Sniper Salary

Snipers only make, on average, $50,000 per year? Is it just me, or does that seem really low?
>highly specialized
>nightly trained
>military service
>average pay is around 20% lower than average US income

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Are you talking like in the military? Because you you really surprised by that?

Snipers aren't as special as people who aren't in the military think. Snipers are just infantrymen that are in good shape, not retarded, and volunteer for sniper school.

Plus all of the housing, etc, etc, etc, etc... costs that you don't have to pay... Military personnel do have good benefits and perks although the actual pay might suck - stfu.

First answer civilian, contract or active military.
Then ask someone else, I'm just bumping for interest.

>military service

Did you unironically refer to me as "civilian," just now?

My understanding was that reconnaissance, marksmanship, and bushcraft were specialized skills.

That's true, but your living conditions aren't optimal.

God what a fucking retard

Not choking to death on your own spit is a specialized skill in the military.

How so?

Kek, I think I see what you're talking about.

Snipers are paid by rank, not skill

Well it’s the military so yes they will pay you less, nobody joins the military expecting to become rich.

No he did he was asking if you were referring to civilian military or private sector work.

Marksmanship can be taught to a chimp if you have the patients, reconnaissance and bushcraft are also easily taught skills, it’s not like they are sending them out there with two twigs and a WW2 Lee Enfield.

As someone that is in the military the “living conditions” are what you make of them. I have a nice apartment and a nice car, I also know some guys that spend it on alcohol and strippers and have a crappy apartment and a crappy car. It depends on the person.

It’s a list, fucktard. “Civilian, contractor, or military.” Three options.

You’re free to start your own sniper company and pay them whatever you want

>First answer civilian, contract or active military.
>Then ask someone else, I'm just bumping for interest.
First, answer: civilian, contract, or active military?*
I don't know how to fix the second sentence. Being able to write well is important, you know.
>military service
Gosh, I wonder what I could've been referring to.

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>sniper company

I’m waiting

Soldiers are paid by rank. There is incentive pay for some things, but sniper qualification isn't one of them.

There are probably two reasons for this. The first is that sniper qualification, on its own, has limited marketability outside the military. Compare with special forces, who often do receive incentive pay, at least partly because their skillset is in demand outside the military.

The other reason is that within the military, being a sniper or at least having the qualification does confer some prestige. This alone is enough to encourage a sufficient number of volunteers, so there's no need for extra pay there either.

>wondering why the military doesn’t pay more for a job requiring high school dropout levels of education


Interesting idea.

>Gosh, I wonder what I could've been referring to.

Huh it’s almost like private contractors and a lot of police snipers dont have prior military service.

Just saying military service doesn’t specify anything because you could still be talking about any of those three.

You get to LARP, brag and kill ppl. Fuckers should do it for free.

>Plus all of the housing, etc, etc, etc, etc... costs that you don't have to pay
Look at a LES sometime. You absolutely pay for that shit.

There isn't really a "sniper" profession. There is reconnaissance and then there is a designated marksman.

You're wrong. The Army has MTOE positions designated "Sniper", the school those guys go to is called "Sniper School" and the ASI you get from it is listed as "Sniper".


This. Cant speak for other militaries but Snipers in the Canadian army get to do whatever the fuck they want.

>average pay is around 20% lower than average US income

You got another thing coming when you grow up kid. Zoomers gtfo off my board.

Where the hell did you pull that number out of your ass?

I think he meant billets, because "Sniper" isn't an MOS

Average US income is 30k user.
Household income assumes 2 earners and is closer to 60k.
They're paid to sneak around innawoods playing with guns and to stay physically fit. If anything they are overpaid.

You do it because your cool, calculating brain is only happy when killing people after solving a trig question. Money never entered the equation.

>getting paid 50k a year to only do my job a couple days out of it
Sounds comfy to me.

I mean, how often is that skill actually needed though?

As others have pointed out, it's dubious how "highly skilled/trained" they are, and I don't think you're sniping high-value targets day in and day out 9 to 5 like Simo or something.

A doctor is highly trained, highly skilled, and utilizing that training and skills day in and day out. As best I can tell, a sniper is a guy who was a halfway decent shot who is smart enough to understand basics of physics/projectile motion, undergoes however many months of recon/marksmanship training, and spends the rest of the time practicing and keeping those skills sharp for the occasional time they're needed.

Obviously correct me if I'm wrong.

Average income is around 15k a year. Look at what the minimum wage is across the board and see how many are higher and lower. You're average job isn't paying above minimum wage. I really don't want to ramble about the math so I'll explain it a different way. It's statistically impossible there are going to be more jobs that pay above the minimum wage. So if you're average job is the minimum wage, there is no possible way for the average to be above that unless you have a bunch of billionaires in your economy with a massive pay rate that drags the average up when grouped in with everything else, which there slightly is to an extent, but you're basically just adding a few economic anomalies that mostly negatively impact the rest of the economy by extracting wealth from it and living off the investments the average makes in infrastructure. 50k is a fairly big haul. You can walk around any major area or place filled with a crowd of people and likely more than 9/10 of them are not making near that much. So on average it seems lower on paper if you're not fact checking what you think an average income is.

>your average job isn't paying above minimum wage
How many chromosomes do you have?

What he means is that if you took your pick of random adult Americans with full time jobs, the overwhelming majority of them wouldn't be making near 50k a year. That's pitched as the average, but it's not a true average.

The average wage in the USA is about $20,000.

>more than you, pal

Median. You retards should be a talking about median pay, not average. Average household income is meaningless in America where the outliers are fucking bonkers.

I need a car mechanic or a nurse a lot more than I need a sniper. therefore snipers are overpaid.

speech for yourself normie.

I'm pretty sure that's what he was bragging about to begin with there.
This guy gets it. I'm kind of shocked some people don't really quite grasp the concept, even if you got mislead by squeezing blood from a stone math drivel that's intentionally deceptive if you have any common sense most people live hand to mouth and have nothing in savings. They're not on spending sprees they're just trying to keep housing. It's like when people mock someone that lives with their parents in mommies basement, it's funny to see how ignorant they are. "Hahaha loser you're in dire poverty!" if you pull your head out of your ass once in a while you'll notice that's unusually common and becoming more prevalent, and also bad for everyone else's business if people have no money to buy goods or services unless they're a dire necessity. It's like people want to end up with a tiny economy that sucks ass.

Poorfag justification, the post

What? I think you missed the point. I just said it's actually a spectacular salary in modern times, and an interesting job to boot. See the world, meet interesting people, kill them. What more can you ask for?

Benefits are pretty good in the military, but yeah, people who serve in combat functions are underpaid.

You also don't need NFL players or Actors, but they get crazy pay.

I'd kill people for $50,000. Shit, I'll do it for free so long as I get legal immunity from prosecution.

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No they fucking do not. It's the same as anything else. For every George Clooney or Kobe Bryant there are 100,000 sad fuckers that never sucked off the right Hollywood jew at the right time or blew out a knee in training camp in college.

Overwhelming failure with a few obscene outliers, just like the rest of the country

>joining the army for the money

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Would you kill people for $50,000 as long as you get legal immunity from prosecution?

rofl. Not that dude but you should read up a bit bro

Military professions are fucking retarded, and only for mouthbreathers.

If you want to make good money and actually have a decent lifestyle, don't join the military.

This. They're infantrymen that went "I really like quick math"
I would say they sit on their ass more but it's probably tied.

>military service

That right there nulls out all other points you listed. Military will fuck over any high-paying job by merit of paygrade. An aircraft maintenance supervisor makes the same money as a cafeteria supervisor.

The $50,000 definitely includes housing and food allowance. E4 pay is a little less than $40,000 all benefits included.

they get paid to do absolutely nothing 99.9% of the time and then maybe fire a few rounds in combat if they're lucky enough to go to war

$50,000 a year is about $40,000 more than they are actually worth

>Rifleman with slightly more field craft skills and long range shooting
>Sits in bushes and piss
>Somehow deserving of higher pay

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>nightly trained

Plenty of businesses have a guy they pay six figures to sit around and do nothing 99.9% of the year until something comes up where they need a very specific job done, but its okay because they "have a guy". Snipers are our "guys" when we really need one specific dude dead right the fuck now but can't afford to incinerate a city block.

>Being so poor and retarded you don't know the word "median"

Hey guys, army 11B4 here (Sniper ) wether you think I'm Larping or not I'll answer a few quick questions on the subject.

>snipers get paid depending on rank.
I went to school with E5 and E6s , with even as long as E3 in the school house.
>Snipers arent that special
I would say so, snipers are usually just 0311, 11B or 19D that are good at math and can think on their feet, literally all you have to do is shoot expert a few times and then take it from there. Theres two main schools in the army. One in FT Benning and another in Arkansas for the National Guard. They're mostly gentlemen schools with big boy rules. Most instructors are civilians or retired service members. Theres still some cadre from certain units with different combat MOSs and we also had a few Marine Corps ones.
>There is no special pay for snipers
unless you consider danger pay which then I mean, it is what everyone deployed to a combat area makes anyway
>Snipers are mostly reconnaissance.
This is true, most of the stuff that's emphasized in the school house is stalking techniques and radio communication. Theres shooting involved but 80% of it is in the classroom studying ballistic theory and physics, basic physics that is.

Personally, I liked SDM school and Small arms shoot house better than sniper school, it looks cool on my iperms and what not but 9/10 the missions involve mostly provider cover fire and intelligence to ground units than shooting people in the fucking face. Looking back, I'd much rather been deployed as an SDM than a sniper.

NFL athletes and any sport athlete for that matter gets paid a ridiculous amount for the ridiculous amount of shit they go through and put their bodies through.

Yeah they need more money to pay alimony to their two ex wives, child support for three kids, and car loan for a v8 Mustang

We dont drive V8 Mustangs...more like Tacomas and BMW enduro bikes with the warrant officers.

Sniping's a good job m8

>tfw we will never have another COD like COD4

If you enlisted to get payed well, you're in the wrong profession pal. Easy money is going for Nursing and then working your way towards becoming management at a pharma company.

Ur mom will never have another dick like mine

I'll promise ya won't go hungry

I heard Harvard is hiring!

What is a normal distribution for 100$ Alex?

Silence civilian.

Fuggg I miss TF2


Yeah, but afterwards you get to shoot up DC.

>snipers are super highly trained veteran killing machines basically irl master chiefs they get the job done when no one else can

Guess they better semper-find themselves a real job