Barrel Comparison
Which is included in this:

Seems like the spikes barrel is the same thing no? Should I grab the 800 deal? I don't think the bcg is equal though.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: AR-15-Gas-Systems-Barrel-Lengths.jpg (500x495, 28K)

The point of a mid-length on a non free-float, non-hammer forged barrel with an A2 FSB being?

Are you retarded?

My guess is a softer recoil impulse and reduced wear.

correct, also bayonets


>tfw I bought an M7 bayonet and it doesn't fit on my 16 inch carbine length.

i dunno fucknuts maybe the exact same point of a mid-length on a free-float, hammer forged barrel without an A2 FSB since the benefits of a middy have nothing whatsoever to do with any of those traits?

Attached: beans.jpg (640x621, 38K)

So guys, I mean are the barrels basically the same thing? Also is melonite better? How much would you have to shoot to get the negative effects associated with it?

No the barrels aren't the same thing because they're different profiles. The carbine and mid length are going to be lighter but will get hotter. The dissipator and rifle length will be heavier and stay cooler. You're going to get greater velocity and energy out of the 20" than any of the 16. Melonite is more accurate, chrome lined is more durable. I don't think you'll ever shoot enough to see negative effects associated with any of them.

Get the mid length 16.

Flat wire springs and H recoil buffers go for $20-$25 each if the recoil and wear are such a big deal, though the piston rings would go out before anything else in the action needs to be replaced and the gas length would make no difference

Attached: colt-lowerrec-fullauto.gif (356x492, 56K)

Get the lightest good brand barrel you can afford.
So the answer is faxon.

>gas hole

Isn't it "gas port" that way you don't sound like you're talking about a person's anatomy?

Wow you are retarded.

With an A2 comp, carbines have a harsher end to the recoil than a midlength. Noticeable but not really game changing. Still the Carbine length gas system was to deal with shitty military grade ammo which is worse than even winchester-fucking-white-box. There is no reason to be dumping all that extra unburnt carbon into your receiver unless you are shooting old as fuck XM556 50gr or M193 55gr surplus

Pic is unrelated man!!! I am talking about the BCM barrel and the Spikes barrel.

BCM. The prices are nearly identical. Stop posting unrelated pictures on the biggest ADHD board on the internet.

Aww shit. I accidentally posted the 2 best ar15 barrels available at 16 inches.

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>Carbine length gas system was to deal with shitty military grade ammo
Has more to do with gas port size
>XM556 50gr
That does not exist, you mong. It would be either M196 or XM556FBIT3

You don't actually know what you're talking about.

That 16" gunner is pure sex.
All the weight of the rifle is between the hands.

>> "16" is pure sex"
>> preferring a carbine to a rifle
>> not wanting rifle A E S T H E T I C
>> mfw reading this

Attached: screams-internally-27681223.png (500x300, 60K)

>yfw more concerned with cosmetics than handling and function

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Pencil is best. The worst thing about BCM is they don’t evenoffer A1/ pencil barrels; they push shit A2/ government profile like it’s a plus.