Be bong ship

>Be bong ship
>get rekt by some tiny fast french boi

Attached: 3477.jpg (300x180, 11K)

>Be USS phoenix
>Get rekt by an invisible log using WW2 long lads

>Be USS Liberty
>Get rekt by muh greatest ally

>be french
>be first to lose in Vietnam back when Vietnam was shit

>be french
>lose to Germany
>join Germany and collaborate
>still lose the war
>pretend to have been in the resistance

>Be nazi U-boat
>Sink when Hans doesn't use the shitter correctly

unfortunately, this is German blood is sad.....

Attached: 1548437242113.png (687x952, 742K)

>be burger destroyer escort
>get teleported to REALM: BARRON-44 (MID) DIMENSION: 84.29 (OMN2)

Attached: The-Philadelphia-Experiment.png (1279x576, 897K)

Have this to cheer you up, you cold meat eating war mongering autist

Attached: 1548783380596.png (933x933, 696K)

>Be Tirpitz
>Never do a real mission cause hitler was pussy on the waves
>Get sunk in harbor by bombers