Why Grug no give up club? Only cave defender need club. Grug only need rock! Why Grug no think of gruglings?
Why Grug no give up club? Only cave defender need club. Grug only need rock! Why Grug no think of gruglings?
Go away berry picker. Grug pray to sky man you take Grug club. Grug smash and make club loving Gruglings with your Grugette.
Long nose may take grug sausage flap but long nose will never take grug warclub
why long nose tribe always talk gruglings? longnose look at gruglings too long. need club to keep long nose away from gruglings
Rock 19 or Stick Sauer?
Long nose tribe give grug happy plant. Grug love long nose tribe.
Rock Fotay
Rock 40, kill many great bear
Grug like Rock 19 over Stick Sauer
Holobunga never happen but Grug wish it did
grug never changes
neither does long nose tribe
Grug keep sausage flap, grug also trade shiny rocks for more warclubs. Shiny rocks in controll of long nose tribe, maybe not shiny tomorrow, grug prepare
Grug no listen to longnose tribe. Grug know that some moons ago longnose tribe club many palestoneian gruglings. Longnose tribe care not of gruglings and turn dem to berry pickers
Grug shorten warclub? Grug thinking about shortening warclub.
Long nose tribe behind all tribe problems, long nose tribe need all be clubbed
Is this Grug cave painting?
we all need to come together and club long nose tribe to death
just yabba dabba do it
Grug sad no tribe club Grug tribe. Grug spend many moon at warclub practice so Grug can give bad tribe forever nap, but bad tribe no fight like shamans said.
Also nosy she-grug as bad as long mose. Some She-Grug ok, but Rockgame Mother-grugs is terrible. This happen to grug:
>be grug
>am tribe hunter
>come sit by fire with warclub
>ugly rockgame mother-grug walk by with berry basket and two youngling grugs too old to still be pick berries
>"UGH! ARGH! UNGA BUNGA!!!! Is that... WARCLUB?!?!" she-grug cries.
>i say yes it warclub, grug is hunter
>she-grug say "grug not have warclub, only tribe defender have warclub, hunter grugs not need warclub only sharp rock."
>grug explain "tribe chief say all grug can have warclub in case of ape-men attack, no t just tribe defender"
>Rockball Mother-Grug no listen
>Tribe Defender rush toward grug
>What happen? You attacking younglings grug? Where is dead youngling?"
>Rockgame Mother-grug speak
>"This grug have WARCLUB but he not tribe defender grug, him danger to tribe! Give to Chief for slave!"
>I tell Tribe Defender I hunter grug and chief say all grug can carry warclub when he went on mammoth hunt last week
>Defender-grug say he remember. He went on same hunt last week, and he think good idea, in case of ape-man attack, all grug should have warclub
>Rockgame Mother-Grug start insult defender, say he have Ape-Man brain. Say Chief also have Ape-Man brain. Say warclub is wrong and all club should be given to long-nose only
>Defender-grug grab screeching Rockgame Mother by hair
>drag her to chief cave
>Warrior grugs beat Rockgame Mother
>Chief give Rockgame Mother to Shaman.
>Shaman sacrifice her to Sky Father
>grug face when
Hitunga not do wrong me think Hitunga right about longnose tribe
48 rock get
Grug angry, me have new war-club me show father-grug at tribe celebration and long-nose she-grug say only hunter grug and long nose grug need war-club, me say saber-tooth tiger kill grug than war-club, and she try take. Grug beat she-Grug, tribe join.
>10,000 BCE
>still believing in Sky Father