AK General /akg/
Unobtainable Optics Edition
>Thread #785
Old thread here
AK General /akg/
Unobtainable Optics Edition
>Thread #785
Old thread here
Other urls found in this thread:
>AK Buyer's Guide
post Wuggy's shitty Draco
Calling Wuggy's "rejected Fallout 4 concept art" builds "Dracos" is an insult to Dracos.
At least the Romanians build Dracos right.
What is it going to take to get rid of him?
>owning "Draco peasants" by whining that SBRing a Draco costs too much and is too difficult, then making inferior guns in literally every sense.
Big Boy AK
Other generals he tried to integrate himself with eventually successfully bullied him out, before he came here.
If you give him a (You), it needs to be a bullypost. Never engage with him in a way that validates things he thinks or says, as he takes that as acceptance and fuel for hires arrogance.
If you're not down to act as wuggychemo, then the very least you can do is filter him.
About as far from Metro as you can get
B-but cheese grater and window on a mag make metro...
>window on steel mag
>not window on bake
post AKs or fuck off
Just filter him
eFile Form 1 filed :^)
Exodus mags are all steel.
Several mentions of 7.62x39 guns in the novels.
Good attempts at autism tho.
lol another
>Just bought his first Arsenal and feels entitled to bully people for having fun with their guns.
Man I hate that this general has turned into /arg/ bullshit.
Whoa there bub we all know his build is more accurate than the literal PM md. 90 pistols Cugir makes because of that UF trunnion
>several mentions of 7.62x39
I believe the point was the brace and not the caliber
I've been bullying the neckbeard brace fag since before I bought the Arsenal
If you keep referencing his past fuckups or nitpicking gay details it just builds his notoriety and doesn't help. Look at ARG, he still posts there but now that he's been bullied into exile all he does is shit the entire thread up intentionally.
Question everything he posts and call him out when he fucks up and gives any bad information, he will be forced to integrate and be a productive member of AKG.
He has money and is willing to spend lots of it to fit in with strangers on an anonymous Indian parrot plucking forum. Utilize him to spend lots of money on meme weapons to enrich the general, like an RPK74, a homebuilt groza, or some bastardization of a firearm that emulates a VSS in appearance.
That's the point, that kind of content is worthless and bringing down the overall level of the board
>Gun's so new there's not even a wear line from actuating the selector lever
lol at least SHOOT the gun before you try to flex or bully, newfag.
At least the guy you're bullying has actually shot his fucking gun.
The people that sit around going "Haha Max you're so silly" are unironically the only ones who give him attention and any reason to post. For fucks sake they answer his questions more than anybody else while pretending they're doing it ironically.
You must miss half of the people that respond to him genuinely
>I've been bullying him since before i had an AK
considering that was like a week ago, pretty pathetic on your part m8.
>he thinks that's my first AK
OOF, that hurts, neckbeard
wgws is only a problem if you make him a problem. nothing wrong with responding to him unless it's just to bitch and feed the troll.
but everything good devolves to shit eventually
Trip on, Max
Oh, hey.
It's still never gonna be true. No matter how many times you say it, that's still a full beard and a weekend of not maintaining my neckline.
Sorry about your T-levels tho.
Mayb I sell some magic cards to buy vepr12 now
wanna fuckign fight bro? meet me at the 5th street CVS in stamford ct ill kick ur bird legs ass bitch
>Stamford, CT
I genuinely pity people who live east of the Mississippi.
>full beard
not to be that guy, but yikes. that's a patchy ass beard if I've ever seen one. you need to either trim that way the fuck down or drop it, the patchy red homeless beard is pretty garbo
hivemind pariahposting belongs in >>>/reddit/
Has anyone here ever disengaged their disconnector?
Man this is embarrassing
fuck off, r*ral retard
I'm glad I've never been west of the Mississippi
>Shit-talks others' appearances
>Lack the confidence to post their own faces or bodies
Jow Forums is hilarious.
Yeah has an "ungroomed hobo" look to him, but he's also clearly in ok shape and actually owns and shoots guns, which puts him in the 95th percentile of Jow Forumsommandos
post a family photo you fucking dumb idiot baby
Has anyone messed with one of the PSA AKforgeries yet? Are they as dog shit as every other US Made AK
Should I just go through with the hassle of building another AK? I built my 74 in 2011.
I don't have a dog in this fight but I would like to pass judgement on you.
definitely legitimate dog shit.
>10rd mag
>clearly never been fired
I'm and I agree that you raise very fair points
fucking depressing. Why can every 3rd world shithole produce an AK but we cannot? Noone locally has one so I havn't seen one in person yet.
lol another one
imagine wanting to slavshit this badly in 2011+8. Imagine being so hellbent on having your own ayykay brand ayykay that you compromise this hard.
>posting face on Jow Forums
Wew lad
because combloc govt ate the startup cost for milspec AK factories and made hundreds of thousands of them on solid tools. Americans are trying to cut costs and QC for profit which doesn't work with the platform while maintaining competitive pricing with real combloc surp.
Why is the shitposting so rampant today? Post your AKs, faygets
>hear about local Jow Forums meetup in your state/region
>think about going, maybe let some of the noguns blow through a few boxes of cheap whitebox gatteries
>remember that every time you start to enjoy Jow Forums again some 19 year old nogunz or 23 year old kid with a gucci AR that still lives with his dad starts shitting up your favorite thread
>decide not to go and spend the weekend doing your own thing instead
>see that this is what showed up and realize that there are many like you
quick quick user post your guns
Bitch if you're this nigger then you literally started it.
>mom he started it!
Post your AK, nigger
Or discuss AKs. I was discussing how that shit wasn't even close to a Metro clone
k now post your pale, soft incel wormbody.
oof not a looker in the entire pic. what shithole is that?
tf is an incel. Is that.. is that leddit slang on the scandinavian geology photograph website? Golly user, ISHYGDDT
I'm not talking to my mom, bitch, I'm talking to you, presumably a grown-ass man.
You either get to shitpost or bitch about shitposting. Man the fuck up and pick one.
>Post your AK, nigger
I did.
America in 2 years
Gamergate was a mistake. I want pre-2014 Jow Forums back
>"Incel" is muh leddit lingo
fuckin newfags always out themselves lol
Bitch since you're clearly such a superior specimen let's see those fuckin abs.
>I'm not talking to my mom, bitch, I'm talking to you
First person to make a replacement mag block for the PAK9/NAK9 that uses something besides glawk magazines (maybe Scorpion mags like Poorfag State Armory) gets their dick sucked
Anyone ever buy a kit from here? rusweapons.com
>incel cover blown
Duh durr uh whats an incel boys
>No real response or argument because he's clearly fucking wrong.
oh yeah, I'm a newfag :^)
Oh man you really showed your hands here
Bet they don't even remember this gem.
>Lack the confidence to post their own faces or bodies
have some pride in the way you look
Post AKs homos
How comfortable is the extended polymer buttpad?
....so do you just completely shave your entire body or
Trip on when you post daddy's guns catfucker.
Nothing to write home about. I only got it because I was buying one for my Tula triangle stock on the 107cr (haven’t put it on yet) and the guy was selling these ones as well for cheap so I grabbed one
>chubby boi called out for poor hygene
ya know, if you would look yourself in the face before you leave for work maybe you would think about those you have to interact with. looking presentable isnt just for yourself kiddo
1) I'm not 2) You guys look like you have literally the exact same body type lol.
Lul no they don't
sure they do
to my eyes the big difference is
is wearing what looks like several layers of winter clothes (and he's got a scraggly hobo beard)
while is in shorts and a t-shirt (with body hair of a newborn baby).
full body waxing is as operator as it gets
it reduces drag and allows 1cm per hour faster sprints
There's no way these optics work well, right? You literally would need to have a chin weld on the back of the receiver.
quoted them backwards
whatever, you get my point. /bullyzone/ bullshit is dumb and bad, everybody should knock it off. We're all fucking Jow Forums chuds.
my body hair is blonde from sun bleach, same reason i have skin cancer on my ears, sorry sweaty
>Tries to lecture others about taking care of themselves
>Too lazy and stupid for sunscreen
New to AKs
Bought a 2018 Wasr
Put in a hammer and trigger pin retainer plate, I know Century Arms stocks are shit but what kind of upgrades should I be looking at right away for rifle?
Alsos will a Boresnake be enough to clean the barrel after a serious range day?
Literally the furniture. A sling. Maybe an optic if you want it.
Rifle is fine.
New furniture, ammo, and mags are all the upgrades you need.
>Boresnake be enough to clean the barrel after a serious range day?
Just use an ak cleaning kit
getting sun exposure from backpacking too long in the sun>refusing to shave your messy unflattering facial-hair
Which is better for astigmatism, PK-A, pk-01, or PK-as? Is the obzor worth the money and can I use it with astigmatism?
Boresnake is fine. Give the gas tube and rest of the rifle a good cleaning every so often
Don't do this