When your frail elderly neighbor asks which of his guns you would like

>when your frail elderly neighbor asks which of his guns you would like
Anyone know this feel? I don't want him to go bros.

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user be glad you made parts of his life happy enough that he is willing to give you a possession that he likely owned for a long time and has much appreciation for.

I fear I'll know it in a few years with my grandpa and his type 99

>grandpa keeps telling me his guns will go to me
>his guns are shit

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quit being an ungrateful shit, holy shit user

user, this is how it goes. He's reached the end section of his life, and the winter chill is biting at him. He knows that soon he will leave. But you have made an impression on him, and he appreciates you as someone who can inherit some of his guns. Perhaps all of his descendants are antigun faggots. He wants you to save his hunting shotgun or what have you from the wood being burned and the metal being melted down by some urbanite hipster antiguns faggot to make a butt plug. Your position in this is one of honor, to inherit his guns and keep the American tradition going- don't let him down, his relatives are probably cunts if he'd rather bequeath his guns to the neighbor.

I hope to God you feel like a piece of shit for thinking this.

Fucking kys


*end season
The end season of his life- goddamned auto-correct. The point still stands, this is a role to be taken with dignity, and someday it might very well happen to you. I hope in your old age, you've either raised your descendants to appreciate gun rights, or if that didn't work, you have a young neighbor who does. We are only on this earth for a short time, and we must make of it the best we can.

His guns are actually shit though. Theyre all century arms imports except for his smith 5906.

are they imports or are they century-made? big difference.

Fuckin this. I inherited like 12 guns from my grandfather and they're all either sporterized or outright nonfunctional (one old sears coachgun has both hammers broken off). The few times we hunted together he would always find some roundabout excuse to borrow one of mine, so its not like he didn't know they were junk, leading me to believe they only came to me because they were literally not worth the trouble of selling.

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Ones a c91. The other two are 5.45 aks full length guns. And the last is just a nugget.
Ill just give them to my cousins and mother after he passes. I dont want them.

shit ill take the nugget

did not expect this feel today
wonder how my dad's doing

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>inherents shitty guns
>literally can’t kill himself

Youre telling me this is the reason my grandpa always says no when l offer to go target shooting with him?

>grandpa finds out what email is
>buys gun stuff on internet
>starts getting emailed catalogs and newsletters by shit companies
>buys dozens of shit guns at obviously low quality prices
>afraid Im gonna be forced to inherit them

On his death bed tell him you are going to melt them all down into some dumb art piece.
Smile as the light leaves his eyes.

It's the circle of life user. Someday, you will be able to pay it forward.

I kind of know that feel because a lot of my granddad's guns were fudd, and most of the good ones he had went to his actual child (my uncle). It's kind of hard to blame him though -- that sporterized Springfield rifle and its fixed-power optic served him well for a long fucking time.

HOWEVER, he did have a few awesome pieces that he specifically willed to me, including a couple of newer pistols, a surplus M1 Garand in excellent condition, and a certain revolver that I don't even want to say what it is because it might dox me.

My 74 year old Father already let me have most of his.
He kept his first bolt 22, his 20 gauge Remington semi that he bought when he was 12, my Grandfather's Marlin 60, and an old nickel plated Smith 6" 38 Special with Mother of Pearl grips that was my Grandmother's .
Let your friend know that you will give them a good home.

respect your grandad you absolute cunt

>yeah I have a colt python
>you're going to inheirit that thing in a while

>He closes his eyes
>Opens them once more
>Hail to the Jow Forumsube

>be only one in my family with guns
>gonna be the only one to pass them on to my kids (if i have kids)
if I end up not having any heirs i'll will them to someone in a thread assuming Jow Forums is around in 50 years

Whoever gets quads

>tfw grandpa is constantly buying, selling, and trading so he has nothing actually cool anymore
>only has 20 gauge shotguns because he's too old for 12 (can't honestly blame him for this)
>sold his Remington Rand 1911, NIB Ruger P89, MkIII Hi Power, S&W M59 and West German P220 because "no need for somethin that ain't a 9mm Glawk"
>sold his pre-lock Smith's because "I'm gonna get so much more out of em than I put in"
>bought more fucking glocks with the money he got off selling them
>4 different Ruger LCRs and maybe 5 or 6 different Gen4/Gen5 9mm Glocks
>he's been a glock guy since they hit the market but doesn't own a single Gen 1 or Gen 2 anymore
I love him but I kinda hate him too. Aside from the odd SP101 he might have I don't really want much of his.

Stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from human births. Stem cells are easy to make from semen sperm cum. Stem cells are easy to make from human breast milk.

dude free nugget gimmegimme

this though
he probably likes you more than his shit kids

>have a neighbor like this
>Vietnam vet
>health is failing
>his family are a bunch of assholes who never visit him
>tells me if I want, when he finally punches out, I can have his M1911 that he's been carrying concealed for decades
>tells me I'd probably get more use out of it than him, that CCing, especially a gun like that, is more a "younger man's game"

How can I possibly be worthy of that piece, Jow Forums? I'm choking up just thinking about it.

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Eat my own cum live forever? Is this what those traps do to retain their tight boi pussis and cute hips?

>How can I possibly be worthy of that piece, Jow Forums? I'm choking up just thinking about it.
He deemed you worthy
Take it as a compliment.

>grandpa says his modest collection will go to 9 year old me
>never puts it in writing
>guns are rusting in my uncles shithole of a lair if he didn't pawn them

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Making older friends has it's benefits at times. But they feel the same about you.
Only reason I have this expensive fuzz buster in my car. sorry for crap pic. I actually have his second one too for now since he left it with me in case his open heart surgery went badly a month ago. Look forward to hardwiring it into his car once he's done recovering at the nursing home.

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At least you can see it coming. My Uncke died of complications after surviving a few strokes and a number of other random things. He didn't will his handgun to anyone and it ended up in my hands on accident. It's in .40S&W and a Glock, two things I don't care for, but it was my first handgun and I'll never get rid of it. Be grateful for every inherited fun.

Grandpa just died, we were tight, he was a gun nut, had a beautiful, marked P.08 he was going to give me, had a shit ton of other guns that I was supposed to distribute to the family
Cousins came and stole fucking ALL of them.

The one thing that helps get over sadness is rage

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God I didn't need this feel
>methhead relatives stole my grandpa's guns for drug money

He is 93 years old for God's sake

And why didn't you kill the fuckers?

>>methhead relatives stole my grandpa's guns for drug money

Nope, just your standard run-of-the-mill shitty alcoholic trailer trash. Around that same time, a few of my unemployed cousins from that side of the family (with children and child support) all managed to afford houses as well

>dont want to say because itll dox me

One of them is a decent human being, he was basically the only other grandkid my grandparents trusted, I'm still optimistic about trying to get it from him... that being said, he's also a bit of a cuck who does his parents bidding

Carry it and protect yourself and family. Never sell it. Seriously, sell your body before that gun if you are in a bind. Consider that 1911 a living thing with a soul. Cherish it and keep it oiled. Nice

based zoomer granddad

Because now they have guns, and he doesn't.

>be leaf
>grandpa dies
>brother with PAL takes gramp's Jow Forumsollection
>get my PAL later and ask bro if I can just have the SMLE
>"lol no"
>"do you even shoot it?"
>"lol no"
My brother never goes to the range and barely hunts but hoards all this sweet old 'surp

Both sides of my family have essentially no history, or at least none that we're proud of. Consequently we have no heirlooms or really anything we've been so fond of as to hold on to for more than a generation, but I plan to be the first to change that.

Promised guns and tube audio. Dad Gets on the alky drunk train and dies a pauper. House keeper stole everything. Yep, she was a nigger.

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You dont know him. How would you like to inherit a closet full of single shot break action 20ga shotguns? I'd just scrap them.

baser schitzo back at it again!

>$1200 of stamps later...

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