Bye from your wife’s son

My stepdad went to prison and my mom was gonna throw them away
Judge says he can’t have them
>what do Jow Forums?
Also have his handgat

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Other urls found in this thread:

your dad was a faggot nice mall ninja bullshit

also post pics of gun

Tell the judge that he can come get them his damn self if he wants them.

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I feel kinda bad but at the same time he went to jail for beating up my mom

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these look like the weapons of a man sent to prison for beating his woman

What kind of faggot feels bad for the man that beats his mom?

If you met my mom you would understand

Let me guess.
You are a "white" hispanic

Mom is probably white

Dad is probably a spic

meths a hell of a drug

Attached: 1472255689542.png (1455x1173, 1.99M)

Keep it yourself.

It’s not valuable enough to sell, and not worthless enough to toss.

This just be a little more responsible and get a lockbox. This is what I use. I cable the box to my bedframe.

Keep em, they’re yours now kid.

>lots of men have "met" his mom.

Is it true something like 1/3 of Americans spend time in prison? Still seems pretty implausible he can't own kukris and tomahawks

Boating accident

>I feel kinda bad but at the same time he went to jail for beating up my mom

Serves your mom right for doing backpage hook-ups behind his back. Some women need hitting. Find your actual father and ask him why they are not married if you want to know how women like your mother who are social cancer yet claim victimhood are the problem. You can thank here for your inevitable low economic position, lack of inheritance, greater chance of academic failure, greater chance of mental illness and greater chance of divorce and being jailed but remember its all about her

>What kind of faggot feels bad for the man that beats his mom?
See above

All budk trash but you got it for free.
You should chop up some bottles and teach yourself how to throw those knives. Just abuse the fuck about of everything because you didn't spend any money on them.
Don't bring it to school kiddo.

He didn't get his tendies despite saving up enough gud boi points.

Ruger p85. Great guns. Not as cheap as they used to be but they work and are reliable. Keep it user! If your stepdad had a last name different from yours there is no way they can prove it went to you :D

Congrats on your first gun that you won't have to lose in a boating accident!

Jesus clean your fucking carpet.

Do you mean a p95? That looks like a polymer frame. The 85 is basically a 'oops we fucked up' pre-version of the 89, both of which had aluminum frames.

Yeah 1/3 of Americans are black so the math checks out.

Uh oh it's an incel

Wash your socks

Disgusting non fitted socks

>filthy ass socks
>filthy ass carpet
>duck-footed as fuck
Fucking pull yourself together and lost some weight, you fat disgusting fuck. CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM

Kek actual dad killed himself I’m not fat and my room isn’t that bad it’s just rental tier carpet that always looks dirty and my wife and I were goin through all my lil brother and stepdads stuff

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dude you are a complete dick.

good luck with that.

was she asking for it?

Attached: RaulJulia.jpg (474x525, 26K)

Oh yeah bro, i've met your mom ;)