
6" or 4.20"
>mfw cannot decide
(I'm well over six feet tall and wear a jacket or coat regularly.)

Attached: c1bed2117c383c1b6165ff73be9795fd.jpg (575x1024, 57K)

Go with the 4. I used to conceal carry both and the 4 was WAY less noticeable. (not really but still a lot more comfortable)

1.8 more inches for the same price?
Why not?

Faggot fot you want a big iron, or a BIG IRON?
Anyone who disagrees with me, fuck your entire bloodline.

Attached: 1544474453291m.jpg (1024x844, 75K)

Big iron! Go for 6

6 inch is great for open carry, innawoods, and range time. 4 inch is easier to carry, which means you actually might. Of course "both" is also an acceptable answer. Which one you take home first is up to you.

Match Champion, the perfect length

>Barrel Length: 4.20”

Blaze it

I have the 4.2 inch SP101 and it can actually be concealed relatively comfortably. 6 inch would probably too big of an iron to IWB conceal, unless you're a big guy.

if you want to CC is go with 4.2

>range/woods gun or hunting

You shouldn't be CC'ing a .357 anyway- for that, get a compact or subcompact 9mm. Get the 6" .357 so you can hunt deer with it innawoods, and defend yourself from bears and mountain lions.

Attached: 1532854237539.png (944x937, 1.47M)

Should I just pony up a few more bucks and grab one of these eight-shooters instead?

>mfw ad covered image upload form but dubs indicate redhawk is better choice

Attached: 35b56504e51db0cb6451dacec8f69619.jpg (575x1024, 54K)

>buying a .357 in anything but 6

Attached: 1523506259840.jpg (237x229, 19K)

6 shot or 6 inch?

Attached: 1551231643405.jpg (600x778, 239K)

>wanting .357 for cc
You're absolutely retarded, only spergs and larpers carry that. No self respecting man would allow himself to be seen with such a weak caliber
t. 44 mag advertiser

As someone who bought a 6 inch, I would say 4.2". 6" is better if it's just a range gun, but 4" is all around more versatile.

If you're gonna get a redhawk, just get a .44

Those 7 shot ones are slightly picky with ammo.

5" half lug
Better sight radius than 4.2" but doesn't feel so front heavy
More handy than a 6"

Attached: efc8PfP.jpg (4032x3024, 813K)

>not getting the 10.5 inch 44mag

Attached: image90677-befa299cb6a9d701d0deeadbf34acc2d.jpg (300x105, 5K)

Ive got the full size gp in 22lr. Its a big boi and i wouldnt wanna conceal it, get the 4 in

6" is if you're buying the revolver for hunting

You still making this shit thread? At least you wait a few days before making a new one now....fucking noguns faggot.

This is the correct answer.

>Under 7'-2"

whichever points more naturally for you.

Note how certain bullets exit the 4.20" muzzle faster than the six-incher's.

Attached: Ruger-GP100-7Shot-1.jpg (1440x821, 310K)

158gr Federal Hydrashok gets about +100fps out of the shorter barrel (4.20" vs 6.00").

>which one points better 4 u?
IDK; which points better for (You)?
>mfw never handled any of these

Attached: image.jpg (1150x1024, 138K)

Your most likely not gonna CC a gp100
There are better options to CC anyway
Get 6” and have fun making longer shots at the range and possibly hunting.

Those would be perfect if the grips just had some decent checkering and were rosewood instead

I'd really try to find an example you can hold before pulling the trigger on the purchase user.

In general I found that 4in barrels pointed naturally for me. Then I tried a dan wesson and the 6in pointed perfectly so that's what I went with. The balance is going to be different on the barrel lengths. You can learn to make anything work but a gun that fits you makes life a lot easier. I'd prioritize handling them before buying.

shut up faggot

Attached: brrrrt.jpg (750x375, 25K)


I like them the way they are desu. Can always add checkering after purchase

6 inch

post your guns, sixteenyearoldbro

>typing tee bee aych on the Malaysian horticultural illustration board
i hope you die under a desk when the anime virgin the mean girls bully shoots up your high school, zoomer

>4.2" barrel: 1219 fps
>6" barrel: 1312 fps
You're actually retarded. Every load that they tested out of both barrel lengths chrono'd faster out of the 6" one.

The difference between 4" and 6" is the difference between whether or not you require a jacket to conceal it. A slightly long t-shirt + a pancake holster = concealed 4" revolver. With the 6" you're pretty much required to wear a jacket to hide it.

I myself had the same choice and went with the 6" because I knew I'd never conceal it. Anyways, if you're going to get a 4" GP100 then get a match champion. They balance a lot better in the hand and have a good trigger right out of the box.

I conceal a 3" .357 all the time. In fact, I have it on my hip as I'm typing this. Pic related, it's the gun in question.

Attached: Ruger SP101.jpg (4349x1821, 1.75M)

I'm 5'10" and CC a revolver somewhat larger than the 6" under a jacket with zero problems. I'll have to let Jow Forums know how it prints under a Hawaiian shirt when it gets warmer outside, but so far, a 6.5" .454 under a light jacket will even fool a Las Vegas Strip security guard when I ask for directions, which is a pretty solid indicator that nobody can tell you're carrying.

I remember when I first hit puberty

I have a 4" GP100 but I dont know how you madmen conceal that thing

>Haiwaiian shirt
>6.5" .454
>Las Vegas

Go away Mr Thompson, you're supposed to be dead.

I don't give a fuck what any of you OR the faggots on /fa/ have to say, Hawaiian shirts are fucking cool and I WILL bring them back.

Hawaiian shirts left?

It's not exactly in style right now.

>single action for self defence/shooting at charging wildlife

What you mean user?

>he doesn't keep a revolver as a backup ankle carry

Christ alive, you're one concussion and/or one whippit away from totally illiteracy.

So which one, Jow Forums?

The 6", retard