Zoomer confessions

>would give up 9mm in a heartbeat for 5.7×28mm and-like cartridges if they were more common and weren't hampered by laws
>no, I have never used iron sights in my life
>look down on people who has military experience/connections
>exclusively watch Forgotten Weapons / InRangeTV, and Paul Harell because they're not crazy

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Other urls found in this thread:


born 2000 btw

>look down on people who has military experience
Why? Because you know they're better than you?

>>no, I have never used iron sights in my life
Wait, you learned to shoot onba pistol with a red dot? Weird, but maybe not for much longer.

>never zero'd a gun before
>just use my laser point on the wall down the barrel
>calculate how high the sights should be to the dot
>goto range and dump rounds

because they are poors

How is getting paid 30k a year something to be proud of?
Veterans are retarded. Im convinced the mental health issues they usually have after is because of that.

also vets have higher suicide rates than trannies

No, I just don't aim.

to be completely fair 30k a year is a lot more when you consider your room, meals, and healthcare are all taken care of by tax payers. first 2 years in you basically just collect money until you finally get out (whenever/if ever that is)

>Living debt free to blow shit up and live with your bros.
>Get college paid when you get out
After going to college and meeting a bunch of aimless 18 somethings dragging ass through college made me realize I made the right choice.
It ain't for everyone I'll admit.

Not OP, but I have my own Zoomer confessions
>Mfw I'd unironically fight a civil war against leftists.
>Mfw only ever shot .22lr and 20 gauge
>Mfw I'm a decent shot, but can never practice
>Mfw I live in fucking NY, and a shooting happened at my local IHOP
Article related: abc7ny.com/1-shot-at-long-island-ihop-several-suspects-in-custody/5166998/
>Mfw Cuomo will never fucking leave
>Mfw this is the only place I can go to talk about guns
>Mfw I can only collect milsurp
>Mfw I don't to live here anymore, but can't move

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Based zoomerposter.

Yeah, it's 100% disposable income.

t. Still wondering where it all went

>Mfw I don't to want to live here, but can't move
Sorry for my retardation.

>gonna be making an extra grand a month come May
>just going to spend it on more guns I don’t need

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born in 98, confessions:
>I have an AR that's a set of wood away from being a near-perfect recreation of the service rifle from FO:NV, but I'm losing interest in it and ARs in general and now just want a 7.62 AK because they're more fun for me
>I haven't shot in months
>I can't buy new gun stuff because I should really get a car first, but it's slow going since I don't have a job and even the fucking gas station that's currently hiring didn't respond to my application

Nigger wut

I don't know who she is but I'd tongue punch her fart box.

especially if she's still jailbait.

i've never fired a firearm in my entire life

based laser zoomer

Looks like Kiernan Shipka.

How much do you want for your AR?

I haven't had that final straw to sell it yet, but if I do, you'll probably see it here on Jow Forums. Its build is currently:
>polymer a1 furniture (old, most likely from an sp1, mismatch handguards though)
>poverty pony lower receiver (yes, I know, for perfect accuracy it would need something like a nodak spud NDS-601)
>c7 upper (like an a1 but w/ brass deflector as per NV)
>20inch pencil profile barrel (as per NV)
>flared/sloping/whatever delta ring (as per NV)
> Carry handle height fsb w/ bayo lug (as per NV)
>Old school three-prong flash hider (not to NV spec, but I'm convinced those things don't actually exist, so I'm just using an old boi)
If I were to sell it, I would probably ship with an old colt 20 rounder and a generic steel 30 rounder or two.
If that sounds like your thing, maybe in a few months it'll pop-up on /bst/
I was thinking of selling for $800ish, but it's a weird mishmash of parts (cause the service rifle is weird) so I'm not all-together sure how to price it right now

>you’ll never know what it’s like to have a brotherhood and to lead

>Paul Harell
He's a definitely a low-key psycho

>Fantasy: Have a brotherhood and lead
>Reality: Try to sleep as that sergeant from Puerto Rico beats off again on a creaky bed in a 10 man room with 'room dividers' made of blankets, ponchos, random broken furniture

What the hell kind of smile is that? Very insincere, I don't like it. That person is definitely a traitor and should have been killed in whatever movie that is.

I fukken love carrying 1911s for defense. I also like to hold and admire my A1 replica while watching WWII movies.

I stuck a California state flag on my motorcycle even though I haven't lived there since I was a baby. I just mainly like that it has a bear on it.

>>no, I have never used iron sights in my life
>>look down on people who has military experience/connections
Based if you do it for the right reason

the look of false security

I like classic looking Cold War era rifles like Aks and Fals and retro Ars more than a lot of modern stuff. I do want a modernized ak eventually but I’m much more excited to get an Aks74. As far as shotguns I have an old Serbian double barrel. Also I like shooting rifles a million times more than pistols.

Go to trade school and talk to a career counselor. Figure out what the quickest certification to a sure income is. Wage slaving will ALWAYS have you living paycheck to paycheck. Gas station jobs are a oneway ticket to misery and possibly dying when jamal decides you aren't opening the register fast enough.

This, a career counselor is a lot of help. I went 4 years at university listlessly and only spoke to a career counselor twice a month before I graduated and it gave me a lot of direction and confidence in my future plans

Sorry zoomthing, but...
5.7 is a MURDERER'S cartridge
Red dots are for BRAINLETS
You were disqualified at MEPS because you LIED ABOUT YOUR GENDER

born 2001. confessions
>live in MA
>had a bunch of funs from when I lived in other states
>mostly boomer dad's Colt Sporter and MAK-90
>super accustomed to carry handle irons and smooth handguards
>reload so dad and i can shoot
>maintain all of our firearms and everything
>about to spend my first paycheck to buy 80% lower stuff
feelsgood being a sane member of generation tide pod

Lel I have a .243 rule with scope that I only bore-sighted and I’ve killed many coyotes with it.

Yes OP and his ilk are faggots


>I haven't shot in months

I have my own berm and I haven't been out there since I bought the wife and I new AKs. I just can't get the motivation to go out in the mud and the cold.

Neverserved detected. You beat off in the portajohns.

>CZ makes the finest handguns around imho
>I have zero interest in any firearms that wouldn't be useful for slaying commies in the boogaloo, unless they were used for this in the past
>AK ergonomics are just a hair away from rendering the gun unusable
>right side charging handles in general can make any gun awful
>I hate both Glocks and jews but love the Micro Roni for some reason
>the Walther P99cAS is the most comfortable handgun ever designed, barely beating the Steyr M9A1 and H&K VP9

I hate jews too but the Galil ARM is my favourite rifle. It makes me really uncomfortable when having to explain what my fav rifle is.

laser is not true zero, the bullet will hit elsewhere.
learn to shoot irons fag, it's easy and a valuable skill

Not true at all. Suicide rate rate in trannies is 4 in 10. It’s less than 1% in veterans.

born 97
>grew up shooting .22s almost every day
>irons only
>also shot skeet all the time with mega fudds including my parents
>only cared about shooting fast despite getting yelled at
>now only own short barrel anything and magdump

I always thought of her as the American Emma Watson

Some zoomer Jow Forumsonfessions
>owns an AR in 6.5 Grendel and .300 Blackout but no can
>owns three piston AR uppers
>spent all his money on getting a bunch of different AR uppers and now has a bunch of mediocre ARs instead of one good one
>shoots and carries .40
>newfag, found Jow Forums via Jow Forums during the election

youre a meme, I hope you wear graphic tees too

>serve four years
>only make 38k/year
>plus free housing, food, and utilities
>get a free nursing license (while bieng paid 38k/year)
>plus four years college
>plus 36000/year in disability for life

Yea, those mulitary guys sure are dumb.

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Maybe I'm just projecting, but it runs in all of us.

I should add I actually wear Hawaiian shirts so I can carry OWB

It’s literally just another job at this point but with higher suicide rates. There’s no distinction or honor in being in the military nowadays anyway. Like wow you get to go into some third world shithole and jerk off in a hot porta John for your whole deployment, wow you’re so brave

I think the problem with the modern military is this.

Where is the sacred community sacrifice? It's literally taking a small section of our population and writing "GENEVA Convention Approved Target For Other Armies" on that percentage.

What else is anyone else in our society contributing to the military? We dump all the stress and pain on that small segment.

Only a small percentage of civilians even see the military on a regular basis anymore, face-to-face and all the time.

Out of sight, out of mind.

>I look down on people who have done something I haven't

We look down on you as well OP.

I really thought this was the dumbest confession you could have, but you added iron sight in-proficiency.

because theyre egomaniac zogbots who think they're better than everyone else because they kill people for israel

>have been really into guns my whole life
>used to care a lot about capacity to size and weight
>finally get old enough to have guns
>cutting edge tactical shit makes me soft, don't feel any more armed with high capacity Glock than smaller gun I like more
>unironically want to start carrying revolvers

>only got into guns when I was 21 cause parents are anti-fun fags
>know I should own more long guns for protecting muh freedoms purposes but handguns are a lot cooler and much more fun, particularly revolvers
>I'm garbage at shooting and spend almost all of my money on guns instead of ammo.

I'm in the military and I look down on people in the military, mostly because im a supervisor, but there are a lot of fucking tards in the military.

>spent all his money on getting a bunch of different AR uppers and now has a bunch of mediocre ARs instead of one good one
This is a common mistake; rectify it.

>I fell for the .40 meme

>I've really grown to dislike modern firearms for the most part, not because I think they're bad, just that they tend to be boring personally. I'm far more impressed when someone drops $6k on a RSC-1917 than on a PRS gun or a gucci AR-15. I think an autistic Mannlicher or Mauser variant is far more interesting and fun to shoot (personally) than guns like the Sako TRG having shot quite a bit of PRS.
>Intermediate calibre rifles for the most part are incredibly boring to shoot with the exception of some 7.62x39 AKs and a few oddball guns.
>I rarely shoot my guns since I'm in college and can't afford the exorbitant pricing ranges charge.
>Now that I'm turning 21, I'm buying a revolver to carry rather than carrying my M&P9c. The gun is so boring to shoot and I'd rather carry a gun I would spend more time shooting willingly anyways.

The military is mostly non-white, I wish they'd get shot more.

>exclusively purchase black plastic tactical
>have only ever bought handguns
>never go shooting
>need to make a holster for the wml I've had for a year+
>barely even count as a zoomer
>huge HKfag

Fallout guns are absolute dogshit, nonsensical leftist "lol gun" trash. You should not attempt to make a look-alike. Sounds like you're already heading in the right direction.

Factually incorrect fren. Even the army isn't mostly nonwhite and they have the highest proportion of nonwhites.

'97 early zoomer reporting in
>except for this one time that I shot blanks out of a shotgun when I was about 9, I never fired a gun until I was 20, it was a rented Browning 1911 in .380
>as a NEET whose parent's don't support him spending money on "frivolous" stuff, the only gun I have is a VZ. 70 I got for $178, plus tax, as after about 4 months of pawning stuff off and a bit of cash given from other family members, all I could scrounge up was $190
>I don't like rails, in the future, I'm only getting classic rail-less rifles
>I have astigmatism in my right eye, ner-nearsightedness in both, so anything further than a 1x scope will give me a massive headache, which is okay, becuase I prefer iron sights anyways
>I train myself to do precise shots with my pistol, but when my friends let me use their rifles, I try to train myself to magdump accurately on target

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As a fellow zoomer. Your a faggot.

I shoot lefty even though I'm a righty because my left-eye is dominant and much stronger and clearer than my right-eye.
Sometimes I want to sharpen one of those garbage ninja swords they sell on TV and carry it around because if I had to self-defend a silent stabbing wouldn't immediately notify the surrounding 10 city blocks.

1991 confessions
> used to think military guys were cool but view them more and more as welfare queens that are used as excuses to tax me more.
> see most of them as people who could only remain disciplined while in the military and are now just fat slouches waiting for their "thank you for your service" gold sticker.
> Grew up in no gun household but had an avid love for weapons. Didn't shoot a gun until I was 18. I enjoy shooting but see I still need a lot of improvement.
> can recall pre 9/11 America
> get pissed at boomers for shit talking millenials and not accepting responsibility for failing to raise their own fucking children.
> seek to build a successful family of my own
Getting older has just made me jaded I guess.

Have some Zoomer confessions of my own
>Only shoot with iron sights because red dots and scopes feel foreign and weird to me
>Want to buy more milsurps before they dry up, but instead I focus on semi auto guns before my shit state Florida bans them
>I spend money on gun projects, but never seem to get anything done outside of acquiring parts
>I shoot almost exclusively steel cased ammo unless it's 8x57 or 303 British, which I reload myself
>Actually like the iron sights on AKs and Mausers
>Think that .380 ACP is suitable for conceal carry if it's Underwood or Buffalo Bore ammo and you want to carry at work, but otherwise 9mm is preferred.

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Stop making me feel old, goddamnit. Go buy some milsurp REEEEEEEE

The boomers are responsible for nearly everything but it doesn't matter because they'll never see it and they're all going to die being sung lullabies of prosperity by CNN, never truly understanding what they did.

>>I have zero interest in any firearms that wouldn't be useful for slaying commies in the boogaloo
>>I hate both Glocks and jews
Same on both of these, zoomers seem the like tacticool stuff. I think its more indicative of changing times though, people are getting more militant.

Had a similar feeling for a while wanting to carry a 44 special bull dog to larp like Sam. One day I thought, "how well would I do in a gunfight with this thing if the other guy was me with a glock 19" and realized Id be pretty out gunned. Decided against buying a bulldog and I carry the glock as often as I can.
I like older things and collect them but the guns I carry and hunt with I use things more up to date and build their character myself. Like, I love specifically my glock 19 because all the wear and use was done by me. Ive had it by me every day for years, Ive killed animals with it, and Ive spent many many hours gripping it during daily activities. To me, it has character.

I hate Glocks but they're like the only gun you can get an 80% build handgun with. I wish I could just fucking buy a machinegun in a private sale like a nigger but I'm so autistic I don't know anyone and have no gun buddies.

learn proper form, weaver/isosceles, thumbs forward grip on autos, finger placement, keep double checking form, and dry fire often.
Stop free style shooting dumbfuck, youll never be as good as someone who shot even just a thousand rounds the right way.

almost every zoomer in these threads is buying or longing for vintage weapons and their collections reflect that

>I didn't fire any cartridge larger than a .22 until I was sixteen.
>I I owned more guns than everyone in my house combined before I turned eighteen.
>I tried to buy a mini-14 over an AR, but it was more expensive.
>My future profession is seemingly going to force me into a no-funs state.
>I want to get a handgun in 10mm over other chamberings, but compacts and hard to come by.

2000 here

Please put some, imo I would do majority, into your tsp or other 401k retirement plan. You should start early and save.


You sound insufferable and like you get bullied

LOL they couldn't even get into community college, how are they better?

>I don't to want to live here, but can't move
What's stopping you? Do you have some crazy high-paying job you can't afford to lose? If not, then just move. Pack your shit up into your car, go to the state where you want to live, and start living. You might have to live out of your car for a few weeks, but it's entirely doable to just pack up and go.

Hindsight is 20-20. I'm actually trying to sell a bunch of my uppers on Armslist to fund a good lpvo, a Geissele trigger, and a laser/light setup

Born 2000

>I used to want to join the Army but couldn't because I have food-related medical conditions and couldn't eat the MREs, and now I'm glad I didn't because everyone I know going into the military is an insufferable asshole who treats it like a cult
>can't criticize the military anywhere lest I get pretty much universally shit on by everyone for not respecting THE TROOPS
>learned how to shoot in boy scouts so I never really learned to instinctively engage/disengage safeties, so I scare the shit out of people while shooting all the time
>on the other hand they drilled trigger discipline into me hardcore, so I look like a larping faggot using trigger discipline on power tools, etc, without even realizing it
>only watch inrange, bloke on the range, and garand thumb pretty much only because I fucking hate stupid inbred redneck accents. Fully aware that Karl is an autistic edgelord who larps as a satanist with a bunch of commies, don't really care, to me it was always obvious he was on the spectrum

Idk lads, I was in college but was suicidally depressed and parents got real worried about it. I moved back home to do an online program, but lo and behold with the new semester, it just came back. Was on the edge in October, almost made it to the river to lie down and make the big slit but my mom called me in a panic and got my friend to call and try to break me out of it. It was like my conciousness was in the backseat and I was hypnotized or dreaming. Withdrew from classes. Got a part time job at a barbecue joint. Winter came around and my hours got cut to zero but I wasn't 'fired'. Quit in January to find a new job and I've been looking ever since. No car and in rural Missouri, there ain't a whole lot within walking distance. Still, applied to 5 entry level jobs I can get to so far (e.g. dollar general, local hardware store, gas station) no hear back.
Fuck man, I was in school studying linguistics then international politics and maintained a >3.6 gpa. After 5 semesters being miserable and directionless I got nothing. At least I'm alive. If I tried to go all the way through to graduation, doubt it. The question is what to do now? I really don't know.

I don't know if 24 is young enough to be a zoomer, but I'll share anyways.
>never shot a gun until I was 20
>never moved out of my parents house, but will in the next few months
>didn't save any of the money I would have otherwise spent on rent. Instead, I spent that money on 20 guns and a motorcycle.
>despite owning 20 guns, I barely ever actually go out and shoot them.
>constantly torn on spending my money on either guns that might eventually be banned and vintage revolvers that might eventually all be bought up.
>Knowing I owe thousands of dollars on my previously mentioned motorcycle keeps me up some nights, so I probably wont be buying any more guns for about a year so I can knock out that debt.
>prefer carrying revolvers because if I end up having to off a nigger and there aren't any cameras or witnesses around then I can just leave instead of trying to pick up all the empty cases with my fingerprints/DNA on them.

I'm in a similar situation.
It's usually family that keeps us here.
I for one, don't have much family, my dad is all i got and he's growing pretty old.

Revolvers are perfectly fine for CCW. If you start shooting at some thug then they are almost 100% going to run away rather than try and duke it out. Even if they do have a gun and decide to try and duke it out, accuracy is going to aid you more than capacity ever would. I know this advice is often cited and mocked, but it's absolutely true: don't miss and you wont need as many rounds.

Let me just take my time to aim while Jamal is magdumping me from cover with 17+1 rounds and can reload in less than two seconds.

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23 year old doomer

>have a pretty sweet sopmod block 1 inspired le6920 that I put a decent amount of money into.
>shot it at the range only twice last year 200 rounds each time, one of the 2 trips was to zero in optic.
>have mossberg 590 I've literally only fire into the dirt in my backyard on new years and the 4th for the past 3 years despite having a shitload of 12ga.
>the only guns that get regular use are 3 of my 6 handguns because I live 10 mins from a handgun only range
>drink and smoke weed everyday, recently have been dropping acid alone in my room and watching Vietnam war movies my only interest is guns, work a decent paying retail job still live with parents and have no idea what I'm going to do with my life secretly suicidal

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>Only own one gun.
>Refuse the very idea of optics on it (milsurp)
>enlisting inna army to become a ranger. Just want to be better trained than everybody else.
>not even sure I want to enlist anymore because I want to just buy a tank amd some gats and harass the governments of Africa by blowing up their tanks and aids huts
>i think 8mm is best mm
>tfw no beyonette.
>I'm not a very good shot with my mauser because I'm a little bitch.
>perfect shot with weapons with a lower recoil impulse.

I hope you cc a rifle with that attitude

>Not just snapping onto the front sight and letting you're brain and muscle memory do the work

Lol get gud bitch

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You do realize even if you shoot them, they don't die immediately, right?

>Put front sight on center of mass
>magdump until threat stops moving

I wonder what the suicide rate of vet trannies is.

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