Brand new PTR 91

What'ch'yall think of my new fun? Also, let's have an optics thread, I'm thinking of a red dot with a 6x magnifier for this babe. What do you guys recommend?

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>What do you guys recommend?
A wide HK handguard and something to remove that wretched rail.

Hey, congrats on your purchase! It even has the paddle release, nice.

I can't say much for optics, since mine is bare, but I'd personally just go with a red dot at first. These guns supposedly aren't too accurate, so I think just an Aimpoint PRO or something would do fine. Maybe some of Vortex's fixed 3x optics or something would be nice, too.

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You know you can add a paddle to your gun if it doesn’t have one, installation is easy. It greatly improved my G.I.

SUPREMELY jealous. this is my dream rifle for property/point defense. have had magazines for years but been too much of a wishywashy poorfag to actually buy the rifle (partly because it can't be reloaded and partly because i had other priorities).

I just bought a ptr-91, too. Scared to load it in my building for fear it'll slam fire. You load yours yet?

You can reload from a PTR sperg, just get a port buffer or a shell catcher and the brass gets much less dinged up.

eh, i'd rather just buy steel case poorfag ammo than waste time sorting for damaged cases.

Ah you’re one of those, PTRs are too expensive for you, go build a PSA AR, at least you’ll be able to shoot that occasionally.

ammo cost is nearly the same, jerkwad. i would sell my AR and shotgun and a pistol or two for a PTR, but meh. i can't be bothered to be jewed by LGS or buds.


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did you get the ptr91fr? i purchased mine this summer, my only complaint is that it seems like my paddle mag release has no tension and flops around. does yours do this?

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Honestly the irons on my PTR-91 are the nicest irons on any of my guns. All I would do to that gun is get a wide handguard with a bipod. The PTR-91 is a really dumb gun to tacticool out, I wouldn't waste the money buying grips and shit for it. I had a scope on mine with a riser for the stock and it was fucking awful. I couldn't push the scope far enough forward to get any eye relief without it interfering with the charging handle.

stay mad die mad

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Yeah the costs are nearly the same for Tula, which is shit and inconsistent. But I guess if you only fire two boxes of ammo a year sure I guess.

>i would sell my AR and shotgun or a pistol or two for the PTR

This should be your first sign that you should wait till you have a better job or at least saved some more till you can afford it. You shouldn’t have to sell 4 guns to buy 1 you aren’t going to shoot.

>implying I was the person you were talking to

You do know there is more than 2 people who post on Jow Forums, right?

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No. Has yours ever slamfired like c308?

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Lol you’re the poorfag who has to sell half his collection to afford one of the most affordable BRs out there

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Yeah, I got the fr. I haven't gotten the chance to shoot it yet, but it doesn't wiggle when I've got a full mag in, so no, it doesn't do it for me.

Interesting, thanks. Btw, I love that wooden furniture, did you get buy that stock or was it aftermarket from somewhere?

Not chambered, no, but I've literally only owned it for... ten hours now so I haven't quite finished fingerfucking it yet.

Everyone says gloves are a must for operation cause they end up getting cut somehow manipulating the charging handle. Is this true? Are there burrs or really sharp edges along the cocking tube?

I've never once heard that and I've never once cut my bare hands on a PTR 91, C93, or MP5 clone. What kinda bullshit lies are you trying to spread?

Those people have either extremely soft and easily cut hands or they’re making a mountain out of a molehill, I’ve never had that issue in all the dry and live firing I’ve ever done.

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I really want a PTR/ FAL/ G3/ Similar .308 battle rifle

I know the C308 by century is shit. What other brands are good to go? $1000-2000 price range. Thanks anons

>buying steel case is bad
Spotted the nogunz

It's all over the YouTube vids. Polenar tactical or whatever is one guy who literally fucks his hand up on camera in a ptr/G3 fal reload comparison, some black kid who has one says it and that doitriteak kid

PTR. That's it.

So Atlantic firearms, buds guns, any other site that says “PTR” will be a good reliable rifle?

I’ve bought thousands of rounds for my guns, and I would never subject them to shitty steel case, unless it’s Golden Tiger 7.62x39, that’s the good shit.

They probably cut their hands on the optic rail when using the charging handle.

holy shit fucking either nogunz or blatantly retarded

Yes. PTR is the only way to get a known good, all new production G3 clone. Other than buying an original hk91 for $$$ or really knowing what you're doing and assembling a parts kit, just buy a PTR

>Polenar tactical or whatever is one guy who literally fucks his hand up on camera in a ptr/G3 fal reload comparison

So a GOFASTGO reloading guy got a little booboo on his hand and you call that fucked up? Holy shit.

Just don't buy a firearm ever. I can only imagine the whining you would do if you got some slide or hammer bite.

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They all had gi's

Take that fucking sticker off your eo

Why not both?

Where are your guns fag?
Mine’s here And steel case is ass, extra dirty, less reliability, inconstant loads and shitty primers, yeah sure, I’m the no guns, poorfag

Try again

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Or he had a fucking claw mount attached? DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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Putting steel cased ammo in a fluted chambered gun is asking for problems. Putting bi-metal bullets through a non-chrome lined barrel in a HK clone is fucking retarded. The cost saved in ammo is spent either getting your gun re-barreled or buying a new gun entirely.

Maybe they used a claw mount? I really cant think of any other way they could cut their hands desu

People get cut fags it happens

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Yeah, I'm aware, are you talking about the parts that you can find from like HKPro/RobertRTG? I'm just lazy and not getting around to it, to be honest, since I have other things on my plate outside of guns.

It came in the box when I bought it used, actually. Pretty crazy, but whoever owned it before me had good tastes. I hear they're hard to find now, though.

I've since upgraded to a metal lower, just for the cool factor, though. I believe it's from a HK93, it was $50.

This is something I'm concerned about too, I'm still pretty green to the PTR, but at the same time I've never had it slam fire or fail in any way.

I'm pretty sure that's for the wide handguards. The wide ones has a sling point right under where the charging handle locks up for a 3-point sling, so people run their hand over it. Cocking tube itself is fine other than right at where the handle locks up, but I've never cut myself on it.

Those are retailers, PTR is a manufacturer, so yes. It's like saying that Coca Cola is good: the taste will be the same whether you buy it from Kroger or Walmart.

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People shoot themselves by accident too. Whats your point, kid?

I don't believe the first point, and I don't understand the second.

What's wrong with steel with flutes? Runs fine in my rifle, are you saying that the steel will affect the chamber? Also, I doubt that I'll ever shoot out a barrel, even if I'm using bimetal. I simply won't ever shoot the 50k rounds required or whatever number it may be.

That people get cut charging g3's. Dumb fuck. People also die of cancer cause they smoke. Dipshit

Yeah I got mine from HK Pro, it’s a little wobbly but it works perfect for me being left handed, since it’s a left to right switch, so I can use my index finger for mag changes.

Also for the record, I nor any of my friends who have shot the PTR have been cut by the charging handle. But I did have a friend break his sunglasses 3 shots into firing prone. Too far up on the stock and the receiver hump punched him just right.

Take the cock out of your ass, queer. If you that fucking of blood then fuck off and play with barbie dolls. Fucking little whiny bitxh nogunz these days.

The number of rounds to shoot out a PTR 91 barrel is under 10k, hald that if you are burning through mags as quickly as possible.

Post guns

Probably cut their vaginas desu senpai

What price ballpark do those nice wood furniture PTR-91's go for these days?

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nah works like a charm apart from the wobbly paddle mag. but im going to probably send it in while its still under warranty.

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