Jow Forums dreams

Alrighty Jow Forums, I know you've had combat dreams before, so let us hear 'em.

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>Alrighty Jow Forums, I know you've had combat dreams before, so let us hear 'em.
combat in bed if ya know what I mean

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Huh, well add that to the list of bittersweet dreams I'll never have happen

now you now how I feel everyday

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>be me, but in the Gulf War for some reason
>US Army issues me an M1 Garand because they ran out of modern rifles
>also they don't have any bullets left, so I just gotta make do with a bayonet
>oh well, whatever
>it's night time, we're fighting in a city, half the buildings are on fire, and I see 4 hajis shooting from the a pile of rubble
>manage to sneak around to their flank and charge them with my bayonet
>get really nervous when I get close to the first haji, stab him so weakly in the throat that the knife bounces off his skin
>man up and stab him again, this time piercing him through the neck and killing him
>move on down the row, stabbing hajis in the throat one at a time
>when I get to the last haji it takes a lot of effort to stab him, and the blade only sinks into his throat very slowly, he's got a thick-ass neck
>finally kill him and the dream ends

>be on vacation in some tropical paradise
>for some reason I am allowed to keep a long gun handy and opted for my SKS of all things
>be finishing up a day of fishing with my friend who is one of the locals
>as we go to dock a boat pulls up and a couple guys with machetes start yelling to hand over everything or they're gonna make us bleed
>laugh and grab the SKS and tell them to try it
>one guy takes a swing at my buddy, I double tap him in the chest
>other guy hops onto our boat and shoves buddy overboard. I brain him and we get the fuck out of there to call the cops
>cell phone gets scrambled
>fucking payphone nearby rings
>answer it
>deep freaky fucking african warlord type voice says "You fucked wit da wrong peepo" and hangs up
>nope the fuck back to the house thing I was renting
>barricade all the doors and call the cops
>they say they can't help for another 6 hours
>thugs start breaking in through the windows
>fighting room to room, brain a few guys and get lucky and spear a dude with an AR15 as he comes in through the window
>the rest of the dream is just harrowing CQB fighting with an AR and lots of unintelligible nigger babble and blood
Woke up in a cold sweat, shit was insane. Hard to do it justice on a single post.

>SHTF scenario
>be laying in the bush simo hayha style
>staring down the irons laying in quiet monotony
>listen to my nugget tell me of the days of its youth
>enemy spotted
>remove kebab
>mosin is happy
>I'm happy
It was a pretty fucking comfy dream

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>Be me
>Defending my house in a trench
>Ex-gfs scummy friendos come to steal my shit
>Shoot at them with shotgun
>Gun doesn't do any damage
>Get my AK
>Pull out my pistol
>Doesn't work
>Grab one and begin braining him with the bottom of pistol
>Have to kill them before a Huey comes in
>Helicopter lands and I've only killed two
>Wake up

Does this count?

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>>walk downstairs, hear sounds from outside. Enter living room and nearly get facefucked by a facehugger - my edc saves me.
>>See full grown aliens scuttling around outside the windows.
>>Grab my range bag which I realize only has my cz75 in it, run.
>>try to throw the aliens off my scent by throwing a bottle of cologne at the doorway I left through (maybe it will confuse them, though where the hell the cologne came from IDK.)
>>running like hell through the woods
>>big fucking alien drops out of the trees in front of me
>>start magdumping my pistol into it as it lands on me
>>wake up as it bites off my face
Heart pounding/cold sweat

>Be me
>Reservist in a fictional country at the beginning of WWI
>Live in tiny European nation, a little larger than Luxembourg, with an army of a little more than a thousand
>We are in the way of the Schlieffen Plan, so reservists are called up and prepare for war
>Stationed near eastern border to prepare for German assault.
>Given the task of defending a border checkpoint on a bridge across a river
>Fully expect to be overrun, but defend the bridge anyway
>German attack comes, firing my bolt action rifle from a foxhole
>They keep coming, they won't stop
>Machine gunner killed, he was the only man preventing those damned Huns from crossing
>Crawl to his trench, and start firing the machine gun
>Run out of ammo, keep firing my rifle
>Finally get shot, falls over dead
>I wake up in slight panic

One of the cooler dreams I've had, considering I don't dream often.

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>I'm a British soldier
>shipped off to fight in crimea
>I'm wounded terribly
>a young lady from Florence Nightingale's nursing brigade and I strike up a friendship
>she reads me poetry at night, I realize it is Christina Rossetti
>she's like 5/10 but we fall in love regardless
>ask her to marry me but she says no
>she's too pious, sad and weird. I'm a broke crippled soilder

>>I'm a British soldier
Nightmare right there

>Be me
>Ivan, in trench
>Using a combo of cement blocks and mosin to find a seat not covered in snow
>Playing cards with Boris and Ilyasha
>Trench is just a hole immediately infront of a abandoned farm house
>Throw my cards and get up, start climbing out of hole, faced toward the building
>Blood sprays from my chest
>I fall over, back into the trench
>Fade to black, wake up in my bed
Lol, no more Stalingrad movies before bed

Fuck off furfag.

Kept killing people from road rage.

I guess it may have been inspired by yesterday when I was in Hillcrest San Diego, and I kept seeing slideshow steroid-abusing LGBT individuals who kept threatening to throw me in their torture kingpin empire cadaver pool while rubbing their asses and making sure they were passing me at net 5mph (amerimutt slaughtered goy cattle units) to accommodate my movements if I was too slow, rest if I were over the speed. They also carry illegal handguns and threaten to make crypto hits on me, releasing liveleak sexual desecration videos of my corpse to liveleak. There was also homeless drunks that smelled like piss everywhere. I wanted to hit one of them over the head with my SAP because no one would call the police anyway.

I just came to get a burger, but there was all these fag flags in the windows. I had a good sized knife to shank one if I needed to, but I wasn't carrying my P80 glock. I hope more gay club shootings and tranny murders happen, because they need to know they're on the wrong side of history.

I constantly compare flocks of homeless, desperate, and illegitimate people to places like Californian Liberal Cities, to entitled nigger geese, and it's taking decades off my life to no end, in the end, of your end, anywhere.

Is this a sign of agitation? If I'm not carrying a firearm with 20+ rounds or more, I don't feel safe in this shithole. I keep seeing nigger FFLs and gay drug lords suggesting they're carrying gucci handguns to me in the face. I Don't know what to do.

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>be me
> Be helo pilot in Vietnam
> For some reason use a stolen mi24(pick related)
> Co-pilot wakes me from my rack
> Have fire mission and infantry support mission for the push north.
> Get chow, get briefed
> Chat with a ghost from my past about what's to come
> Finally get in and fly out to Target alpha.
> Fill the village with incindiary m-5 rockets
> Letgodsortthemout.jpg
> Get radio call for imediate fire support
> Respond back and make sure they know the Russian helo was friendly
> Half a click west there's tracer fire and mortar hits blinking in and out of the bush
> Use the rotary 50 to put down fire, throw a few dozen m-5s at the remaining tracers.
> Med-evac the three americans that got hit
> Wake up feeling better than I have been in a long time.

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>It's evening and starting to get dark when I realize it's only 3pm
>I look out my window and see 1 million black African niggers streaming over the horizon, blocking out the sun
>their pants are at half mast, dicks out and ready to rape everything I've ever loved
>they are armed with mac-10s, tech-9's and ak-47s
>I pull my 30 cal out of the closet and begin spray firing into the hoard, but the dead are trampled by the niggers behind
>they world war z dog pile to climb to my 3rd story window and I grab a rambo mg42 and begin to shoot into the pile before I'm engulfed and the world ends

>been stabbed in attempted
>been shot at before
>have had a gun pulled on me
>basement dwellers have goofy dreams of being in a war or having to use a gun
>meanwhile I have nightmares of being in highschool again

>I'm special, people have attacked me
Welcome to adulthood, newfriend

Had one last night
>in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looking post apocalyptic Eastern European area
>near a six story tall square building with a big water tower on roof
>wearing flecktarn with ALICE gear and an AR carbine
>quietly walk through building, shoot two dudes on bottom floor
>somehow sneak behind 3 dudes in stairwell waiting for me and shoot them
>check every room until I know the building's empty
>go up to roof and climb on water tower
>the dream's setting has suddenly changed to sub-Saharan Africa but I'm still on the same building and I suddenly have a .50 cal rifle
>see niggers walking around in distance
>shoot a bunch of nigs with .50
>wake up

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>combat dream
My only recurring Jow Forums dream is the one where I'm standing in line in the back of an old WWII airplane waiting for the light to turn green.
There's flak and shit going on outside and through the open door I see other airplanes going down in flame.
And I'm waiting.
And I'm waiting for that green fucking light.
Knowing the longer I stay in this fucking airplane the more likely I'm going to die in it as it goes up in flames.
And I'm still fucking waiting for that green light.
It never comes.

Whole nights of this, just me pissing my pants in terror in a rinky-dink prop airplane over enemy lines, waiting for a stupid fucking light to appear. Fucking hate this dream.

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No way, fag.

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>be me
>part of some somewhat organized militia post shtf
>on a huey riding in on a mission to bust some caps in a UN fema camp/liberate
>fly in and fast rope down
>I see my teammates clad in m81 and black fast helmets/boots/plate carriers
>spend rest of dream evacuating prisoners, gathering intel and getting the fuck out before reinforcements came
>have similar dreams almost every night for the better part of a year
>realize these dreams are somewhat chronological, some kind of simulated war against occupiers in the US
>realize that camps I saw in my dreams are extremely similar to facilities in my state.

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Any Jow Forums related dreams I have go one of two ways
>I can't hit the broadside of a barn. I can be holding a gun to someone's head and still miss
>I shoot someone in self defense, but some small legal technicality nullifies any legal protection I had

I dreamed once that I was part of a crack team of commandos sent to assassinate Kaiser Wilhelm II, only when we succeeded we ended up plunging the world into an even darker WW2 consisting of Romanov Russia, Imperialist Germany, and Austria-Hungary vs. USA, Great Britain, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Japanese Empire.

Here is one from Kindergarten.

>Fighting against Native Americans during the "Pilgrim days"
>My faction was dressed as stereotypical pilgrims
>Other side dressed as Native Americans except they were wearing brown bags for clothing and had cheap finger paints and feathers
>Other side looked more like 1/4 Black and 3/4 White Americans than actual Native Americans
>Beat two to death with a quadruple barreled shotgun which did not fit the times
>Battlefield had long rows of little kid pools
>Afterward, "pilgrims" were celebrating by drinking wine from glass chalices
>Woke up thinking WTF

I am still surprised I remember that dream.

I cannot say remember any other combat dreams in detail.

>be me in special forces, somewhere in Afghanistan
>have to have team rendezvous with a local rebel group to assist with mission
>meet up with rebels, one of them is a 10/10 qt 3.14 (think shantae)
>pass large building with gate
>sprayed with machine gun fire from building as we pass gate
>I am on one side of the gate with qt but rest of team is by the other side off the gate
>split up to go around
>me and qt go sneaki breeki and get to back door of building and clear out all the sand niggers
>regroup with team and head back to base
>bang qt and tell her I'm taking her home with me
>wake up
feels bad

>rambo mg42

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Lol M60. Apologies, good sir

Any notable kills?
Quentin Tarantino tier ,or realsistic?

Who won?

i couldn't punch the fucking russian and i woke up mad

I was in high school when i had this dream btw
>at home playing vidya on my computer
>suddenly i hear jets flying over head and explosions in the distance
>Instantly know that the Chinese have bombed Darwin
>I live south of Brisbane
>Dumb dream logic it somehow made sense to me
>Friend from school come marching up to my house with all my other mates
>they tell me the government is encouraging teens to forum militias
>they throw me a uniform and an L1A1
>we march off to defend a bridge I live near
>comfy as fuck pal battalion vibes
>the Chinese are here
>only a few minuets after they landed in Darwin apparently
>Im the first shot
>they medevac me in a Huey
>Hear in the hospital that all my friends died defending that bridge till engineers could blow it up
>woke up feeling extremely guilty and sad

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Had one where I was reloading one of the guns on the Monitor.
My ears were ringing the whole time, it was extremely loud, I could barely stand, and crew members on the other ship were firing their rifles at us.

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I had a dream she was still here, we where watching tv and talking about how we should go about buying the house. Her smile was warm and comforting.
Then i woke up cold because i cant afford to keep the heat on.

>be with u.s. army, stationed in london
>muslim extremists attempted to implement sharia law in the city, started persecuting the lot of them
>britfags beat them back, but unfortunately let the fucks slip away into the countryside
>not enough manpower to keep the peace in london and other urban centers
>had mutts like me stationed to keep things in check whilst british army cleaned up the countryside
>saw prisoners put to work
>england was regressing somewhat back to the industrial revolution for some reason, with prisoners as slave labor
>still had modern technology, of course
>be patroling london, get welcomed with open arms for service
>felt more like a school field trip rather than keeping things in order
>on top of all this, had qt 3.14 asian POG gf
>we both go to sleep, in the dream, with her in my arms
>wake up in my bed alone
I didn't even feel sad that it was over. I felt pretty good that I had such a dream to begin with.

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>Be Me
>In the Cordon rookie village
>Relaxing by campfire
>Cleaning Nugget
>Listening to Loner play soft guitar melody
>All is calm
>Burst of AK Fire
>Guy shouts that a Military Fireteam is converging
>Ready Nug
>The other Stalkers in the camp spread out
>Wolf sets up a PKM on the destroyed rooftop
>Get into cover and await contact
>Wake up
>MFW couldn't snipe military scum

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Gonna need a source for that Illya you posted cheif.

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Fighting an army of intelligent alligators with a shitload of Schmidt Rubins and SKSs at my high school reunion that was in Florida for some reason.