Trans troops testify before Congress that transitioning made them better, stronger, more effective soldiers:
Is it true, Jow Forums? If so, shouldn’t it be mandatory?
Trans troops testify before Congress that transitioning made them better, stronger, more effective soldiers:
Is it true, Jow Forums? If so, shouldn’t it be mandatory?
>Is it true, Jow Forums? If so, shouldn’t it be mandatory?
Yes it should
I'd say give em a few years, just to see them drop like flies.
They're better, stronger and more effective compared to their (still good enough) pre-transition selves, when they were being weighted down by being stuck in a body they didn't feel was as it should be. Thus mandatory transition for non-transsexuals will have the opposite effect.
> believing the mentally ill have an accurate view of reality
I'm all for shipping trannies to the middle east, I just don't want to risk good mens lives while doing so.
hons pick THE WORST names
I mean that's what testosterone therapy does, it's just science
dunno why those transwomen are testifying though
Based notaretardanon
If recruiters disqualify you for ever having taken anything for depression out of fear that you will add to the military's already high suicide rate, then why wouldn't they also exclude people from a group that are much more likely to commit suicide than people with depression. This alone should be sufficient reason for it, even though there are several.
>imagine believing this and samefagging on Jow Forums to push your worldview
Yeah. I don't think we should allow mtfs to serve. That introduces too many variables imo, and explicitly weakened biological men are kinda iffy. Whereas we already allow normal women. Why the hell shouldn't we allow what literally amounts to women on steroids? Ftms sound like a win-win desu.
frankly I'm a little surprised that they aren't injecting all the men with as much tren as they can get away with, that'll probably happen the next time there's a draft
Combloc was cutting edge on this research and since then it's gone unused
It's so blatant and forced.
Literally who says that? Are the discord trannies from /tv/ stopping by?
Riddle me this, commander
What makes up 0.0015 yet also 40?
Trannies love behaving like TV caricatures of what actual women are like
Kek. I can already see all the tranny on woman rapes like what happens in UK prisons.
no idea who this literal who is, but that being said: YES!!!. That or just send them to the camps.
If i went to the doctor and said
>hey doc I'm not really a human, i need you to graft a dolphin fin to me so i can be trans-aquatic
>302 mental evaluation, 120hrs lockup and tons of anti psychotics
But if i say
>hey cut my cock off so i can be a woman
>surgery, hormone therapy, now gain victim status
Like really now? Maybe old school Christfags were right that gays lead to more mental disease.
>The fucking Guardian
No shit. pumping testosterone through people whilst training them makes them stronger. Whomst'd've thunk it
Honestly though, why should anyone give a shit about the military? The US is the single most well defended place in the world even without the military. All they're good for now is fighting perpetual wars for the MIC.
>sparking up that testosterone filled HRT gives me more strength
hmm what did they mean by this
Paki here
ahahahahahahaha, fekin joke of the day
they are sik bastards, I say let 'em, send them to Afg, let the Talis end them for you
save all of us the embarrassment
Captain Hormone Therapy.
Why don't I believe this.
I don't think anyone has any problem with ftm in general, it's the mtfs that cause problems and who everyone hates.
Isn’t lying under oath against military law?
They're mentally ill men trying to be what a man perceives a woman to be. This is why MtFs are almost invariably never without high heels, purses, dresses, obnoxious amounts of makeup and jewelry, and valley-girl personalities and names. It's all how the entertainment industry presents women to be and that's all they know, so they always wind up having the most asinine and insufferable traits a woman can possibly have, which further makes them nightmarish caricatures.
This, you can always spot a tranny in real life. You can fool a lot of people with a photo, but as soon as they see how you look and carry yourself when you're not carefully adjusting your behavior in front of the mirror, they'll know.
>40% suicide rate
>should serve in the frontline
pick one
>Be cucked out of literally every job I want to do because my pediatrician and other doctors completely fucked up my medical records which had me taking drugs that I took once in middle school, all throughout fucking college.
>But fucking tranny's that literally need to dilate their cunts and need hormone supplements are AOK
I'm fucking sick of this fucking nonsense, I had to jump through a million hoops JUST to get my current job, other ones I applied for won't even let me fucking dispute it.
Special forces lineup right there.
Yeah all that painful, messy dilation, self-loathing, volatile hormone regimen, and suicide that 40% of post op transsexuals endure sure makes them stronger, faster, more reliable and trustworthy than cisgendered troops.
But of what groups? Guess we'll never know