
>wood furniture is so sexy
>it's much better than that soulless synthetic mass produced crap

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I, a zoomed, agree

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I, as a druid, can confirm that trees have souls and synthetics* do not.

*does not include warforged

He is not wrong.

Plastic furniture is fuck ugly on bolt guns and AKs.

I like both, some guns just look better with wood furniture. AKs and G3s specifically.

Yeah it’s really situational. Wood furniture mp5? Disgusting.
Plastic AK or bolt gun? Yuck

>Wood furniture mp5?
You have completely shit taste

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You have completely shit taste.

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Plastic furniture is p gay. Good polymer might last longer than wood. But wood is slightly more plastic than polymer and takes up some of the initial recoil impact. You can notice the difference in recoil between a good wood stock and one of those magpul stocks. I had a good old bruise on my face after shooting an AK with a Zhukov stock. Regular wood is just fine.

Actually I think the 30 year old boomer would be more like
>you dont need anything other than an ayy R fifth teen son

AK-12s are beutiful, you people are the ugly ones!

>heh, you think you're gonna have time to oil your wood in a shtf scenario?
>polymer lasts longer, is quickly interchangeable, and will never get water damage

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That's how my dad thinks.
When I told him I wanted to get a FAL, he told me just to get an AR.
I also told him that I wanted a Jericho 941, and he told me its probably a jam-o-matic and to just get a Glock.

When will boomers ever understand.

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Fuck his ass, or let someone fuck yours

then he'll see the faggot he really is

My man

It is, it always has been, and it always will be. Synthetic stocks feel like shit.

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God that is hot


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>Wood is more plastic than plastic

gonna have to agree

Plastics are shit and bad for the environment. Wood is sexy and aesthetic. Fuck fudds and tacticool mallninjas.

OP is stupid but you're objectively wrong and stupider

it's not bad but get whatever you enjoy

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OP is once again a giant faggot.

Correct. Next?

Fuck of you fagass piece of shit filthy commie cock sucking fucker!! Don't dare even fucking say ANYTHING about wooden furniture you gook loving ballsucking motherfucker!!!

While poorly phrased, that is a correct statement.

kys faggot

I, for one, think black polymer on an AK is sexy.

More plastic? No. More durable? Absolutely.

If wood is that great why are all modern pistols made out of polymer?

Wood is definitely a classic and tasty choice. Which is exactly why I would use a polymer plastic gun that I could care less about as a carry gun in case it gets taken in and never returned as evidence.

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that's the best one

cost you fucking mouth breather, you're making his point for him

Wood has character.

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>man of shad

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I lost a significant amount of brain cells reading this post


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My Jericho has never jammed in 500 rounds. It's as reliable as my Glock. I like shooting my Jericho a little more, as it just fits my hand a little better. I would trust either one as a carry weapon though.

Damn, dude. I just care about trees and their names. I want to take them apart for informational purposes. Fine carved wood has started to pull my attention. I care about the metal too. If it’s plastic, please feel free to inform me.
tl;dr Nice carved wood.

You are too horny. Do you need a doll to copulate with?

You can just clean the metal once every few weeks to avoid the rust and to keep the metal nice and sharp. Dude.

Will spicy air come out?

vz. 58 is cute! CUTE!

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Is that marble?

no, chipboard.

Okay, thanks.

Probably because it lasts longer so you don’t have to keep manufacturing more of the same guns.

Which looks better

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The optic ruins the second, everything is ruined on the first.
I have to go with the second.

>nam of the dahs

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Kys viral marketing cunt. You're life is failure

He ain't wrong.
You are the reason everyone here hates us.

Go look up the definition of plasticity. Then go look up the plasticity rate of walnut, and compare it to the plasticity rate of glass-filled nylon (the "polymer" used in 99% of polymer gun parts). Walnut is more plastic than that particular plastic.

I have those stocks. The Magpul looks better. Both are uncomfortable IMO. I regret everything.

Seems like you just used photoshop but they are both adequate. Wood for antique and other for pratical use.

Synthetic is nice

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Holy shit, that’s hot.

Yeah, imagine trying to pick that thing up in arizona during summertime

That's actually one of the few times I prefer polymer.

Fair. Arizona is a very fine state for land conservation.

Based Hotaru poster.

>500 rounds
That means nothing in a mechanism that has a lifespan of over 10k rounds.


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I happen to like shadman

I live in a marsh, even laminated wood suffers.


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This because it will shoot better. No cuck band on the barrel

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how is she so perfect!


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Imagine bruising your delicate face from a 7.62x39 in any configuration.

Isn’t that a white zombie song?

No the correct statement would be wood is more elastic than plastic.

Best KISS drummer. Fite me fag

Yes or no?

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