Saw a B-52 recently and my fucking jaw dropped. I mean sure, seeing an F22/35 almost blow your eardrums out was also cool, but just looking at this big behemoth gave me a stone cold boner. Anyone know where I can find a high-res version of the 'Guardians of the Upper Realm' insignia?
Saw a B-52 recently and my fucking jaw dropped. I mean sure...
No but I have this.
You were at the air show too?
Your jaw would drop more if you saw a Chinese plane instead. Now those are impressive.
t. chang
Yeah I was amazed to find out that some of their planes are actually real, and get this, able to take off and land without falling to pieces, most of the time.
impressive that they can make it off the ground to begin with and then land in one piece
Ah yes, the great and numerous technological advancements in the field of avionics by China
BUFFs make my dick hard.
China has GaN AESA radar on its AEW which America can only dream about.
My uncle was at the same airshow (you Victorian cunt) and sent me this one.
>nuking the north pole
Thanks for ruining Christmas, niggers
I can remember back before we were in clown world as a little kid going to air shows and watching full tactical bombing displays by these monsters,
There is nothing as bad ass and as watching one of these lumbering flying boats come in and turn the entire horizon into fire.
These things are huge and terrifyingly slow though. It would be scary to fly one of these into a war zone considering I feel like I could hit one easily just shooting at it from the ground with a rifle.
I went to NAS Oceana for the first time last September, and it was fucking amazing. Walking around the BUFF they had on the flightline was intimidating as hell. Bomb bay doors were open and you could walk up in it and talk to the crew. Even overheard a couple different crews chatting with each other beside the plane talking about the different places they've bombed or been stationed. Definitely going back next year. The F-22A demo was extremely boner inducing.
No this is from the museum in Ohio.
>Saw a B-52 recently and my fucking jaw dropped
Is that because you gave the brave pilot some oral relief?
*laughs in Boeing*
What are you talking about? Raytheon has been making GaN aesa radars since '16
It's been a dream for decades.
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Ah, yes, the Greater Dispel Chinese spell.
they fly at 43,000 feet, hard to hit with AAA let alone a rifle lmao, its the SAMs that scare the shit out of b52 pilots
>terrifyingly slow
They fly at 650mph. They're just barely subsonic.