Paying for a hunting safari with the boys in south Africa, what kind of weapon should i kill this beast with...

paying for a hunting safari with the boys in south Africa, what kind of weapon should i kill this beast with. I've also considered crossbows as a consideration.

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What kinds of beasts? A classy and practical choice would be a Weatherby MKV in something like 340 Weatherby mag.

250 grains at 2950 fps and 4850 ft. lb. energy would be an excellent choice for all but the largest of animals.

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.505 Gibbs because be happy like Frank McComber

Poor wion :(

Still nothing wrong with trophy hunting, I just have a sexual attraction to the Lion King

4bore double rifle

yeah that'll take care of lions, but seriously considering the crossbow route

yeah i like the look of THAT

Fucking furry

It's a cat. They are not hard to kill. .270 would fucking drop it like a heart attack.

You fucking brainlet. Shoot at anything in africa with a crossbow and let me know how it goes. Post results here.

>paying a shitload of money to go kill a lion, but also I have no idea how to kill a fucking lion and know nothing about it

Proof or GTFO

>It's a cat. They are not hard to kill.

+1. It's a fucking cat, not an elephant. This isn't rocket surgery.

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A lion is essentially an over grown version of pic related. A .270 will suffice. Or be a classic english gentleman and bring along a MKV Jungle Carbine in .303

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How about instead of paying to hunt out of the country you use the money in the states to support the economy

Look at this gaylord and laugh.

>not supporting lion keepers

>based Hemingway poster
Better to live one day as a lion.

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everything left I want to do here is illegal though

Crossbow is suboptimal unless you’re an excellent shot, with years of experience in crossbow hunting. You’re looking for a quick, clean kill. Gimmicking up your hunt with a crossbow is how you become the next Walter J. Palmer.

Is that Shatz, the feverish boy from "A day's wait"?

someone isnt a hunter

Beat me to it

Nobody is lion hunting without a PH anymore. That 416 Rigby bolt or something 500 grain at 2100fps will come barking out of the phs double barrel rifle long before you get eviscerated by the claws on those back paws.

>killing animals that are not abundant, or are not not pests
Literally scum

Cats are assholes.

>supporting land of the diverse


You realize money from rich tourists keeps African parks alive right?

They don't let you kill random lions. You kill asshole or sick lions.

>being this much of a fucking dickless brainlet

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You didn’t catch my reference, did you? Getting mauled is a minor concern, for the reasons you mentioned. Executing a sloppy kill with a crossbow, where you have to spend a half hour and a half dozen bolts to finally put down the cat is the issue I’m referring to. That fucking dentist had to just about go into witness protection to get away from the PETA death threat crowd.

you should kill yourself faggot. Imaging using your money to kill lions. What a fucking fag
I'm sure your wife is going to get serve really good you cock sucking fag

KIKekike disgusting , you need some gas

i hope you get kill op.

Hey fuck you buddy. I'd love to go on a catered hunting safari in Africa before it's all gone.

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1895 Winchester in .405


no but I'll send you my trophy pictures

Armor Piercing 6.5x55 out of a Swedish Mauser

Use a 22lr and apply it directing to your forehead.

Dr. Walter J. Palmer did nothing wrong furfag

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audibly kekld

Forreal though, why dont you do something a little more practical and positive with that money? I mean, unles you really just have tons of money, and in that case, give me some

Do they let you keep it/have it stuffed and mounted?

sympathy for the lion is natural until you realize it is a huge foul-smelling carnivore that will quite literally kill you for merely annoying it, or sometimes for no reason at all.

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Ur mother got stuffed and mounted last night.

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your gonna get stuffed and mounted until your a well behaved trap gf

Shoot yourself in the mouth you piece of shit

They better keep all of their pieces. I know they secretly just want them as a friend.

>apply it directing to your forehead

>being such a small dicked faggot that you have to shoot at sleeping lions to feel like a man
I hope someone rapes your kids in front of you

Lions have pretty thin skin so 30-06 will suffice

Lol imagine putting the welfare of beasts over that of human children. The absolute state of this board.

I dont care for big game hunting all that much, but i will always choose people over beasts.

If you went back in time a 1000 years and told someone that lions will be nearly extinct in a millennium, they would ask you why you think that's a problem.

>do something better?
>give me some
get a job
>can you have it stuffed and mounted
yes and plan too

Tfw you will never know this feel because even if you somehow can afford this, you'll never be a situation where a dangerous African monster charges you at 30yards or a PH who would let it happen

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Dentists aren't doctors. It is one of the few cases where being technically right is NOT the best kind or right. Or right at all frankly.

Reminder on these hunting threads that vocal animal "activist" Ricky Gervais fucks cats. Literally. Fucks, Cats.

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But that dentist wasn't the average Jow Forumsommando who dreams of shooting someone who breaks into their house. Hell, if Peta was after me I'd publish my address so I could hunt the most dangerous game, while wearing my underpants and drinking my own beer

>the most dangerous game

A man of culture i see

My mum loves elephants, plz delete

Trophy hunters are some of the lowest forms of life imaginable. I would gladly putt a bullet through OP's skull

>Putt a bullet
Good thing you have girly fucking arms otherwise that might leave a bruise, too bad you can't shoot him instead

It's not trophy hunting if I mount an ona-hole in the stuffed lions ass for the purpose of sexual gratification.

>trophy hunter accusing somebody of being weak
rofl i would pay a lot of money to see you 1v1 a lion using only your bare hands, faggot

You aren't 18.

Sure thing, tiger woods. You gonna putt a bullet into my head too?
We, not you, have evolved as humans to use tools. We are far from the strongest animal in the kingdom, and thus need an edge. we have been perfecting that edge for all of our evolutionary chain. You don't need to post fight a lion, we have guns. Not you though, you just have a putter that you use to hit bullets with

Only degenerate scumbags need to shoot a lion from a safe distance to feel powerful. Even a literal brain dead mongoloid could kill a lion like that. Just lol at mug edge

muh edge*

I bet this goy brings his wife/gf and goes bull hunting too.

Your bare hands or at least a melee weapon. You wanna prove you're tough, you don't shoot a goddamn lion from afar like a passive coward. You get up in its grill, you actually face it and kill it.

>what kind of weapon should i kill this beast with

smallsword or go native and assaggi spear
Or just use a CZ 550 in 338 lapua mag and remove its head from 1500 meters while you sip a and t through a straw. Its not 1890 -1920 and you are not big or clever op

>go native
So eat and enslave your own people?

I'm not a nigger though, also why should i? what honor does the lion have? it takes it's prey off hyena's most of the time and it would kill me if i turned my back. just stop your embarrassing yourself and go enjoy a steak

I love steak. I just can't be bothered to fly half way around the world to pop the head off something from a deck chair.

>going to Effrika to kill a lion and let the natives run a train on your wife without condoms
>not a bigger

You almost had me.

>I'm not a nigger though, also why should i?

You're quite niggery actually. That is why Africa is calling to you.

you people actually think these animals have human personalities like the lion king or something? there just animals that run on instinct nothing more

You are lower than an animal though. They kill and hunt to feed themselves and their family. You kill to feel like a badass in front of your retarded family and friends

Its like me flying to Arizona at vat expense to shoot a relatively rare mule deer because a tag has become available. Its cockgobblingly stupid and while big five hunting was indeed a thing involving guts and skill in the late 19thearly 20th century it certainly is not now with long range precision rifles and gps trackers. Its faggotry. Do your thing by all means but its still obviously faggory. Make sure you wear a big explorers pith helmet for maximum cringe larping

Fucking brainlet