Hypothetical: I'm nogunz but I love shooting and going shooting with my friends...

Hypothetical: I'm nogunz but I love shooting and going shooting with my friends. I'm prone to extreme bouts of suicidal depression and unironically think Ted Kaczynski did nothing wrong. Should I own firearms?

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>Should I own firearms?
I don't know if you should, but I know that you should be allowed to.

And you should also see a psychiatrist regularly.

All the real work is being done in law firms and mathematicians you autist. Quit excusing your lack of dedication to your own mental health with dreams of changing the world one bullet at a time. More has been done to fix mankind by law and math and hard work then chucklefucks trying to axe the Bourgeoisie like some drunken wackamole.

Drop the suicide. Then sure.

Don't see a psychiatrist. The system depresses us, then prescribes drugs to make us feel better. Sick.

Just find a range that does rentals for now until you get your mind right.

> Drop the suicide
> Don't see a psychiatrist

If the dude could drop the suicide, he wouldn't need to see a psychiatrist.

>Ted was based
>Should I use modern technology?

>More has been done to fix mankind by law and math and hard work
More has been done to fuck up mankind. There fixed it so its now true.

>weapons are modern technology

Guns bad but bow and arrow okay? What about matchlock?

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GUNS - the topic of this thread - is modern technology, you fucking retard

I'm asking your to elucidate the difference between a weapon and corrupted modern technology.

Go for it so you can blow your faggot brains out. I don't give a fuck about the gun grabber group exercises that involve suicide/crime rates being used to turn gun owners against each other, and this board shouldn't.

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Guns are mechanical. There's pretty much nothing more to it.
You could technically create an AR-15 without electricity and modern tools.
And the ammo aswell.
It's "pure" technology because it doesn't rely on an endless power source, but a human being to operate it.

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I'd appreciate if you didn't

That image sure is something.

you can refuse antidepressant prescriptions
I see a shrink every couple of months, mostly just use it to vent about life, and then I feel better afterwards. only prescriptions I get from her are for insomnia and high blood pressure.

Firearms are close to being 1000 years old, faglord.

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Well that certainly didn't stop Uncle Ted from using mail bombs.


Sure a lot of D&C shit recently huh

Remember when we just talked about guns?

Groups of nefarious actors are running psyops campaigns (see the YANG GANG spamming infesting pol for an example)

based and redpilled

>unironically think Ted Kaczynski did nothing wrong
Then you clearly need to make your own firearm.

Attached: unagunner.jpg (956x551, 33K)

I drink every night, have thoughts of killing myself every night too. I am not harm to other and neither are you, so we both can own.

Go work on your thesis.

you sound like the average k member