How do I train to fight with a knife

Burger here.

Shooting range is 5 minutes from me so easy to hone marksmanship or go hunt or take a class on tactical gun situations.

How do I learn to fight with, say, an 8 inch kabar knife?

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you dont. Also you will get cut or stabbed no matter what

You don’t. Nobody wins a knife fight

If this thread is still up when i get home from work I’ll contribute some relevant stuff i torrented years ago but never got around to watching.

If someone tries to fight you, stab them in their lower chest, and go to jail for murder.

always bring a gun to a knife fight

Find someone who knows knife fighting. Convince them to train you. Alternately, find someone who is willing to spar and buy some rubber training knives. Practice techniques.

Watch "Gangs of New York."

Spetsnaz' unofficial stance on knife fighting is that it's retarded.
"To get into a hand-to-hand fight, you have to lose or expend all the ammunition in your main weapon, then lose your breaching shotgun/back up AKS-74u, then lose your handgun. Then you have to be stupid enough to stay in the combat area after being lost and somehow ending up alone. After that you have to find another rare moron like yourself."

1. Accept your going to get stabbed/cut. Now that your accepted this fact, you can now choose WHERE to get stabbed/cut
2. It’s not like the movies, where it’s constantly jabbing at your opponent. If you do constantly attack, and don’t actively block and protect, you’ll eventually leave a spot open for stabbing. Which will then get stabbed.
3. The only way to win a knife fight is to bring out a gun. The second best way to win a knife fight is to run.

escrima or kali

I have some friends who were in the military, they took some knife fighting courses. the general gist of them is that the best way to win a knife fight in s to not get into a goddamn knife fight. Knife fights fucking suck. Go to the range and practice shooting someone advancing towards you.

That said, empty handed skills are important, learn boxing and wrestling

Practice ur stabs every day

>How do I learn to fight with, say, an 8 inch kabar knife?
You don't, because a knife is a poor choice for self-defense. If you do knife fighting for keeping yourself fit or for reenactment (and by reenactment I mean the attempts to resurrect italian and spanish historical knife schools), then search for schools that do this.
Isotalo Antti and Rannanjarvi would love to have a chat with you.
Modern meme.
Sambo, man, sambo.

Learn to throw knifes?

I've got some thoughts about knife fighting:

1. don't
2. if you must, accept that you are going to get fucked up
3. violence of action is key
4. the way you hold the knife will dictate defensive or offensive motions
5. aim for multiple targets in one motion i.e. one sweeping motion with defensive posture to get wrist, high arm, and then neck of opponent
6. none of that will work when two guys are spazzing at each other with knives, so just try to stab the fucker using an offensive hold on the knife
7. fuck all that shit anyways

try sparring with a buddy with sharpies. it's real elightening.

Yeah you do, you stab guy and he dies. No one means knife fight, they Eman you have a knife and the other guy doesn't.

Sure you do. That's how you get to bleed out in the abulance instead of the street.

do mma and add a knife

You buy a ballistic knife, a pistol knife, or a shark knife (the kind that inject CO2).

Only correct answer ITT

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