Didn’t see anything in the catalog

>Didn’t see anything in the catalog
So Kentucky just went constitutional carry today. Heard it on the news this morning but can’t find any news articles yet.

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Op I think the law will actually take effect some time in March if I’m not mistaken. Is there any clarification about how concealing in other states that reciprocate with KY works now? I’ve not seen anything about that.

No idea how it would actually work, but I assume there will be a permit of sorts TN can issue, that would be valid for other states CCW laws, but residents probably wont need it unless they travel elsewhere.
Key differences would be how TN handles non-residents as well.


Fuck, meant KY.

Sorry sweaty, only doom and gloom news allowed on Jow Forums

My favorite part about this is people whining about the lack of required training to conceal carry and how dangerous it is. Nobody seems to think remember that anyone who can own a firearm, regardless of training or lack thereof, can open carry no problem.

As I understand you can still get a ccw for reciprocity with other states that recognize ky permits, I already have one and renewal is $5 if I recall so I will keep mine anyway for this reason. The real reason I like this is that my wife can now carry without issue and I can handle out of state as I will be with her.

Open carry isn't that good for daily life because it attracts unwanted attention. I just want to do what I usually do without having some soccer mom calling the cops on me every other week.

Look what you have done.

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Yeah noticed that myself. They don’t actually make much sense do they? I like Thomm’s argument.
The sponsor of the bill, Sen. Brandon Smith, R-Hazard, and National Rifle Association state director Art Thomm said in the committee hearing that Kentuckians already can carry weapons openly without any training.

Smith noted that if someone has a gun under a coat, a permit now is needed. He said that does not seem fair.

“This bill decriminalizes wearing a coat in the state of Kentucky,” said Thomm.

Can’t say it’s all that surprising, I know that your ccw comes up in ky if they run your plates as I was asked about mine after an accident by the responding officer.

That isn't nearly as good as their Kikebook™ post.

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Has it? I haven't seen any news reporting that Bevin signed the bill.

It doesn't look like he has signed it yet but he has said he will.

I'm moving to KY from AZ. KY ccw rules are that they have reciprocity with AZ but I need to 'register' it with them within 30 (?) days moving in (can't remember exact). But then they also say once I do that, it's valid for 90 days... and then they say to get an actual KY ccw permit I need to be a resident for 6 months...

So I can CC for 3 months, then go 3 months totally unarmed, then apply for a KY CC, then after that is processed I can CC again?

Surely not.

Words are meaningless. The KY legislative session for the year ends soon, he needs to sign it now.

Tfw I now live on the border of a free state, on the river

>tfw only 15 miles north of the Ohio river
Freedom is so close.

Ohio is almost a free state, too bad all the GOP here are RINOs.

Frankly, fuck cops. I didn't used to be like this, but they are such entitled pricks. I hope a bunch of cops slip up and get wasted by private citizens, like in no-knock warrants.

We know they they passed a law so you no longer need to carry ID, but carry ID anyway so we can intimidate you by putting your name in our gun owner database.

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Im opposed to shit talking the police simply because I'm no nigger when it comes to life. But. Other than someone swatting you why is your home being raided? Any in and out traffic user?

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These fucks wouldn't hesitate to confiscate your guns. They are and will be a problem for Kentuckians.

The number of doors that are kicked in because people can't figure out addresses is shockingly high. That's what the problem with no-knocks is: you don't actually know who is in the building until you are busting in the door with your guns out.

>The leader of the state’s largest police department on Friday denounced the new "constitutional carry” law as a step in the wrong direction.

>“Saying that it makes communities safer, that’s (a) pretty tired and old statement, as far as I’m concerned," said Oklahoma City Police Chief Bill Citty. "That’s not the case. We should be going the other direction and be more responsible about who we have carrying guns in this country.”

>Citty said people taking action against “bad guys” have been shot by responding officers before since it’s difficult to distinguish who the supposed “good guys" are.

>“Citizens don’t wear uniforms,” he said.

>Citty said he believes in the right to bear arms and that citizens have the right to protect themselves and their property, but he also believes in the right to regulate firearms.

>encourage citizens to train meticulously with firearm well before handling a firearm

What did they mean by this?

From what I’ve read the law will take effect 90 days after the state congress adjourns March and the governor signs it, which puts that somewhere around June. So you can move here and get your 90 day pass to cover you until the law takes effect. At that point you won’t have to worry about a permit if you change your residence to KY.

>>Citty said he believes in the right to bear arms and that citizens have the right to protect themselves and their property, but he also believes in the right to regulate firearms.
Migrant here... I became a citizen late last year... when I studied the constitution to take the civics test I don't remember reading about a "right to regulate firearms"... could someone point that out for me?

I remember agreeing to take up arms to defend the country... is that something I need this cops permission to do?

Plz clarify

>"we support the rights we protect and love our free society"

Welcome to the USA

Stay there forever. You fucks fleeing south is why Florence is turning into a dindu zone


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>Migrant here... I became a citizen late last year... when I studied the constitution to take the civics test I don't remember reading about a "right to regulate firearms"... could someone point that out for me?
>Plz clarify

Well certainly my newfounded fellow American. The """Cop""" in question is referring to the 1st clause of the 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.." The problem with that is he believes that firearms should only be regulated to a organization like a milita, instead of in the hands of free citizens.

Now, if you've studied basic English grammar, You're probably thinking that's a retarded reasoning. And you would be right. Because of the series of commas in the amendment. The first clause is stating that a well regulated milita is necessary for the security of a free state. Which is a SEPARATE idea from the second clause of: "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Which means that the people's right to have and carry arms shall not be infringed upon.

tl;dr: there are two diffrent and separate rights in the Second Amendment. dumb cop thinks one influences the other.

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local media jews are mad

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>Opinion: Don't turn Kentucky into the Wild West. Keep concealed carry permits

>No one is the wiser.

>Until your 9 mm pistol falls out of your pocket or slips in your waistband, and you go to grab it …


>And when that happens, I hope it’s you that winds up in the emergency room and not someone I love.

Lmao, what a faggot reporter. That is him in the photo training for his CCW permit too.

forgot link

This is the only good news in years. Michigan is almost certainly getting red flag laws.

does this fucktard know what a holster is?

So if the governor sign this... how does this work with vehicles? Can you now conceal in a vehicle? From what I can tell you now have to keep guns unloaded when in a vehicle. I think only Tennessee allows loaded guns in vehicles.

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“Glovebox” carry is legal in KY. Any manufacturer installed compartment.

Lol almost every state with CCW allows carry in vehicle. I'm fact I dont know any that dont

I mean without CCW... you can't have a loaded gun in a vehicle I believe. Will this change now?

As far as I know, in KY (without a CCW) the gun has to be empty with the gun and magazine stored separately when in a vehicle. And I think TN is the only state currently where you can have a loaded gun in a vehicle without a CCW.

Or do I have it wrong?

Yep, was right
>Kentucky allows any person not prohibited from possessing a firearm to carry a loaded or unloaded firearm in a vehicle in any closed container, compartment, or storage space installed as original equipment in a motor vehicle by its manufacturer, including but not limited to a glove compartment, center console, or seat pocket, regardless of whether the enclosed container, storage space, or compartment is locked, unlocked or does not have a locking mechanism.

Isn't this a bit unusual? I could have swore it had to be unloaded in most states.

Anyway, so will this law change vehicle laws in KY? i.e. can one keep a loaded gun anywhere in a vehicle, on their person etc. without a CCW?

Ky user. I dont give a shit if some semi trained jackass Mexican carrys his pistol concealed. It is complete social suicide to walk around with open carry due to our horribly tense political climate. I know a guy who doesn't want to open carry because he thinks that it's just asking to get your life ruined

it needs to be normalized though, they WANT it to be something to freak sheep out, all part of the "guns are evil" psyops

>And I think TN is the only state currently where you can have a loaded gun in a vehicle without a CCW
How the fuck did you end up thinking that?

You are extremely wrong. What drugs are you on?

>O B E Y

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You're incorrect user. The Second amendment does not list two rights. Why the fuck would the government need to assert its own right to have armed forces in the document that explains the limits of its powers?

"Militia" to the founders and their contemporaries meant essentially the same thing as "the people", every white male over 17. The people, individually, make up a collective militia, and could be called up to defend the state or union if need be.

You are correct, though, that the term "well-regulated" doesn't mean private gun ownership can be regulated. In the language of the day "well-regulated" meant something more along the lines of "disciplined", "capable" or "well-trained"

Ahhh, i love living in Missouri.
>Conceal and carry without loiseeeiiiiiiinse
>Dont need LOISHEEEENZE for gun
>Kill all niggers

Honestly makes sense. Don't want a bunch of dumbfucks slipping up while carrying a gun for the first time. Never should have strayed from constitutional carry in the first place and we wouldnt have this problem

Ymmv, it depends on how states interpret a vehicle. Some will say that a vehicle is an extension of your property, in the sense that you have the right to defend, needs warrant for searching, etc. More or less the distinction between Castle Doctrine vs. Stand Your Ground clauses, or duty to flee.

Quiet goy, he's trying to peddle a talking point


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>arrest people for feeding the homeless and collecting rain water
"better be grateful we're protecting your rights peasant"

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the memes write themselves

Shills arent allowed to report on things against their narrative
>hundreds of thousands of defensive gun uses every year
>continually exploit isolated incidents from predominantly white communities purely to give the impression gun violence is radically out of control

He does have a point though. Lots of people go full fucking retard when confronted by an officer while carrying.
I feel like hes trying to say they're worried about unnecessarily escalating situations which will put everyone's safety in jeopardy and ultimately make constitutional carry look like a bad thing.
Seems like an overreaction but that's still what I grab from it.


Retards fo full retard
Their gun has nothing to do with their dumbassery

Stop using discord, ya dingus

Let nature solve the problems nature creates.
Safety is the ability to defend oneself. Safety is not the absence of harm.
You can be chained and locked in a closet would you say that is safety.
Harm, discomfort and death are apart and must always be apart of life, if it is to be a life at all.
For those who wish to not suffer risk there is death, life offers only risk, pain and then death.

inb4 change of heart

Spics overwhelmingly vote blue so please encourage your family to stay the fuck south

>Citizens don’t wear uniforms,
And yet cops shoot their own in stupidly high numbers. Maybe unfuck your friendly fire situation first, pig.

Freudian slip?

You dont need cops permission for shit

Hey man, I dont wanna bust your balls. But almost everything you said is wrong? Where do you get your facts from? Word of mouth at work?
Concealled in a car is any non-factory compartment. Gun can be loaded to the brim. However, concealled is under the seat. Shoved in between the seats. And any other clever way that isnt a glovebox or a factory compartment. Which means the seat bags are good to go too.

Do your own research. Kentucky laws are literally digitized for the whole world to read online. Its not hard.