Fill me in on the glock meme. WHat makes them so popular? I never had an interst in them because every experience ive had with them has been negative so it just kinda put me off from the get go. The guy at the local gun shop kept trying to sell me one but i really wasnt feeling it. Is there something im missing out on?
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They can shoot themselves out of a block of ice or something.
The level of build quality is unmatched at the price point.
They are reliable and inexpensive.
>every experience ive had with them has been negative
This and the aftermarket is huge. Personally still not interested, just pointing this out
they were once revolutionary
now they are mediocrity - literally the baseline. middle of the road. not great, not awful. everyone else caught up
I own one. A G27. I bought a Wolf 9mm barrel and switch back and forth. I use (Well used, I'm lazy now) when i went camping and hiking. The poor things been through hell and still works great. She ain't pretty and the trigger sucks but I love her. She's like the ugly girlfriend who you know will always be faithful and does what you want in the bedroom.
They're so popular mainly because there's a zillion mods available for them because they're so popular.
If some other manufacturer had been first with the dirt cheap (for contracts, not retail) plastic fantastic, it would be riding the same cycle of self-perpetuating popularity, and Glock would be a literally who like Steyr is -- there's nothing wrong with them, but there's also nothing particularly remarkable except their market position.
Nice lucky dubs. My theory is, marketing genius, combined with right-place-right-time. Plus a decent product at a decent price, of course.
Specifically, Glock focused on law enforcement exactly when the LE world was moving away from revolvers.
>the Glock operating system is kinda similar to a revolver operating system, more than other autos
>Glock offered special LE pricing, which made them a real bargain
>Glock supported the hell out of their product, armorer's classes, warranty, etc.
After Glock SWEPT the LE world, then it was easy to market on the private citizen side, "look at all the elite cops who prefer our product!" Also the Glock is visually distinctive and features in a lot of movies.
I have 3 and i guess the last 2 could all be due to shitty ammo, cleaning etc. keep in mind that im not exactly sure what i shot each time
>was over at a buddys house had a couple of drinks while underage
>loose, not sober but not drunk enough that it /should have/ caused anything bad to go wrong
>were just shooting cans and shit in his back yard. has 6 acres of woods
>eventually im shooting:
>click, no shot
>weird, manual cycle bullet
>click, no shot
>wtf bad ammo?
>hand to friend
>manual cycle
>friend nearly shot me trying to put his bottle on the ground
>leave instantly and key his truck on the way out
>at the range by myself
>it jams at least once ever 2-3 mags put through it
>took my mom shooting at the range because she just got her cc and didnt know what to get
>guy reccomends a glock
>same problem as the last. kept jamming every couple of mags
>i hated where the mag release was because i would keep hitting it accidentally while firing
i know that the mag release is just a fault on my end but i havent had good luck with any of the glocks ive tried.
Glock broke into the US police market at a time when they were very reluctant to buy automatics, believing them all to be unreliable (in comparison to revolvers, mostly S&W 10s and 28s). Here was this new, flashy Austrian gun that came out of nowhere, beat Steyr, and it's not only hammerless, but has a plastic frame and get this-no safety!
It was a quantum leap over what was available in the 1980s, and Glock toured the country demonstrating the gun's reliability, accuracy and safety via numerous demonstratons where they would run them over with cars, shoot them under water, drop them, do all sorts of goofy shit. It really raised some eyebrows and the agencies that adopted them were pretty happy.
Years down the line, it is no longer this unobtainable new-fashioned uber spacegun. We see Glock everywhere and we see guns like it everywhere because it set the standard that everyone imitated.
There are now lots of guns that are like it but better in some way. Better grip angle, better trigger or safety setup, maybe a little more magazine capacity. But because Glock is the trend-setter with all of these polymer striker-fired wonder-nines that's what everyone goes back to. It retains a large part of the market because it is so well established and the benefits offered by something like it but different usually don't offset the aftermarket support and years of experience that Glock has to offer.
The design itself is pretty simple. It is kind of blocky, but you get used to it. sights aren't super great but people often change them out. Trigger is actually quite good, especially once it wears in a little. Magazines are of superb quality and readily available anywhere. The finish is very durable. And the thing just plain works.
Rental guns are shit. You shouldn't base a guns reliability on what happens with a rental gun. They are the $20 back ally hookers of the gun world. Rode hard and put away wet.
>Hanging out with wealthy friend with pistol fever
>RedHawks 1911s Glawks
>Check it out user, just bought the all new 9mm Babby Glock!
>Fieldstrips just like it's big broth...SNAP
Broken guide rod
how are glock compacts and subcompacts?
my friend has a G43 and loves it, but that's just one mans opinion
are they better than LCP, LCR, or M&P?
They just work. Kind of handy if your life depends on it.
I get that. the first time i went to the range was just a rental gun section. i expected them to be kinda shit. they were cheap for a reason. the second one was a different store that let you rent used guns that they got in tradeins/bought. i tried some kind of 1911 and it fired just fine. sights were a bit off but that was about it.
It's the Honda Civic of handguns ( though unlike the Honda it's no longer the cheapest option for a polymer striker gun). It's pretty shitty and you can get a measurably better gun for a better price, but if you want something to customize then it's the best option. Except in this case you can't really increase performance, just put fancy do-dads on it, which you can still do with most guns. You'll still always have the shitty plastic mags and proprietary rail with 1/10th chance of failing if you actually put a light on it, though.
Basically you should look into FN and HK handguns. Glock refuses to update an already cheaped out/stripped down to the bone design.
It's like an IPhone except it's a gun and not a phone.
In this thread this post is the best post.
this was cool info. thank you.
I agree with you mostly, but I wouldn't say that there are better grip angles available. The grip angle was intentional, and it is the only pistol I can think of with an intentional aggressive grip angle to mitigste muzzle flip. It's not just a brand that people trust for reliability and durability but it's unironically the best polymer frame handgun on the market. You can fight me all you want but I've owned and shot every meme polymer glock killer and I still go back to glock. I want to hate them but I can't.
I have a feeling most people that hate Glock's just generally aren't good shooters. It takes a lot of time and effort to shoot a stock Glock well. More time and effort than most people are willing to put in. So then they spend all their time and money trying to find some unicorn handgun that outperforms their lack of skill, or endlessly upgrade in the hopes that the next upgrade will drastically improve their skill. In the end you just have to practice and get good. I run a stock glock better than anyone at the range. Routinely have people looking over my shoulder trying to see what I'm doing that they aren't doing right. It's just practice. There's no substitute for it.
Fundamentals of marksmanship don't change when you switch handguns, unless you're switching to something with a 10+ pound trigger. You should be able to shoot a Glock as well as an HK or s&w or fucking hi point. Small variances in reliability and accuracy aside, you should shoot any handgun decently so long as you apply the 5 fundamentals. Most gripes against Glocks aren't about how they shoot, but about the shitty features they have and the high price they command despite having said shit features.
Due to Glocks somewhat heavy break compared to other striker fired pistols (and definitely 1911's), Glocks are much pickier about your grip and tend to magnifier errors, making them harder to shoot accurately. With proper fundamentals, they are very accurate.
>I can't shoot the gun more good because it's got a bad trigger!
This meme needs to die. It requires a simple adjustment on where you stop at taking out the slack, and how hard you press through the break which should only be a tiny difference.
Well it's a few things.
There are factors that make a handgun nice. Quality, trigger, accuracy, feel, reliability, cost, ect. Glocks aren't the best at anything, but they're good at everything.
I'm younger so I cant speak for much, but I know boomers always totted it as super reliable. I understand they where pretty neat when they came out, like a little ahead of their time.
It's very standardize, so they have a great accessory\mod market.
Glock has some serious fanboys that prop it up.
It's a porcelain gun made in Germany that doesn't show up on your airport metal detector.
I have a glock, shot it plenty. carried it for a while. It's a fine handgun.But over rated.
I didn't say it's because it has a bad trigger. Because of how the trigger breaks and how violent the striker spring is, it is less forgiving of a substandard grip.
>buying a glock
Might as well suck a fat pile of shit off an AIDS dick while you’re at it
Glocks are no longer the "wonder gun" they used to be. There are definitely options that are just as reliable and have better factory triggers, sights, grip etc. The thing Glock has going for it, though, is reputation. The thing has proven itself to be exceptionally reliable, which, many would argue, is the most important thing to have in a handgun you would trust your life to. There may be other similar pistols that are just as reliable, but it will take a long time for them to have the track record Glocks do.
I rented a USP at a range, supposedly one of the most reliable autos around, and it couldn't make it through 1 mag without a FTF, stovepipe, or FTE. It was almost certainly due to a worn out recoil spring but you should never let your experience with someone else's gun color your perception of its reliability. You have no idea what kind of fucked up shit they did to it. All you can really determine is if you like the way it feels, the trigger, the weight, the controls etc.
Highly doubtful the USP recoil spring was worn. It was most likely the magazine spring.
>Might as well suck a fat pile of shit off an AIDS dick while you’re at it
Can you find that at the Kimber Custom Shop in Two-Tone?
Worldwide adoption along with simple but effective engineering says you eat dog turds.
Glocks are basically the G3 of service pistols. Retard proof, durable as hell, and questionable ergonomics at a cheap manufacturing price. Glocks really are $350 pistols, but people think cheap=bad (ie SW Shield despite being $400 at launch) so the blue label and gssf pricing are still money makers
>full blown glock and katana threads.
Its 2010 doods happy new year
I dont like having hands so I'll just shoot glocks all day until one of them blows up and takes my hand with it.
The guy at the local gunstore tried to steer me away from Glock and said I'd regret my purchase. I still haven't.
Objective reasons why buying a Glock might be a good idea:
>low bore axis
>reasonably priced Magazines with good capacity
>no Manual safety
>reliability and weight
>cyberpunk/80's look
>slide build quality
Probably shite quality ammo, because that many FTF issues is unheard of in a Glock that isn't completely fucked or trying to shoot the worst ammo on the planet.
>tfw you're so limp-wristed that you can't even get the most reliable handgun on the planet to shoot properly
Seriously are you a skeleton?
>he gets it from his mother
yeah that seems about right
>hated where the mag release was because I would keep hitting it
Okay now I'm just convinced you have absolutely no idea how to hold or fire a gun. Go learn how to actually shoot and then come back to talk to us, retard. I have shot probably 15 different Glocks in my lifetime and none of them have had any of the problems you describe, except when weak little shits limpwrist the gun while firing.
>leave instantly and key his truck on the way out
I get the feeling you two are no longer buddies.
>takes a lot of time and effort to shoot a stock Glock well
Why? That totally sounds like a design flaw. Come on, is not a DA/SA. Either you are saying nonsense or glock is shit.
They talk about them alot in hip hop music. And the Glock Tyrone got on the fence is a better shooter than the Windicator DeSean spray painted red.
They're really good at solving problems
>unmatched at the price point
Glocks are vastly overpriced for what they are these days, with everyone and their grandmother making polymer striker-fired handguns that are not only cheaper but with additional and better features.
>It takes a lot of time and effort to shoot a stock Glock well.
[muffled DA/SA in the distance]
Depends on your hands. I have a friend who owns a 46 and 26, why? Because he goes to the same LGS every time and their total inventory is 30% glocks. When shooting mini plastic pistols I shoot a cheap M&P. He has the low and to the right problem with his Glock, I sent him an internet link. He TLDRed it. Also the mag pinches both of us. He took it back to the LGS to sell it back, walked out with the 46 and his 26, he says the 46 pinches worse. I ignore him when he complains about his two glocks.
>She's like the ugly girlfriend who you know will always be faithful and does what you want in the bedroom.
if she cooks and cleans she's wife material.
if what he's really trying to say is that shooting any handgun takes real patience and practice, and that people would rather shop around for some sort of mythical "point and shoot"/ "it just fits my hand" instead of putting in the work, then he's completely right.
It's not like glocks are uniquely difficult to shoot.
Is the S&W m&p 2.0 just as good as a Glock 19?
I want to get a keptec sub2000 to use pistol mags but Idk if the Glock is worth the price, especially having to change the plastic sights.
you go into your LGS & say "i want a 9mm" the clerk will hand you a g19
Find a range that rents both, shoot both and find out. It really boils down to which grip fits your hand best.
I'm mostly worried about reliability. I've seen 3 Glock fanboy youtubers have jams with the m&p.
>I've seen 3 Glock fanboy youtubers have jams with the m&p.
I've seen countless youtubers have jams with a Glock. Both can jam and either can be a lemon. Anecdotal cases of jams on the internet don't really determine how reliable a firearm is in general.
Build quality? There's virtually no build quality when it comes to glocks; they're designed not to have it. Just because a gun is reliable doesn't mean it has build quality. It's a cheap plastic frame filled with cheap MIM parts that functions reliably. They are sold at an absolutely astronomical markup.
They're not inexpensive at all though. Smith made a gun so similar to a Glock that Glock successfully sued them for patent infringement, and Smith was selling that gun at ~$200 at a profit. A Smith and Wesson M&P 2.0 is an objectively superior handgun (just as reliable but better ergos/trigger/etc) at a much lower price point. In fact, most companies have some kind of polymer frame striker fired pistol that's as reliable as a Glock but has better features at a lower price point.
>I have a feeling most people that hate Glock's just generally aren't good shooters.
I'm both a good shooter and hate Glocks. They're perfectly okay pistols, reliable and whatnot, but anyone who spends $500+ on a new one is a total chump. There are pistols that are basically glocks but with better triggers, sights, ergonomics, etc at a much lower price point (S&W M&P 2.0, CZ P10, various Walthers, etc, etc, etc).
Two of the vids were vs a Glock and Glock did better. The third vid was less biased, but still saying the m&p didn't like some ammo that the cheaper s&w sd9ve was fine with.
I also read that Glocks only jam with off-brand mags and questionable reloads.
They're serious fighting pistols. And everyone has mags for them. Magpul makes excellent 12 round mags, and KRISS is making 40 round sticks. Even Mossberg is using Glock magazines now.
This. Glock fan boys are inmune to reason and common sense.
>Two of the vids were vs a Glock and Glock did better
You really didn't find any where M&P did better? Or did you just not look very hard?
>I also read that Glocks only jam with off-brand mags and questionable reloads.
What you read was objectively wrong then, since there never was, is or will be a gun/mag/ammo combination that can't jam. Typing "glock jam" in your browser is enough to find dozens of examples.
>posting quadroons
Take it to Jow Forums faggot.
Stop limp wristing
>It's a porcelain gun made in Germany that doesn't show up on your airport metal detector.
>>tfw you're so limp-wristed that you can't even get the most reliable handgun on the planet to shoot properly
C'mon, now, you know one is nothing to do with the other. Glocks are quite reliable when fired from a machine rest, or by a competent shooter, no doubt.
But it's a fact that 9mm glocks are oversprung for 90% of 9mm ammo out there, and especially badly oversprung for the cheapest ammo (crappy 115gr). Still 100% reliable as long as you hold it right and don't have tiny hands and wrists, but a Glock shooting cheap 115gr plinking ammo is the easiest gun possible for the user to induce malfunctions through limp-wristing.
OP, go shoot a Glock with 124gr NATO, standard 147gr, or any kind of +P/defensive type load. You'll see your problems go away with the increased recoil impulse. If this makes the problem go away or dramatically reduce (and it will), that proves the root problem is with your grip. Once you get your grip right so you can shoot crappy 115gr in a Glock with no limp-wrist malfunctions, you can shoot anything.
I was staunchly anti glock until I attend a very last minute shooting course out of state with a borrowed glock 17, and the gun really grew on me. It shot nicely and it just worked. They’re still ugly but I love how they shoot.
Breh, are you me?
Yeah, but other than that....
Why don't they offer the 10mm in a compact?
Why would you want that much of recoil for a tool that is used to defend your life?
The G29 is a subcompact in 10mm, why don't they make a compact which would be larger than the G29?
Low maintenance. 4 drops of lube is borderline too much.
Can strip with no tools. Complete strip can be done with a single punch.
Accurate. I can knock out the center mass bullseye at 9 yards using any cheap ammo.
Reliable. About 3k through my 19 and 26, never had an fte.
Huge aftermarket. This could also be a con. I hate glocks with a bunch of shit on them. Trigger, sights, a light, and maybe barrel. Anything else is faggoty trash.
Might not fit your hand.
Stock trigger isn't too great. But if you have good trigger control it shouldn't matter.
Plastic sights are shit and I don't care for the sight picture.
Probably overpriced but what isnt?
> G19
> More compact than XDS
> Lighter than XPc
> Cheaper than PPQ
> Holds more rounds (15+1)
> EDC industry standard
> Parts, mags, and ammo everywhere for SHTF
> LE will respect you
> Huge aftermarket
> Excellent customer service and reliability
One instance is not enough data points!
they are the lowest priced handgun that is good enough
>hand loaded gun to drunk friend
>he NDs at you
>you key his truck on the way out
I mean you're both fucking idiots, but you're a bad friend.
any polymer frame handgun is going to be harder to control than a steel frame handgun
lots of beginners dont realize how tight they need to hold the gun, and shoot well with heavy steel frame guns because those are forgiving of limp wristing and absorb recoil which reduces their flinch
Theres plenty of build quality. You don't find that level of machining or finish in any other pistol at the price point. I'm not sure you know what those words mean. The fact that they make a profit is called capitalism.
They do. 29.