What does Jow Forums think about the cz bren 2?

What does Jow Forums think about the cz bren 2?

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Looks cool. I'm still enjoying the hell out of Bren 1 so I'll probably wait awhile before I trade up.

They fucked it up the first time and still sold version 1 it to idiots who didn't know it was already shitcanned.

Now they've got more idiots hyped up that they hopefully got it right this time.

...and yet it's still not as good as a quality AR or as cheap.

Does it hurt being such a fucking douchebag

It’s going to have a version chambered in .308 though

Don't worry, I'm sure CZ will let you trade in for selling you a defective product.

Another "just get an AR" poorfag. Typical.

Want one in 308

Actually has an A E S T H E T I C grenade launcher so that's automatically a massive plus over the shitty Sheckler & Cock rifles

Attached: CZ_BREN_805_A1_02.jpg (700x466, 119K)

I'll be buying one so I can own another AR-180 derivative

So gun designs are iterative and improve with each iteration? Wow, my mind is blown!

Aesthetic? It looks like fucking spray painted PVC tubes

That looks fucking janky

It's shit.

kinda weird lookin tbqh m80

We'll see if the rifles actually come to the US first

They seem nice.
If they don't out to be an overpriced shitpile I may pick one up in 7.62x39 or .308.

>bren 2
Shit looks disgusting desu. At least the Bren 805 was a bit more sexy.


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Maybe they'll finally approach the SCAR16 in function this time around, close to 2 decades later.

if you want to go scar-style then just buy a B&T APC223


Attached: bt_36058_02__068053800_0947_25082016.jpg (1500x543, 54K)

I'm buying one, but that's because I'm a CZ fuckboi.

Isn't the APC more expensive than a Scar? Why not just buy a Scar instead of some boutique gun?


>Isn't the APC more expensive than a Scar?
Nop. The APC is like 2500.

The MSBS is the more interesting Slavic rifle because at least it does something different (bullpup configuration). Bren 2 is just sakra SCAR.

I retract my previous statement.

I recall some pretty lackluster reviews of the MSBS at Shot Show a few years back. We'll see if they've made any changes when (if?) it ever hits the US.

>Nop. The APC is like 2500.
Nope. It's 3k. Without the stock.

Personally, I don't think it it is as serviceable a weapon as the SCAR16. And since I own both and you own neither...

>Why not just buy a Scar instead of some boutique gun?
Well, you buy both, then shit on poorfags who think reading shitposts on Jow Forums amounts to anything close to true experience.

Attached: GIT GUD.jpg (2160x1838, 1.19M)

Are you the same faggot who claimed to have a bunch of old gats but never showed for it?

Miring that rug. My mother has a bunch of Oriental rugs, things are beautiful. Really classes the place up

I am not. It's not like it's an uncommon sentiment.

>another intelligent person

Looks like shit

What do you do for a living

Looks like they're trying to rip off the Scar. What's so special about the Bren2, can I buy one??

It's cheaper, lighter, and has a better stock trigger than the SCAR. And...maybe. a small batch of 300 or so sbr versions came up for sale last fall. Supposedly the carbine version will be out at some point this year with the .308 version out at some point after that.

Fuck you, user. My check book didn't need to know about sbr. Which I already found one for sale. Gonna need to tell the wife that this gun was at the gunsmith getting fixed, when I bring it home.

>futuristic M203
>a clunky unegronomic piece of shit that weighs too much to be a proper UGL and too short, unstable to be a proper standalone launcher, and costs over three times as much as the actually good UGL that it's supposed to be replacing.

Attached: overpriced kraut made garbage.jpg (600x350, 70K)

Got 2 AR’s and that enough AR’s for me. I really don’t get how some people can spend tens of thousands on a few dozen ar’s outside of actual ar collectors. Sane with “those” glock owners

I'm mirrin the BR hard.
I've already got the 805, love the thing. Smooth as silk.
Tbqh I'm not a huge fan of the new waffle pattern cuts and the stock looks a bit retarded. But I appreciate the weight reduction bolt release and chaging handle upgrades.
The 805 is better looking but I'll definitely pick up a BR if they ever hit the US civ market. Already been checking stores for bren 2 pistols just for lulz might get one since my 805s a rifle.

I only really care about the 7.62x39 version. I like my AKs, but I don't really want to stick rails on them. It'll be nice to have something that shoots x39, that I can mount all my garbage tacticool accessories on without feeling bad.

Attached: Bren2Ms762.png (1070x713, 2.93M)

It annoys me that it doesn't take AK mags. Stupid Czech hipsters.

I likewise hate the M320 but that hardly looks better

I'm in the same boat. I'm only interested in the x39 version. I was hoping to make a somewhat GIGN looking gun but looks like they're completely changing the handguard for the civi version.

Attached: bren2.jpg (1920x1074, 640K)

shitpost on Jow Forums, obviously.

I'm sure your PSA AR is great user. Just as good even.

I don't think so. You're comparing the short barrel pistol version to the SCAR16. That thing doesn't even have a stock.

Looks like the glock of grenade launchers

>this faggot again

>Actually has an A E S T H E T I C grenade launcher
You'll never be able to own one, so who fucking cares?

>I recall some pretty lackluster reviews of the MSBS at Shot Show a few years back

Care to give a summary, or link?

>Nope. It's 3k. Without the stock.

I'm sorry for you. Here the APC223 is 2600 and the Scar16 is 3800.

Not an AR, no one gives a fuck.

AR is the universal standard for a reason you damn hipsters.

Miss me with that gay shit

Nope. 5.56 and 7.62x39. They know they can't compete with other BRs.

The civilian model hasn’t been announced yet though could still fire .308

Redditfags brought that over from weekendgunnit. Don't expose yourself so hard.


Whats it like to speak in absolutes and get your shit immediately BTFO

ITT: not so subtle this time czech shilling. Czech are just hungarians in denial.

>shit status: pushed in

>another BASEDBOY thread

When will Glock get into rifles? They'll beat any czoyboy or H and Gay gun any day of the week.

I’m sorry for you that you think 400 bucks is money worth a post over

Good old day/k/are.


Piece of shit.

Pricey, wobbly stock, really nothing outstanding. Just kinda meh. Bullpup might be cool tho.

due to nato receiver, but it should take ar 7.62x39 mags

Attached: C-Products-Defense-28-round-and-20-round-magazines.jpg (600x607, 34K)

I think it's cute. I'd unironically get one over a SCAR
I think the SCAR is second ugliest modern rifle

it does with some drilling and filing

The commercial version of the 805 was altered to take STANAG mags. Maybe they'll do the same with the x39 Brens so they can take proper AK mags.

Except it looks just like the scar

You're joking right?

I've had people call my 805 a Scar at the range, but my range is full of yokels so...

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no, I'm not.
And when you take apart the gun, you'll notice more similarities.
CZ really "borrowed" a lot of design features from the SCAR.

Its amazing just how strongly assault rifles are converging around a standard design. Also the design is not an AR-15, stop annoying me with this assertion mutts. But seriously in a decade parts from different manufacturers will be interchangeable by default.

I'm not talking about what they work like, I'm talking about what they look like kiddo

Brings nothing new to the table and isn't better than a SCAR. I have no interest in a
re-shaped 1970s battle rifle. I want to see new guns as bullpups. At least bring something new to the table if you're going to charge $1,000 more on average than a battle rifle repro.

I know, Kiddo. And if your literacy was as advanced as your autism, you would have understood that.

aesthetic of slavshit.
but at the end of the day, it's just overpriced slavshit.

Shut up you nigger amerimutt

Maybe because it is not an AK platform you amerifat nigger

How mad can you be?

I used to live this way at my parents house, the pad under the oriental rig is what makes it from a showpiece to a part of the house, you can sleep on em. But now, as a grown man, for me? It’s the organic shag.

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Poorfags BTFO. I do not care how many AYARS you could get from WalMart for that price. Because they are shit.

Not enough apparently

Nothing beats good ol' VZ 58. Plus I do not like polymer weapons at all. Real steel real deal.

reading a lot of people being turned off by the possible price point ($1500~) and the fact it doesn't take AK mags.
BUT, it's clear CZ has something to prove right now and that's the best time to jump in on their stuff. Like how Toyota trying to prove themselves on a luxury car with their early Lexus' or Honda with their first "super" car.

No, does it hurt to be stupid? You should be able to tell us.

CZs making some pretty smart moves these days. They're really capitalizing on these countries who are looking to phase out their AKs but don't have the cash to drop on the top-price point next gen rifles. They're filling a niche and they're filling it well.

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That looks like a pipebomb not a launcher

The Galil ACE is cheaper and takes AK mags though

Yeah, but Egypt isn't going to buy a Israeli gun and Eastern European nations like Slovakia and Hungary will probably prefer something made within the region. Plus who knows what the profit margins are for the Bren vs Galil? CZ can probably afford to offer a pretty deep discount.

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Czech reporting in. Very happy for all American frens throwing their hard-earned shekels our way.

Brenda 1 was somewhat fucky and even thought it wasn't really a bad gun, it was just pain to use - especially in prolonged engagements. For example, gun was edgier than 17 year old /b/tard and it could cut through the gloves. Her new sister is however pretty cool, all dumb shit seem to be removed and everything is optimized - I only shot it twice, but I'm already loving it so far.

They are targeting exactly that, user. It started with the first rifle that was supposed to replace venerable VZ 58.

How's the Bren 2 shoot compared to the Bren 1? I read a thing from someone who did a side-by-side test fire and noted that the Bren 1 notably minimized recoil and improved follow-up shots thanks to that thick-ass receiver.

>Very happy for all American frens throwing their hard-earned shekels our way.
I would if i could buy the damn thing outside of a gay pistol configuration.

I like the trigger more, it has a crisper feel to it, nicer reset. Yet to meet someone who didn't loved the trigger actually, during joint-training with Germans they all creamed about it too. Recoil seems smoother to me as well. I would generally say that the rifle is similar on visual grounds but shooting and performance is different. It is lighter and much more balanced. Only thing I didn't really liked were default iron sights, but it was more on "meh" level than some major dislike.

>I know, Kiddo.
>And when you take apart the gun, you'll notice more similarities.
CZ really "borrowed" a lot of design features from the SCAR.

nope they can do metalwork much more nicely and reliably

Speaking of CZ, have you seen this pimpin' 75 our prime minister has brought to Trump on his visit today?

Attached: MAK79d56e__czub_cz_75_republika_18205.png (1600x1584, 1.36M)

Some details:
>only 100 guns like that ever made
>Golden parts are true gold
>It's serial number is same as Trump's birthday date
>It is functional
>Those decorative leaves are from Lime Tree, which is a Czech national tree
>"Pravda vítězí" means "Truth Prevails" and it is our national and presidential motto. It is used since 14-15th century.

Good to know. I love my Bren 1 but I might have to consider trading up when the 2 hits the US.