
Get in here faggots, they’re trying to start shit after they got BTFO the Supreme Court last year.

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After that bad pokemon game, I dont care what some dumb chain of islands for guns. Are there even fucking gun ranges there?
I bet theyd have a panic attack if you were shooting out into the ocean.
Save the whales or some gay shit.

This trash isn't worth the pixels used to record it.

God I fucking hate Hawaii. It's the most beautiful shithole I've ever lived in. Doesn't surprise me honestly.

>Are there even fucking gun ranges there?
Yes, there is a huge gun culture here because of all the military bases and the huge homeless population scaring the shit out of the locals. I've been to garage sales on Oahu that had AR parts. The problem is they keep voting in "representatives" who are willing to spend millions on a train rail that's never going to stop being under construction. Who won't do a damn thing about the tent cities in the middle of populated areas and beaches. But are more than willing to put in regulations that force citizens to go through a thousand loops to do something simple like own a car, or gun because they know they literally can't go anywhere else.

I don't even have a point I just fucking hate hawaii.

>I don't even have a point I just fucking hate hawaii.
I think we're all destined to hate where we grew up.
t. raised in DC

I love my hometown. The .mil brought me to Hawaii and I was so excited. And now I'm so ready to leave.

Remove statehood from Hawaii and reduce it to a territory.

>destined to hate the place you grew up
I dont believe this is true at all.

Maybe if you grew up in Hawaii or DC.

Bring it on, faggots.

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I hated the place I grew up while growing up, but everywhere else I go makes me appreciate home more.

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Sorry, I misread your post and thought you grew up there and were leaving.
Shoulda worded it better, I mean we're destined to hate where we grew up if that place is a blue shithole. Had I grown up where I live now, I don't think I would hate it at all.

Fuck you. And fuck pokemon ultra sun & moon. Worst pokemon games to date.

Do it faggot

I don't understand the collective rights theory. Under that approach, the logical outcome is the (Estonian?) model: every locality establishes a club calling itself a militia or whatever and anyone who wants to own guns simply joins it as the sole prerequisite to purchasing guns. It would in-effect deregulate gun ownership and render it unconstitutional to regulate militias.

I'd take the Estonian model if we got full autos and rockets

Shut up faggot. Go to the big island. It's all farmers and hunters living simple lives practicing a lot of gun culture.

I've been to the big island multiple times. Still has the same bullshit regulations and the same bullshit people who keep voting. Hawaii is a shit. A. Shit.

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You misunderstand. The National Guard is how the collective exercises the right. You don't get guns, the State government might let you borrow one of theirs.


that's from pokemon? i saved it because it has a hawaiian flag on it. its tough to find anime girls with hawaiian flags.

A militia is defined by the Militia Act of 1903. The Reserve Militia constitutes every able-bodied man between 17 and 44 that is not part of the Nat'l Guard.

I'm not saying that's how things are, I'm explaining the collective right argument. To those that advance it, the Militia Act of 1903 is just as wrong as DC vs Heller.

why can't they just let us have our rights?

Because your rights are coming into conflict with the government's agenda.

beware the pineapple jew

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In other words, there is no consistent position within the collective right argument

>willing to spend millions on a train
>won't do a damn thing about the tent cities in the middle of populated areas and beaches
>hates guns
this sounds like fucking san francisco
we have homeless all over the place and you can't criminalize being homeless because muh humanity. they've been working on a subway for years now that no one really asked for. the power player who pushed for it actually died (rose pak) before it could be completed.

its a fucking democratic stronghold and they wont stop at anything short of their glorious vision to succeed from the US. fuck them. The people of hawaii need to get their shit together and lynch their politicians.

No one gave a fuck when zuckercuck up and stole the land of the locals.

you know, I'd still move there because even if they manage to repeal the 2nd Amendment it's still gonna be better than the shithole that California is. Fuck this state, I wanna own an AK.

No. That's not an accurate summary, at all. You must be retarded.

This is pretty accurate. I don't hate it though. It's just hard to have fun fun

Nah you an idiot son. People from big island are fairly radically pro 2A on avg. Confirmed military 20 year old scrub

A. Shit.

Fuck that we should be our own country in this bitch...

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This National Guard is under the direction of the states governor.

>this sounds like fucking san francisco

Not unless the streets are literally littered with human feces. There ain't enough rain in the world to wash away all the filth in San Francisco.

California is trash compared to hawaii, but it might become the same soon

Fuck all the native sea niggers screeching about "muh haole" and "muh occupation" and want to secede.
Hawaiian boys must understand that they must mind their Uncle Sam.

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Just spray methamphetamine out of planes on election day

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>There ain't enough rain in the world to wash away all the filth in San Francisco.
tho there are enough nukes.

What case did Hawaii lose last year?

Shorten it.
The Right of the Individual to keep and bear arms Shall Not Be Infringed.

you should be allowed to concealed carry in Hawaii according to 9th circuit court.

and this is a good thing.

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Why are legislators never charged over shit like this? It's clearly violating one of the highest laws of the federal government and the supreme law of the land. If a person breaks a law, they get fined or even jailed, yet lawmakers break federal law all the time by introducing unconstitutional shit, yet face no repercussions for their actions. Why isn't this discussed more?

Nah, I grew up in the wolverine state and haven't left since.

Because we are the ones who hold them responsible, and we are not acting on our stances... we need to take these people to court or assassinate them...

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>The second amendment asserts that the United States citizens do not have an individual right to posses guns


Obsessed incel


Beta uprising when???