Patch Thread: tabby, hyper where are you?

Trade, create, and sell your patches
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>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

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Tabby, Hyper, plz come back ;-;

Attached: tabby plz.png (501x363, 483K)

Tabby was here like a day or teo ago with a new patch

Hyper is still MIA

Who is the best patch store in terms of actual customer service quality? And I mean of people here, not stupid stuff like random Etsy or airshit stores.

Pastebin, my dude. Neet, dullahan, wood, and raz, and tabbies have made some of my favorites.

forgot to mention you. here is kendo patch

Attached: kendo.png (600x600, 146K)

But that doesn't even look like the store logo

Whys NEETs store dead?
Did he shut down?

he's moving domains

hes got a new webzone, use the link in the pastebin

i couldnt find the font thats used on the guns

Attached: kendo text.png (936x712, 663K)

Attached: nowayfag.png (720x720, 190K)

>keep your seed

also skogz

this is so obscure i love it

just get it commissioned

Thats a good idea

Attached: 1551629037473.jpg (1024x768, 517K)

i am a good idea

Attached: no_way_fag.png (180x256, 86K)

Attached: No We Cenot Do This.jpg (1024x758, 67K)

hey did merlin die because i just realised i never got my fuckin patch from him, same with cracker.

Gotta do this as a patch now

Attached: 1503945908002.jpg (900x900, 36K)

Anyone selling the German Skull with a santa hat?

Hyper was alive recently. Might want to wait a bit longer.

New design, courtesy of the UN

Attached: UN-loli.png (800x800, 1.24M)


Attached: csp42263_0.jpg (600x450, 71K)

Attached: Alternative_Iv.png (800x600, 185K)

Attached: Untitled.png (891x382, 133K)


>I'm oxidating right now

to the user I believe in the last thread who was asking about Made in the USA patches. I'm always doing ongoing market research to see what the options are and.... lol.

Attached: c8036ec9-daea-4daa-bf45-47f94c338a8a.png (449x136, 5K)

oh someone used my shitty edit

Attached: 1520142609651.jpg (720x958, 51K)

>$9.28 a patch production cost


>$50 for a sample

That's an in hand sample
Not unheard of for samples to be that expensive

Patch noob here. Im humbly asking if its possible to get this patch or any pizza related ones with a SEMPER PIE written across it. Pls halp! Price me and Ill buy

Attached: DAC240DA-CDAB-41B4-A86B-9EC7060577C2.jpg (252x200, 15K)

Have you humbly asked google?

Rudely with no results

>That's an in hand sample
Ah okay that makes more sense

>Pizza signalling
Ask over at PodestasPatchStore

No results for patch makers? No results for artist commissions?

Attached: nowayfag2.png (720x720, 233K)

Are the Rhodie shirts done yet?

Should the background be a different color, or just keep it solid black?

Attached: sk9.png (763x779, 227K)

Maybe a white or light colores stroke on the skellynog and the background black?
And the plague text was good just needed a diferent font, one that looks similar bu cleaner than the original.


That color works. However you need the ring around it that just simply says "THE BLACK PLAGUE"

No other text, no latin "i dindu niffin."

Keep it simple and subtle

VW maybe?

Attached: nowayfagvw.png (720x720, 276K)

1350 is esoteric enough


Where are the cryptids, almost camping season

They've been done for a while, he just needs to finish his website

Well yeah, but no one gives a fuck about that because they are not for sale. Sorry I'll be pedantic: "Mr. NEET when will the shirts that you have finished be for sale on your new website? Please hurry up you sodomizing swine"

I hope he delays them another week, faggot

Agree mate however, keep the black plague and the 1350 circles help close the design

dindu nuffin would be to obvious but funny af nonetheless

Stickerbot if you're in here can you please send me my stuff? It's been over three weeks and I still haven't received anything, I never even got a confirmation email. Order number is MXFG-517890

Sput, can you just post a survey on the options (words vs no words, monkeyshines vs proper behavior, etc)?

What is NWF? Some jap femdom shit?


Still working on this one, and...

Attached: Akira.png (768x569, 262K)

...this one.

Attached: MRE.png (600x600, 249K)

Yeah, I'll do it later and make a mockup of each option. Anybody know of any foolproof way to survey? I'm thinking post your keyboard with a timestamp and your choice.

It doesn't look like you've done anything since last time. You want me to help ya out? I can mess around with it if you like.
I like this idea too, just the colors are a bit fucky

Pic related

Attached: d84.jpg (680x680, 107K)

I just got home so I haven't had a chance to make the changes yet. I'm gonna round out the top and remove the laser beam like you suggested. Not sure what to do about the colors on the other one yet.

Also, I replied to your email just a minute ago.

Strawpoll, dude.

Since it's mre themed, find images of mres and try the colors on them out. Play with it a little.

It takes Sticker at least a year to deliver. Get in line my dude.

Attached: ns.gif (500x500, 160K)

I'd fuck Ashley so hard holy shit.

MREs only have 2 colors, so it's limited in that way. It looks even worse with 2 colors. Maybe this instead?

Attached: MRE2.png (600x600, 269K)

Try swapping them, light brown behind the spoons, green behind the text

Dale patch update: coming in on the 20th. You can order em now if you're into it. I sized up to 3.5 in to accommodate concerns about the font.

Any shops for yuropoors? Check the list, but it's seem be all shops located in the us

what happend to the brass (((person))) patch?

Your order was shipped. You should have received an email.

Edited. Opinions?

Attached: Akira2.png (827x509, 220K)


Attached: MRE3.png (600x600, 274K)

I hope you learn how to not be a retarded fuck and ask correct questions you butt hurt troglodyte.
>Also jokes on you I give no fucks as to when the shirts actually come out

Attached: 1551736316118.gif (500x500, 256K)

>I hope you learn how to not be a retarded fuck and ask correct questions you butt hurt troglodyte.
You were the one who asked the wrong question, retard.
>when will the shirts be done?!?!

Where da ppl @?

Thred ded?

Working, probably.

I never received a confirmation email or my order...

eating weeb food and working on orders

I'm going to sleep, it's 11:30pm here. Goodnight anons stay comfy

Attached: 1527690820524.png (529x373, 8K)

Some of us have day jobs. Some of us are just tired of life and spend the rest of their free time sleeping away body pains and depression.

Attached: 1406053477129.gif (291x300, 2.92M)

would buy

Which color is better?

or 3?

I like 3 the best but I think the green and tan colors clash, same as the red text.

The thread isn't very helpful anymore
People just don't speak up

international shipping exists and NEET reships cheap

Yeah the green and tan could be a problem but I'm more partial to 1 just because I like green and it would look better on my assault pack.

Attached: video-thumbnail-1471427366721[1].jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Hey Skinwalker, I finished the Outlaw Star patch concept. I just need your email address so I can send it to you.

Tweaked the colors. Is this better than 1? Hmm...

Attached: MRE4.png (1000x1000, 357K)

I'd help but I don't have anything to add
I'm not a fan of the colors just because they're too colorful

I like the round top one

Looks like a keyblade

I liked the darker green more. But its definitely hard to see how it would look without a prototype.

Not related to the issue you're working on but did you also consider doing the outside ring with the brown/black MRE lettering? Could work with the lighter green.

Hmm... I think if you've ever seen Akira you'd know what it is instantly.

Anyone else seeing a keyblade there?

Attached: 1450589205720.jpg (516x440, 53K)

Me unironically