philippines.
Printing isn't illegal anywhere. Why is this a thread?
>fat jewess sees with you with gun
>hyperventilates and harasses you because her hubby is a bureaucrat with some clout
>nobody on Jow Forums will believe your story about it
That's what you get for being drunk in public. Fucking degenerates should all be shot.
I guess if you're going to run away from life, you might as well run away to someplace where you can get away with fucking 15 year old prostitutes.
Absolutely. Right after the trigger-happy city cops and the bootlicker apologists that tug on their meat daily.
>Printing isn't illegal anywhere.
Printing is illegal everywhere that requires a permit you don't have.
I'm not even defending the cop, I just hate drunken pieces of shit. There's a time and a place for that and in public ain't it. And if a person drives drunk they should be slowly burned to death. They have no respect for their life or anyone else's.
he was drinking in his hotel room
>in your hotel room
>in public
choose one.
Or are you suggesting that he should have refused to open the door, and when the cops ordered him to come out, explained that he couldn't because that would be degenerate? In retrospect, I suppose that wouldn't have turned out any worse.
Yeah, I'll bet they have a lot of experience with men's bulges
concealed carry that isnt concealed isn't...
you should be able to work it out
That's officer401 to you buster
Lolol. They've been brainwashed to think that Tyrone is an aspiring engineer with a deep soul from stupid fucking movies, TV and Twitter. When they look at the average CCW holder they see a white devil who is milliseconds away from pulling a Sandy Hook
It's all brainwashing man welcome to clown universe