Why won’t it fit?
Cursed images
>inb4 “ur move lawman”
rimlock, my dude, common problem with those straight clips
Are they ded
That's the official nerf lingo, mang. You got a problem, take it up with Hasbro.
Please update
>Nig Nogger
Well that might not get you too far....
Charge your battery nigger
>mag issue
>can’t read my name
Hi retard 4
21% is fine
my phone is constantly in a perpetual state of being between 1-6%
I believe I heard they survived with minor injuries.
that shit will ruin your battery, brah
This guy knows what's up. Li-Ion batteries don't do well when constantly at low charge.
fuck off reddit
>can't leave them plugged in or they fuck up
>can't leave them at a low charge or they fuck up
>sometimes they just explode
man, fuck lithium ions.
>Can't leave the plugged in or they fuck up
That was NiMH/NiCd batteries. Li-Ion batteries do better being constantly plugged in.
>Sometimes they just explode
That's from shitty manufacturing or misuse by operator. Also, the newer chemistry aren't nearly as violent when they decompose. At most you get some nasty looking smoke.
Well we will have to see if they notice