Pakistan navy spotted an Indian submarine trying to enter Pakistani waters...

Pakistan navy spotted an Indian submarine trying to enter Pakistani waters. Apparently P-3 Orion Surveillance Aircraft detected it. When will India start winning again?

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>indian submarine
Cant be hard to track that, just modify the exhaust-tracker to pic up poo-particles instead

India gave a press report on the incident

India BTFO again by Pakistan? LMAO this is unreal.

>Invincible Russian Kilo subs detected by 50 year old aircraft in poo air force


Does anyone have the video?

They are constantly testing each others capabilities so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Panjeet was snorkelling to see if Hamza could find it.

This is such a shitshow.

Why do you feel the need to mention Russians in every fucking thread?
How many Russians do you think there are on this board?

It's just surveillance and probing at each other's defenses/gauging reactions at this point. Hopefully it kicks off once both sides believe they have enough Intel

>Indian submarine

Attached: 1541409885253.jpg (247x247, 12K)

Poo-3 orifice

Because it's Russian equipment, and Russians have been shitting up Jow Forums with their roostering for years.

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virtually no russians have ever posted here.

Despite indian military being massive compared to pakistan and a much larger budget they are getting DESTROYED. This is hilarious.

Not him, but that sounds exactly what election meddling ruskies would say.

>nuh uhhh!

jumping at shadows.

Do indians know how to operate any fucking military equipment, jesus that's more humiliating by the day

Which nationality is armatard then? Nauruan?

>he isnt suspicious of shadows
Why are you even on Jow Forums?

Jose is upset. Como estas?

>election meddling ruskies
We all know who actually meddles with US elections

Attached: 1509312596070.png (274x290, 11K)

(The election was 3 years ago, still literally not a single shred of evidence of meddling)

But if you wanna talk about meddling, let's talk about Bolton's gay ass fucking around in Venezuela

wtf I love shitskins now

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Because it was a russian-made kilo sub

stop being so defensive I'm not even american.

oy vey moishe!

Paki here, a detected submarine is one that's failed its mission and has embarrassed itself near enemy waters. India has completely lost its mind. We say that the Indians have an edge in the air, but the Indian Navy is meant to be FAR superior to ours, and yet this is what they do.

I'd love it if our Pakistan Air Force were to reveal the details of the raid and downing on Indian aircraft on the 27th of Feb, just before their elections. That would ruin Modi!!

I'm only going based off of what I've heard but the statement on the strikes given by the millitary are intentionally, and understate the damge inflicted on the Indians. And the details of how the Indian aircraft were lured and shot down, were as I expected, but the true story paints the most damning picture of the IAF's incompetence.

These are P-3Cs that roughly the same capability as those fielded by numerous other developed countries. They've got Hawkeye AEW systems from the mid-2000s.

>When will India start winning again?

>false dichotomy
They both do.

>just quoting putin makes me jewish
imagine being this paranoid

calm down ahmed =^)

Yes comrade! We are of all American football watching and of eating the burger. Are you also being excited for coming balkanization and civil war 2.0?

99% of 'soviets' that post on Jow Forums are commie college student americans.

Did they find it by following the poo trail?

Imagine the smell inside.

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Is it going to sink after they forget a hatch open?

>das poo
>the hunt for red fecal matter
>crimson stool
>20,000 poos under the Ganges

>and Russians have been shitting up Jow Forums with their roostering for years
So you shit it up even more to spite 2 or 3 actual Russians here who aren't even in this thread?
So what?
Weapon systems are used by people. If people use them badly they suck.

Anyone got that link about how truly fuckedup service on an Indian navy ship is? It was apparently written by an exchange officer I think?

>Russia dindu nuffin
>Worrying about fucking Maduro, the fat as fuck commie presiding over a nation of starving niggers

Russian. As. Fuck.

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>but the Indian Navy is meant to be FAR superior to ours,
lolwut, for years now they've had one sink in catastrophic accidents every year + numerous other accidents (I still kek at the crew turned into pink mist by a CIWS misfiring)

Yeah and you attracted him to this thread you dumb retarded nigger.
>I take an Abrams and drive it into a ditch
This is you. Nigger. You're as bad as he is.
The Indian Navy is a dangerous joke

Anyone who works with Indians will tell you why

>election meddling
The Republican Party backed up by wealthy elitists like the Koch Brothers have been gerrymandering state legislatures and disenfranchising voters across numerous states
This is whats really going wrong with elections in America, not Russian trolls and bots on social media

>In 2010, three crew members on destroyer INS Mumbai were instantly killed when an AK-630 Close-in weapon system went off as safety drills were not followed.
Can you imagine how horrifying that would have been

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There's Israeli meddling too, in addition to Russian meddling. Investigation is going in that direction too.
But never mind that, you're talking to an autist who's waging internet war against ''Russians'' on Jow Forums.


Clear superpower material right there. Impressive.

I don't think Pakistanis are much better. Historically speaking Indians whooped their ass, and they are supposed to be ''martial race'' or something.

>martial race
that's british colonial bs

I know.

Yes! American system of education is completely under control of former KGB following secret victory of cold war. Excellent statistic friend!

>Crimson Stool

The real election meddling is Democrats importing 3rd worlders and buying their votes with gibs.

But that signal is masked because of the poop stream coming from their beaches.

Jesus I hope it was quick, having to mop up your friends would be demoralizing enough but seeing your comrades scream and bleed out after getting mutilated by shrapnel and spalling would be infinitely worse.

They can never answer why it is EVERY other country on planet that has free and fair elections requires voter ID, but here it is racist. That tells you all you need to know about democrats' concerns for election integrity.

what about the kid that used to post pics of the supply depot in the middle of nowhere he was stationed at, full of godies

superpower in 9 months user

Maybe when their intelligent people stop emigrating to the US and Canada

Perhaps you can give some insight here; I've noticed a pattern with the two parties online commenters that the Paki posters tend to be quite fluent in English and definitely learned the art of banter from their former colonial masters whereas the Indians tend to just embarrass themselves online. Is this basically because every pajeet in India has a smart phone and thus comments the geopolitical equivalent of "show bobs and vagene" whereas the Paki commenters are either ISI (a respectable intelligence outfit in it's own right) or else are among the more highly educated Paki "elites," that is to say the families of upper class Pakis in government and the military. It's added a very interesting, and entertaining, element to the online PR/shilling/war of words that I have seen unfold on twitter as well as Jow Forums and I can't help but wonder if it is owing to less internet penetration or less English literacy in rural Pakistan.

Relevant dump concerning Indian navy capability

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I agree with you man but mentioning russians is not nearly as common as the 5 threads we have rn that about
>Amerisharts btfo by Chang!!!!

god poo niggers are pathetic

Makes me want to dig out the CIA documents on poo in the loos in the 60s

Its like they made 0 progress to adance past WW1 sandnigger countries

Brown storm rising

But Pakistan has no idea when there are terrorist groups hiding out within their borders... Hmmm

I'm against this sort of behaviour in general, not because he's shitting on Russians.
But there's some autists here who literally act like this in every thread remotely connected to Russia. And then they attract resident Russiaboos and threads turn to shit.

>is not nearly as common
poo nigger shitposting doesnt justify hohol and mutt nigger shitposting

Their surface fleet is larger, their sub fleet is too, and they have an aircraft carrier. So yeah, even given their safety record, they're superior on paper.

You've hit the nail on the head, it's the second part. There are lots of smart and sane Indians online, and their intelligentsia is even larger than ours in Pakistan. It's true that the Pakistanis you speak to online, are either expats or the elite.

But also, there's a third phenomenon which you may have missed. Recently India's politics have taken a very nationalistic turn, dissent on certain topics, including Indo-Pak conflicts, is not welcome in India. Educated Indians are shut down and called out as traitors for making sane arguments, and religious tensions are on the rise. Whereas in Pakistan, we're moving in the opposite direction, we've had three elected governments in a row, something never achieved before in our history. We have a free media, that criticises any and all political parties.

As you might have seen, the Indian media in this latest episode has displayed unquestioning jingiostic propaganda, while their usual warmongering has verged on hysteria. Meanwhile in Pakistan, most of the media only bothers shitting on opposition political parties, while the rest of the country focusses on a popular cricket league. Simply put, while the Indian media was covering how best to attack and teach a lesson to Pakistan, the Pakistani media, before the strike, simply didn't give a fuck.

Lastly, I think India and Indians in general have more identity issues and complexes that arose from the partition of India in 1947. It's what leads them to distrust their own citizens as traitors when they dissent. And when Kashmiris or others raise genuine political problems, or ask for independence, they associate that with the negative image of Pakistan in India.

Interesting question you asked, it requires more depth desu. I'd love to hear the Indian perspective here.

Paki here, we do have an idea. The last couple of years have seen both our current and previous government defy certain elements of society as well millitary establishement, in reaching out to India to offer them the chance to negotiate a settlement for Kashmir. As a part of that, an unprecedented acknowledgement of the issues caused by miscreants, such as LeT, JeM and their handlers in the government/establishment, has been made.

But the Indian government is a right wing nationalistic one. Our own reputation has been damaged by 26/11 and Kargil, but now even the Indian state has refused multiple peaceful overtures by Pakistan. Partly due to historic distrust, partly because I think they feel they can easily handle us conventionally. I hope at least the realisation that the latter isn't possible, brings them back to finding a settlement.

>Makes me want to dig out the CIA documents on poo in the loos in the 60s
Please do, I'd love to read that.

Does your government or would your government seek to prosecute terrorists if they found them? Terrorists being able to hide in plain sight isn't anything new or surprising, but I don't know if any amount of reforms will ingratiate foreign governments to an "enlightened" Pakistan if you don't make an obvious effort at removing the lawless elements from your borders.

>we do have an idea
I know. I was being facetious.

indians don't have submarines
>because you can't have a poop deck on a sub-surface vessel

Hey we here in Brazil don't require voter ID.

[spoiler]We ask for any official document with a photo.[/spoiler]

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>They've got Hawkeye AEW systems from the mid-2000s.
No. Pakistani air force operates Saab 2000 with Ericson Erieye radar and Shaanxi Y-8 as their AEW systems. Saab 2000's are pretty modern as those were delivered around 2008, production of planes ended in 1999, so most likely aircraft are second hand planes bought from airlines that were refurbished.

Attached: Saab_2000_Erieye.jpg (1200x800, 248K)

Pajeet vs poo which term is funnier?

Pajeet IMO.

no secret that pakistan uses proxies to further it's geopolitical interests, and you can't really accuse them for doing that when literally every nation with geopolitical importance has done it and continues to do it. Also pakistan poor as fuck, can never match the military spending of it's chief rivals so proxies are a very cost effective way to achieve objectives and deny any involvement.
The real tricky bit is that Pakistan only has sway with SOME militant outfits, cuz there are a fuckton of outfits each with their own agenda, some actually very hostile to the pakistani establishment, hence the regular terrorist attacks inside pakistan. But i guess the establishment views this as an acceptable cost of doing business.

Recently Pakistan issued orders to arrest leaders and major members of the leading terror groups inside Pakistan. This includes the terror group that killed the 40 indian soldiers.

A bit overdue but im guessing JeM took a gamble and miscalculated badly.

those countries also have automatic registration and don't actively seek to disenfranchise a sizable minority of the population.

>I don't think Pakistanis are much better
True, the difference though is that pakis don't spend half their time larping as a superpower. They're not delusional clowns like pajeets.

I know Pakistan operates those AWACS, I'm saying the P-3Cs have that system.

The biggest hurdle to this is parts of the army/ISI, and sections of society. But I believe it's completely doable, especially if India makes an effort or even accepts our offers to talk on a Kashmir settlement.

LeT and the like would definately be dealt with.

Why has India been so incompetent during this whole affair?

yeah but the ppm (poo per million) will be a lot higher as the sub concentrate it.
any decent FMD(fecal matter detector) should be able to separate it from the background ppm

they can't even figure out toilets, why are you surprised?

Jesus. How do they still have a navy left?

not indian, but worked with them.

Biggest issue with many indians is what you said; identity. You can train an indian to do something, but they will almost always default back to their designated behavior of excessive collectivism and attempting to "improve" on a task to gain recognition and acceptance while fucking it up.

see: any office staffed with indians; give a task that takes one person, suddenly you have a team of at minimum 3 people loading paper into a printer. a Team that took time to organized and discuss. for no fucking reason.

Next point. 100% train an indian on a task, perfectly, have them execute it perfectly. Release into wild. 20 seconds later: "I know what I am doing."

They were so confident. I assumed there had to be a reason for it

the rounds are high explosive. They didn't bleed out. They just gibbed.

Foolish disgusting white people! Always with colonial brain. India submarine will and won't get detected by Pakistan terrorist navy if she wants. India submarine just get detected for sending the message to terrorist Islam filth in Islamabad that great India Navy submarine could anywhere she want and nothing that Pakistan shit Orion could do. There will be full CAP over Karachi tonight but not from Islamic terrorist Pakistan shit "air force", but from full might of great India SU-30MKI, Rafale, Jaguar, MiGs and advanced Tejas. JAI HIND! KILL ALL PAKISTANI!! LONG LIVE SIVA!! KILL ALL MUSLIM!

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The whole objective of a submarine is to net get detected. What sort of message were they sending by snorkelling and getting detected? "We're a retarded navy"?

The Indian navy can only defeat itself. Im pretty sure that the first rule of submarines is to close the doors.