Just bought one of these as my first bolt gun...

Just bought one of these as my first bolt gun. Wanted a quality rifle that can be use for ringing steel at 500 but also handy enough for deer hunting. How bad did I do?

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Gud. Tikkas are the best bang for the buck bolt guns on the market right now. Might by a bit heavy for spot and stalk but otherwise nice buy.

Excellent choice.

Thank you. I think I got a decent deal. I got it for 800 and they usually go around 950ish.

Tikkas are excellent rifles.

Tikkas are fantástic rifles and depending on the cartridge, you'll be able to shoot it super fucking far. I've got a Tac A1 in 6.5 and I've taken it out to 1600 yards.

Noice. I got mine in 308. My dad got the Tac A1 in 6.5 that we've yet to mount a scope on. I decided to opt out of the 6.5 after having bad experiences while deer hunting. I have a new found appreciate that the thiqq 308

Noice. I got mine in 308. My dad got the Tac A1 in 6.5 that we've yet to mount a scope on. I decided to opt out of the 6.5 after having bad experiences while deer hunting. I have a new found appreciation for the thiqq 308

Looks good to me. Now get a good variable power optic (2.5x-10x or 3x-15x), a good bipod, a sling. Then zero it properly and dope it at different ranges with the ammo you intend to use.

I want to get a Bolt Gun for decent distance but also want ammo to be affordable.
I also like wood Furniture

What should I be looking at Jow Forums?

>What should I be looking at Jow Forums?
You should be looking into killing ys.

>>wood furniture
CZ bolt action of some kind.

you did aight. dont fuck up on the optic

build the rifle, bed the stock

You did good OP. Fine rifle

> decent distance but also want ammo to be affordable
.223 Rem it is.
Or 6.5x55 and a handloading Setup.

>I decided to opt out of the 6.5 after having bad experiences while deer hunting.
Well dont just tease us like that, tell the story

>no irons

Hey that's my line

>.223 bolt rifle
pls stop with this meme.

OP here, I'm planning on swapping it for a Boyds laminated stock eventually. They are relatively affordable and it the closest thing I'll get to a Artic Ranger Tikka but half the cost.

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So I took my Dad's Cabela's special Savage 12 FV in 6.5. It was our first 6.5 rifle and although it's incredibly unwieldy as a spot and stalk deer rifle, I took it with me at the beginning of our extended deer season here in VA. I had a big doe sneak up behind me from 30 yards away. I made a solid shot above the shoulder and the deer seemed unfazed. It continued to walk a little and then just sat down and it took about 4 mins for it to die. I used a 140 grain Core Lokt. I also lost another deer with the same bullet and it broke my heart. Fudds are right, a 30 cal bullet is still the best. I've had no problem hunting with my Parker Hale in 308.

Agreed. It's dumb and underpowered.

Try a different load. Corelokts are normally pretty reliable expanders but maybe they used something odd and different for the new caliber.
>143gr eldx
>129gr bxr
>one of the copper monolithics like gmx or tsx
People roll deer with much smaller than 6.5 cm all the time. My farmer friend has been slaying deer for decades with a 243 and people here often make do with 5.56x45. Did you recover your bullet on the doe? Entry and exit identifiable? Theres a chance it was just luck in not hitting something much more vital.
If youre using a corelokt then youre not getting the range 6.5 cm was meant for anyways.

Yeah, I'm sure if I try a higher quality bullet, it could definitely bring down a deer. My first deer I killed as a kid was brought down with a 223 single shot. Here in VA, I just don't think a 6.5 is useful considering we hunt in thick woods.

and no the bullet passed through her. Seems like it didn't get good enough expansion.

You did great. Tikka is owned by Beretta so you know your getting a quality rifle. Also the bolt is the smoothest i've ever felt.

I have the Arctic. Shits sweet.

Since we're talking about bolty bois here. Is the T/C compass a good poorfag beginner rifle? I've also heard someone suggest bergara.

fuckin' rock on

I have heart nothing but great things about Tikkas. What kind of optic are you planning on running on it? What is its weight? What country or state are you hunting in? All in all I would say you did just fine in your decision making user.

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How does a 4-12 Nikon P308 sound?

I've heard great things about the T/C Compass

Thank you. I wanted a Tikka solely because of their smooth actions.

Noice. How does it shoot with the irons? I want one but 1800 is way to much for what it is

OP here. I was initially considering a TC Compass till I went to my LGS and felt the gun. It feels cheap but worse off to me is how gritty the bolts are. I highly recommend saving up a bit more and getting the CVA bolt gun which is a more affordable Bergara or save up a little more and get either a Bergara B14 Hunter or a Tikka T3. You won't regret it.

Thankd bruther

So the rifle itself weight 7.5 pounds. I'm planning on getting a Nikon P308 4-12 because I don't have too much money to spend since I'm in grad school. I live in the suburbs of DC in VA. Northern VA has one of the longest firearm deer seasons in the country. I can kill deer from Sept 1 to April with my rifle. So I make the most out of it. Been eating nothing but venison for the past few months. My yuppie friends think it's cool

but only in one county can we actually use rifles and the yuppies that are ruining my state are already trying to ban shooting in that county.

Underpowered for what? Bears?
There isn't a deer alive that can survive a .223 shot to the heart lung area.

Also, what do you think of the Hornady 129gr Interlokt they use in their American Whitetail ammo?

Nikon makes a fine scope, I have two of them. I don't know much about hunting VA. I have spent most of my life in the west Arizona, California and Oregon. A lot of spot and stock hunting. Is it the same for Virginia? Always just assumed that anyone east of us was a sit and wait spot hunter that takes shots 100 yards or less?

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idk man, I've brought down deer with a 223 but it's not something I would wanna rely on for bringing down game, let alone defense

Yes, you're generally right here in VA it's pretty much hunting from deer stands but since I go around and ask property owners if I can hunt their land, I don't use stands so I have to hunt from the ground. I either set up a chair and wait but I've gotten familiar with deer movements on this winery I'm hunting on so I've had decent luck spot and stalking deer from foot. I dropped one recently at 200 yards. Longest shot I've ever made outside of Montanta. I'm heading to Lanai Hawaii in June to hunt axis deer on foot. So excited.

Stop trying to kill things with M193 or equivalent then? A good bonded softpoint in 5.56/.223 will leave a nastier round than a mediocre bonded softpoint in .308 will. And good bonded softpoints in 5.56 are cheap and readily available.

I've only done it once in Montana. Here in VA it's not legal to use anything smaller than 23 cal.

>state with 60lb deer
>can't use .223
fuuuuck that's dumb.

I'm in Missouri, we can use any centerfire caliber we want, but no rimfire. I could legally hunt deer with .25acp, or .14 Squirrel, or something else equally dumb, but not .22mag or one of the antiquated large-bore rimfires.

Nice. How is the deer hunting there? Do you have a short season?

Rifle season is 10 days, plus a week of antlerless-only in most counties. Bow season is legit 6 months long (September through end of Jan). We also have an "alt methods" season that's 2 weeks where you can use literally anything that isn't a centerfire rifle (seriously we literally allow atl-atls).

Can kill up to 2 antlered deer a year and an unlimited number of antlerless if you're willing to keep buying OTC tags.

oh nice. Not bad. Here in Northern VA we can kill deer almost year round from Sept 1 to March 31st. The county next to me allows rifles but I can legally kill a deer in my parents backyard of a dense suburb of DC with my crossbow.

CZ 575 in 7.62x39. Can pick up bulk ammo for cheap

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>Buying Mongolian guns

Enjoy your refined pipe gun, Should have bought American quality gun rather than than overpriced soft metal gun.

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it's anterless only though

lol nice b8. I grew up hunting with old Remington 700's and Marlin 336's. I'd have to be a total mongoloid to buy a new American made gun.

nice stock

>above the shoulder

Sounds like you got a terrible shot and blame the cartridge because of it.

Anyone have an opinion on the newer Sako 85, can get a decent deal on one in 308 form a lgs for 1150 out the door. I've got on from years back in 222 magnum but no experience with anything built by them in the last 30 years.

No? Stops them just fine with a 308

No? Stops them just fine with a 308

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You are right, there wasn't enough expansion. I hunt deer all the time with my 6.5 Creedmoor but it is not an in close deer gun. The round is moving at speeds that it doesn't expand well enough within 100 yards. I even shot a bear at 300 yards with a 143gr ELD-X and the round barely expanded at all. That being said, the bear still fell over dead almost instantly. But it is still one of my favorite hunting rounds to date.

High shoulder shots are a thing. Breaks both shoulders, the spine, and ruptures the major vessels up there. When properly executed with a potent round it drops them right there just about guaranteed. OTOH deer running off with their lungs or heart exploded is common.

Posting just cause.

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That's the elbow you halfwit

Brainlet and retardpilled