Would the Metro Crossbow function in the Real World?

Would the Metro Crossbow function in the Real World?

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That's all the concept art from the game, I've got high poly renders if people would like to see them aswell?

What do people think could it function as that loader seems like it could.

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That's everything i've got, I'd love to know if such a thing is possible as the spring removes the need for a gas or motor to pull the draw string, I'm just curious on how the loader would function.

Attached: dmytro-butenko-helsing-metro-exodus-001.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

Is that what i think it is? An explosive bullet on the end of a crossbow?!

Why didn't you have explosive tipped in the game?

You did pal

>You did pal
I had? When? where? What?

wait wouldnt the real stock or propane stock make the crossbow worse or at least harder to recock.
i didnt realize it in game but the improvements seem to make it worse.

I don't think so there's enough of a gap and i'd suspect the springs would do the work, you'd only be hitting a lever.

Holy Batman, OP! Insane, but extremely quality artwork. Thanks for sharing. This goes straight into my props art collection.