Why do people keep losing guns in boating accidents? Is it a meme for gun owners to tell authorities that they're not giving up guns or something?
Why do people keep losing guns in boating accidents...
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Sorry my ATF but they're really gone
It's a metaphor for cowardice
Shut up ATF. We will never forget Waco
based and redpilled
Good points, people talk about defensing their right to bear arms, but no one is going to physically come and give them the opportunity
>Okay sir. Do you mind telling us where this incident happened so we can retrieve the firearms.
A few hundred miles southwest from California in the Pacific Ocean
This. Its similar to burying your guns. Pretty much not utilizing them for their intended purpose. You're hiding them to never fire them again.
Out in the middle of Lake Tahoe.
I'm not watching your 100-views video nigger. stop using Jow Forums to promote your brand
If the ATF is ever retarded enough to start paying people to scuba-dive in Lake Tahoe looking for pieces of plastic and steel they'll never find in one of the most comfy beautiful lakes in the world, I envy that person
It's a meme created by the kikes to sell more of those 500lb rare earth magnets for magnet fishing.
It's because they live in states that aren't free. Pic related.
>Why do people keep losing guns in boating accidents
Because the US is FREE*!
* free as in 'your leash is not too tight, slave'
>having more power than the government
hmm what do they mean by this
Fishing isn't the same without all your guns piled beside you. Also, juggling guns while out in a boat has been a great American passtime since 1986.
it's an ancient Jow Forums meme which was once hypothetical and is now real
You could, theoretically be hiding them to use them covertly later.
>'your leash is not too tight, slave'
>Living in a state that will not arrest ATF agents
What's California like?
Over 8000 guns the ATF came looking for were reported lost last year. There is ongoing epidemic of losing guns in boating accidents that nobody has been able to explain.
Ten bucks the liburlz are going to make losing guns illegal or some shit with how prevelant this meme has become
>53 destructive devices stolen
No fucking joke, I've heard rangeboomers making this joke now/
This joke has been around forever. Gold bugs worried about confiscation use it too.
"lost", not stolen. I'm assuming "loss" in this context is broken, rendered inoperable, deactivated, etc.
>what do they mean by this
[cough] Consititution [cough]
the right of the people .... shall not be infringed
Based Alaska
somewhere near here (see attached photo).
atf pls
It's a joke. There being no reason for anyone to take all their firearms on a boat, in the first place.
"How's it feel now, you filthy motherfuckers? Goddamn dirty hajji motherfuckers trying to fuck with me? Fuck you! That's what you get when you try to ambush Marines, motherfucker! You get dead! Son of a bitch!"
*throws AKs intro river*
dude it's not like swimming is the easiest or most normal thing people do. If your boat goes down you're probably lucky to make it out of it.
while we will never get the full on civil war we all want, I can definitely see IRA styled groups going after police stations and military checkpoints/bases. count me in for that.
>count me in for that.
ok we will.. thanks for the ip address