Why do people like these gun grabbing pieces of shit who went on an unethical murderous rampage against others they...

Why do people like these gun grabbing pieces of shit who went on an unethical murderous rampage against others they didnt like the look of?

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Because they were basically vigilantes wiping out a street gang like some kind of 19th century version of Death Wish.

Because this is America an we like winners.

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Pretty much this, the law was useless on the frontier so they had to take the law into their own hands. These guys were badasses that cleaned up the filth.

>killed a bunch of nigger spic gangbangers hanging out on the corner brandishing guns and harassing people

god bless them. I wish they would come back and clean up my city.

That must have been the strangest generation to live through.

Can you imagine being born before the Civil War and dying after WWI?

hmm i don't know this must be a uniquely american thing, those americans are crazy

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>doc holiday pumped his shotgun, which many claim started the gun fight
>doc literally brandishing a firearm
>not even a us marshall or deputized
>given a firearm to help the earp gang go stop some misdemeanors
>fucking brandishes it and starts a shootout
>doc wasnt even a fucking good shot
>had tuberculosis
>had grown so sarcastic and blackpilled he didnt give a shit what happened

I think I found the jackass guys.

Can you imagine being born before the Internet and dying after the War against the Machines?

No.... I honestly can't

Doc was drunk for the shootout. They had to do something though, those cowboys were flagrantly violating the law.

>curly bill shoots previous sheriff in the middle of the street
>Wyatt arrests him and the court says can’t hang him for lack of evidence
>cowboy gang kills Morgan Earp to send a message

You’re saying Earp was in the wrong?

>wanting to kill people on two seperate occassions without proof
Yeah. Im saying earps in the wrong.

Absolutely not, but the op is a fag, as I said: the justice system was worthless.

Or allegedly having fought in the the Civil War and living to see jet fighters?

This is how most gangs have started. Self righteous people taking the law into their own hand only for the succesive generations to erode the purpose of the organization. Theres a few exceptions.

The Irish formed gangs to keep the criminally minded italians (who were considered black at the time) out of their neighborhoods then became the irish mob. Crips were an off shoot of the black panthers but Devolved into a gang claiming turf and committing crime. Bloods became a thing to stop crips from coming into their neighborhoods and commiting crimes.

The people were worthless. They were the equivalent of nigger neighborhoods today with their "I dint see sheeeit".

To this day learned men remember, the answer is shotgun.

Are those Jews?

Why Johnny Ringo ....

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You ever seen the video of the guy who showed up as a guest and talked about seeing Abraham Lincoln get shot as part of a TV game show? Trippy to watch.

You fucking faggot lunger. I wouldnt be surprised if your little twink ass wasnt being pounded by Julian daily.
Cough up blood enough on his cock today? Had to come out to the corral to find some more people to murder?
Get fucked Doc.
Didnt even let me get my PLANNED duel with Wyatt.

Looks like somebody just walked over your grave

Wow, the Dumpster Defender sure looked good in the old days.

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Probably because the people they went on a murderous rampage against were murderers and thieves.

Stop being an anti-vigilante nigger.

better question is how did val kilmer make an effeminate weirdo not feel out of place in a western

Those feet though... Yum!

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Character in picture is Need Kelly and is Australian

Didn't Doc have a double barreled shotty? I remember hearing that he fired both chambers before having to swap to his revolver, which was apparently nickle plated, because Ike Clanton tried to pin the fight getting started by a nickel revolver shooting at him during his testimony in court.

You're a liar user

>Didn't Doc have a double barreled shotty?
Yes. Pump-action shotguns barely even existed yet when the OK Corral gunfight went down.

Ahh the famous triple shot double barrel shotgun

The Dandy is a stock archetype in Westerns.

It aint matter. Doc started it by brandishing his shotgun. Pumped or cocked.

I firmly believe that a blend of dysgenics and nepotism will save us from AI by crashing all the various institutions of the modern panopticon state before true machine intelligence can be developed.

Of course, everyone's still going to die anyway, but it's going to be the old familiar way.

He missed? With a shotgun?

go back to /v/ please

Okay, and? The problem seems to be the later idgits who start acting the fool rather than the original vigilantes in a shitty situation.

No one minds tyranny as long as it's stylish.

>t. Nazi Germany
>t. Soviet Union
>t. Clinton Administration

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Stabbing a man over cards and lighting people up with two chrome plated revolvers helped.

Wasn't that more Jason Priestly and Billy Zane though.

>tfw you will never live in the wild west

I'm your huckleberry.

Go back to being a faggot please, oh wait.

He was feeling a bit under the weather.

Doc Holiday was a sickly dentist larping as an operator. He’s pretty Jow Forums.

>Tombstone had anti-CCW laws
>Is most famous for it's mass shootings
top jej

But yeah, the Sheriffs of Tombstone were corrupt assholes who had a violent drunken felon who helped bully regular folk. Granted, the cowboys weren't saints but the law enforcement of Tombstone were much worse.

Imagine being a literal confederate who buys a Jeep and watches TV.

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They were the town marshals, not county sheriffs. The county sheriff was a corrupt retard, also the Cowboys were complete and utter niggers stop defending them, they robbed, rustled, and murdered, the best thing that ever happened to them was Wyatt getting rid of the stupid nogs

Wyatt earp did nothing wrong. Stay mad nigger loving cuckboi


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It's not a good western. Watch The Outlaw Josey Wales instead.

The originals start the gang regardless. Nobody cares what they intended to do only what they did.

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But Ned’s a hero and the cowards who shot him down are not. Unlike the Earps who gunned down unarmed men and are held as hero’s.

>"The 2nd Amendment is great, but it doesn't apply to..."

Fucking faggots, the lot of you.

I used to be really into the history of “Wild West.” A few things:
Curly Bill did shoot and kill the town sheriff, probably accidentally. They were actually pretty good friends. Every witness said it looked like an accident, including the sheriff before he died.
Doc Holliday was no stone cold killer. He did manage to create a reputation, but there a couple of issues when you look at contemporary accounts. First, he was apparently a terrible shot. That’s why he had the shotgun at the famous shootout. Second, the shootout was his only confirmed kill. He was physically sick for several several days after. He did have TB but some biographers and historians think he may have been sick over actually killing someone.
Wyatt Earp on the other hand WAS a stone cold killer. He was in several documented gunfights and managed to never get shot. He was also a violent, drunken, whoremonger. There’s a reason he was unemployed so long. He had a very bad reputation. Earp himself had been arrested several times and lost his first job as constable because he was keeping fees and taxes he’d collected. The people of Tombstone weren’t thrilled to have the Earps move in. The contemporary accounts of the shootout and vendetta ride were pretty much all anti-Earp, pro-Cowboys. The movie left out that Virgil was shot only after a judge refused to allow murder charges against Earp and Holliday, despite all witnesses saying they fired first and some of Cowboys were unarmed. The whole thing did make him very famous. The dime novels written in the East generally took his side, but he couldn’t stay in Tombstone where he was viewed as a murderer and a robber. After he left Tombstone he ran several more scams across the West. Eventually he and Holiday had a falling out (Holliday called him a “damn Jew-boy”). I’m his very late life Earp made friends in Hollywood and tried his hardest to get a movie made about himself. No studio would touch the idea given his reputation.

stay mad loser

Jow Forums will most certainly remember those details and theyre pretty well documented in police reports now

Calm down Ike, I never condoned the no gunz rule in Tombstone faggot but the cowboys had it coming

All wild west shootouts were cool as hell

Cool post user, got any recommended reading to learn more about the real West?

Do you still believe in the American legend of the West, the Cowboy, etc, or are you disillusioned with it all? Gotta admit, I enjoy our American mythology, even if part of me knows it ain't exactly so.

Goddamn. Going from the early days of the gatling gun and cannon to the atomic bomb would have been something

different guy but I got on a big old west kick last year and I was fascinated by the things I learned about our past especially as they related to combat back then and weapons development, also i fucking hate indians now, all hail Adolf Metzler

It was an argument about a robbery they all did together read a fucken book mate

>I-I think that my wife's boyfriend deserves the same rights as everyone. Even though he sometimes breaks the law.

If that's how you really feel user, then I suppose we're just very different people. We'll have to agree to disagree.

>assuming the Black Panthers weren’t a criminal organization to begin with
“Civil Rights” my ass

Fell asleep. I mostly read biographies and they’re packed up. One interesting read you can get off Amazon is Triggernometry. It was written in the 30s from stories about gun fighters the author had gathered decades before from old timers. A lot of the information is now known to be wrong (mostly inflated kill counts) but it gives you an idea about what people believed was true. There’s also a chapter on gun fighting tricks. From there you can find someone you thinks interesting and look for bios.
If you watch a lot of westerns and read a bunch of pulp novels about the West it’s kinda weird to read up on the actual history. For instance in all the movies Tombstone is this dusty little town. If you go there that’s even the vibe they try to keep. In reality, while it was a boom town, the boom meant it was a pretty happening place. They had electricity. A night the Main Street would have been lit up with neon signs for the bars and hotels. You could get fine French cuisine, complete with imported wine. There were bowling alleys and an indoor shooting gallery. They even had an ice cream parlor. You
Really the legend is part of the history because the legend and the history were being written at the same time. Back as far as Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett people have been fascinated by the West. And stories and songs were being written to feed that fascination. So I wouldn’t say it made me disillusioned. I gained a better appreciation for the complexity of the whole thing. The myth meeting the reality.

>this is how most gangs have started
Maybe in fantasy land. Most gangs have started because a small group of criminals decided to do criminal shit together. They start getting big if they start making alot of money. The cowboys we're literally "you can't touch us. We're too powerful to fuck with. Try it and everyone dies", except money and power doesn't make you immune to fucking bullets

HAHA What Ear typically american hero but real hoodlum might makes right democracy shooting no justice follow the money barbarian.

Real democratic peoples enjoy american isolation no world police what ear

>mfw this is the contemporary equivalent of angry orange

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Back to r*ddit queer

Are you okay? Do you have brain damage?

Because everyone wishes they could do that in their heart of hearts

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