Deployment of THAAD In Israel

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This triggers the Jow Forumstards, sandnigs, and pro-Russians.

Lucky fucking Israelis.

How many days until satellite images see it in China?

China doesn’t have access to satellite imagery

The sun rising is enough to trigger those people

And what might trigger you, Chaim? Uncut penises? Sound of change falling through drainage grate? Living goyim babies?

Dont be stupid, they have plenty of reconnaissance satellites.

Sure they do chang

Ah, hello Jow Forums NPC. I see it's yet another episode of "anyone who disagrees with me is a kike".

They deployed it for a joint exercise retard.

>Sure they do chang
They do.

>JSSW FSW-0 FSW-1 FSW-2 FSW-3 JianBing

>JSSW-3 SJ-2 DQ-1

39 Lunches 38 successes

One week. One month for it to show up on Taobao.

So glad my tax dollars go to defend some jewish parasites in their shithole.

He says, as he types “everyone who posts things I don’t like is from Jow Forums“

Did they burn one of their lunches? Burnt rice tastes horrid.


It gives the THAAD system an increased chance to get some actual use under its belt. S400 niggers on suicide watch

but I didn't. those were just your standard Jow Forums meme replies

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