I want a levergun. Should I buy one in .357 or .45-70?

I want a levergun. Should I buy one in .357 or .45-70?
.357 Pros:
>More capacity
>Less recoil means good for plinking
>Pretty versatile
>I already have guns in .357 and reload for them

.45-70 Pros:
>Baller as a fuck
>Feel like a cowboy and a mountain man
>Can kill anything in North America
>Feels like you're wielding the power of God

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577 t rex

The obvious answer is both

Honestly 30-30
>Fun ride caliber
>Can be found in every Walmart in America
>Can kill nearly any medium game and even some large game
>Classic Americana.

Still a cowboy round, and much much cheaper in the long run based on your circumstance.

this, no reason to limit yourself to a pistol cartridge in a rifle when 30-30 just werks

.357 if you just want to plink and play cowboy (nothing wrong with that),

30-30 if you want to hunt durr and plink.

.45-70 if you want to hunt big game or if you're rich enough to afford to plink with an expensive round whenever you feel like it.

Honestly I love lever guns, I own a .357, .44 and a 30-30. I want to get a 45-70 next

Who even makes a lever gat in .357? Rossi and Marlin's expensive ass 94?

Good power and can plink wit .38

I've basically given up on getting one with a loading gate. Rossi's are unobtanium and really aren't great anyway. Marlins have terrible fit and finish and tend towards rusting like most Remshit. Winchesters, spaghetti guns, and old Marlins are more expensive than I'd want to pay for something that I'd be throwing in a truck and carrying around in the woods. So I think I'm going to just buy a Henry and deal with the tube loading.

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.357 is great for early to mid game but eventually you’ll want to upgrade to .45-70 for late game enemies


And this

I love my 45-70 because its such a versatile round. There is literally a load from everything.

I use HSM Cowboy action when I want to plink steel targets at the range, typically about 50-70 yards. Kicks less than a shotgun with birdshot.

Then I use Grizzly 460 gr when I'm out camping in Black Bear country.

There's just something nice and rustic about owning such a firearm and being outdoors with it. I really can't explain the feeling.

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Find a pre-64 Winchester 94 and never look back.

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I'm the guy you replied to. I'm never owning a John Browning designed long arm again after owning a win 94 and a Browning a5. They're such a pain in the dick to own long term. I've converted my guy to the Marlin side

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I sold my 336 to buy my 94. In my experience, the 94 handles so much better and is every bit as reliable, but I'm not putting a crazy amount of rounds through it.

I also own a Browning A5.

What kind of long term troubles we're you having?

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Here's the 336 I used to own.

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Not long term problems, thankfully, both of those guns are just such a pain in the dick to take down and maintain. The a5 has something like 10 screws and 5 springs and takes 30 minutes to get to bolt out. The win94 was just a nightmare of geometry to take apart and clean. They're really fun guns to shoot, but for ownership I'll stick with Marlin
>1 screw and the bolt comes out ezpz

Plus if you're into reloading, a buddy of mine just sent his 30-30 levergat off to have the front sight moved back and the barrel threaded for a suppressor a few months ago. He loaded some subsonics for it and brought it out to the range. It was comical to shoot, it felt and sounded like a suppressed .22lr going off with a can on it but the sound of the round hitting steel was tremendous.

Personally, I already have a .44 mag revolver and would like to find a .44 mag levergat with a threaded barrel or one that I could have threaded for my Octane 45 suppressor.

.357 is amazing in a lever carbine, completely different round. 158 gr moving around 2000 fps around 1k ft/lb...beastly, easy to shoot, light

>I already have guns in .357

And there's your answer right there.

Why the fuck won't they put a gate on their guns. Autism?

Retooling costs?

Is the extra $500 worth it getting a Uberti over a Henry?

The patents that expired forever ago? And I'd make a good bet that they'd sell more of they had loading gates.

The patent for the king's loading gate is well expired is only a piece of sheet metal

The patent expired about 140 years ago. The reason they won't is that it would literally just be a Marlin clone.

Go Marlin.

I can't seem to find a Marlin in .357 anywhere and I've heard bad things about them since the Remington buyout

Well I'll tell you what, I have a .45-70 and haven't shot it in maybe a year just because it's expensive. I don't reload nor do I have a bunch of disposable income, so it just ends up staying in the safe. I'd rather have a .357, but I didn't buy this, my father did so I can't really bitch about it. Just a shame him and I never take it.

45-70 for lever action.
.357 recoil in a lever action makes the gun feel like a .22

GunBroker. You're looking for JM Marlin

.44 magnum

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How're the Chiappa 1892s? My LGS has one for $650.

Those the prewin ones?

Look for an 1894. If it's pre-cerberus it's good, and if it was made since 2016 it should also be good.

They do the job, but that's too expensive for one. You can get one new for a lot less.

How does 45-70 compare to .308? I have taxes coming in soon and I've been after a levergat for a while.

They don't compare at all

There is no comparison, except in price. One is an abbreviated .30-06. The other is an old black-powder buffalo slayer that puts thumb sized holes in things without kicking the hell out of you, because it's loaded to black powder pressures.

If you have the dough and/or a Lee Loader, get the 45-70. It will cleanly kill anything in North America out to 150 yards and spoil zero meat, and it kicks like a big giant 30-30 if that makes any sense. Otherwise get the .308, and/or if you want to shoot farther like in midwest elk country.

I probably should have mentioned I'd be using it as a deer/target rifle, but this was pretty helpful anyway. What makes the 45-70 better about spoiling meat?

Considering I cast bullets and want some commonality with at least one other gun (in this case the Remington Model 8), I'd opt for a Marline 336 in .35 Remington.

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I'd imagine a fuckhuge bonded bullet hitting at relatively slow speeds will do less meat grinding than some autistically fast load which turns the meat into mush

45-70 is probably my favorite round, but I would never recommend it to someone who doesn't reload. In addition, I highly recommend a Ruger No1 or Mauser for a 45-70, as it allows you to load the round to any specification and is quite impressive when fully loaded.

Is this your first rifle? If yes then 308 bolt gun. A 45-70 isn't really a benchrest target gun. If not and you already have an AR, a 45-70 is a fun addition to a collection but research more into your local hunting environment. A heavily brushed hunting area where your average shot is 60-130 yards is prime levergun territory but if you're hunting in a place with wide open ranges you want a spitzer projectile.

Honestly though if you want a fun gun to plink and hunt deer with, a 30-30 is a better option. The ammo is cheaper, it doesn't beat you up as much as 45-70 and it's all around a much more handy cartridge to carry. Plus it's a lot easier to find ammo for in stores.

30-30 is best, fun for plinking, good for hunting.

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I want a custom leather butt cover + sling setup with Marty artwork

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Where can I find this bomber jacket?

Fuck you guys and fuck your constant lever gun threads.


Its because of you fagtrons that I just keep spending money on guns that are fucking awesome.

I mean its the exact fucking reason I won't buy a Henry. If they added it it'd be hard not to really give some consideration to buying one.

It was my grandpa's and is probably 40 years old. Sorry user.

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You're welcome, love

Yup I believe the cutoff date is 2009. Barrel will have a very small JM stamped near the chamber. JM Marlin would be before the Remington buyout

JM 1894s are going for about $900 these days. At that point you might as well get a Miroku unless you want to put a scope on it and there's not a lot of reason to put a scope on a .357 lever action.

Op...there is only one correct answer. That answer is both.
On serious note:
If reloader 4570. If not 357 for that glorious 30-30 power out of revolver cartridge.

45 70

I'd prefer a Marlin but honestly might grab the local Chiappa 1892 if I can talk them down a little. I can't work out what year it is but it'll be a plinker/yeehaw gun anyway. Home defense is still my .45-70 or SMLE.

Beware Marlin. Even expecting disappointment when I bought my 1895SBL, it still exceeded my expectations of how bad it'd be. Fit and finish is, frankly, fetid dog shit compared to my dad's old 336, and the gun refuses to shoot under 3 MOA with anything but factory ammo despite reloaders making sub-MOA with theirs.

Just know what you're getting into. It's a fucking shame what they've done.

>357 mag
>30-30 power
That's a big nope my goy

>50-60 cpr
Spoken like someone who doesn’t have one

Learn to shop. Plus it's always on sale at Walmart


>357 for that glorious 30-30 power out of revolver cartridge
only the most autistic of .357 loads are going to match 30-30, and that's only up to 100 yards. further, once you've got a load that can match .30-30, you ain't gonna be using that same load in your handgun like the ammo sharing meme told ya

My dad has an early 90s Winchester 94, carbine or trapper, in .357.

.45 colt man
>can be loaded hotter than .44mag
>lighter recoil
>doesnt shoot $3.00 bills
>muh .45

let's say I was going to buy one and only one firearm for home defense. why shouldn't I pick a levergun in .444 marlin?

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I like pistol caliber leverguns like my Rossi 92, but I prefer bolt-actions for more powerful cartridges.

45-70 or you're the big gay

Capacity, over penetration and follow up shot ability. I would go 327 Fed mag or 357 magnum

Pistol caliber lever guns make no sense to me. You could have semi auto capabilities and minimal recoil with a PCC. Big bore on the other hand doesn't require semi auto platform. I'd much rather go with a big bore lever action, the whole process is like loading a rocket into the chamber.


Turn off the trip, faggot

Everyone should have a choice if they want a trip. This is a forum.

When did you buy yours? Everyone says they've improved over the last couple of years.

In like November. There's still always the risk, and with a company like that it's higher still.

what does Jow Forums think about this in 308? any chance of an extended magazine?


Oh yeah, and I called a guy working at another gun store about something unrelated and asked if he had one in stock. Asked him to look at a particular area of the gun and describe the fit and finish. To quote him "Like a blown cylinder head."

Just like mine. If you want a new one, don't look at the old ones because compared to my dad's old 336 there is simply no comparison. It's embarrassing. But that's what you get nowadays.

Why did I have to come of age in a time where it seems like all the guns I want are either overpriced or the companies have gone to shit?
At least ARs are dirt fucking cheap. I guess that's something. But even that will only be the case for another year or so and then election scares are going to balloon the price.

My dude while Marlin's aren't the best they've ever been, you can get a brand new 336 from Walmart right now for 350 bucks. I mean it's not the 200 dollar Mossberg, but that's a screaming deal.

Between 100-125 which is the vast majority of hunting distances. 30-30 has better ballistics sure but 357 is absolutly serviceable out of a rifle for most useful proposes

Absolutely serviceable =/= as powerful and I hope you can get that. The energy differential is still huge

Brain says .357, but the heart says .45-70

>ARs are dirt cheap
You can find .22, ammo is priced good and well stocked, 30 round magazines are back to reasonable prices. You're lucky you weren't around for 2012-14 young buck, things are great right now. Only shit side is milsurp prices goin up, AK prices goin up, but you can still find old levergats on Armslist and GunBroker so enjoy what we got and be grateful. Few short years ago people were literally buying up ALLL the .22 lr

He's probably been here longer than you faggot

Who makes the middle one if I may ask?

Where would you get a PCC semi in .357? Cause id buy. Also the .357 is an absolute monster in a carbine, a 158 grain bullet moves around 2000 fps and around 1,000 ft/lbs which is just beastly considering recoil is very light and you can carry plenty of ammo

Serviceable, absolutely. I'd feel comfy shooting a durr with one up to 100 yards, but we're still comparing some extra spicy .357 loads to factory .30-30 loads which aren't particularly hot. Personally, I see no real reason to take a pistol cartridge when a lot of the appeal of levergats is how much firepower you can fit into such a small and enjoyable-to-handle package.

That's wild I just purchased a JM 1894c off my family member he let me get it for cheap so I'm grateful for that. Red Dead got me a lever gat craving and I'm obsesssed with .357 ballistics out of a carbine

What does your penis say?

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I'm gonna say Marlin.

Henry 45-70. If you aren't a reloader, become one.

>inb4 muh loading gate
You don't need it with this caliber.

Im not saying 357 is better. Im saying within most hunting ranges it is absoultly powerful enough to do it. 357 is also more available than 30-30 cheaper and you can have more in a tube.
If you are already shooting 357 a rifle chambered in it extends the cartridges capability. Which is damn good for a pistol cartridge to keep up with a even standard or less load of 30-30
Not to mention 45-70 generally doesnt have good ballistics either and was in the inital question op asked.

Do the .357. You'll end up shooting it way, way more than a levergat in any other chambering. Especially with the low price of .38 Special.

This is a forum, anyone can have a tripcode.
Does anyone besides you care? No.
Maybe I'll get one soon

Excellent! I'll add it to the filter

>Replies to them regardless
Why do you do this?

I'm not the guy who replied to Phil, sweaty

Anyone dissing .357 ballistics out of a carbine clearly hasn't checked out what the numbers are because it's nasty, especially considering recoil is slightly more than .22

>Just now adding Phil to the filter
How new are you sweety? He's literally one of the oldest trips on this board from old-school Jow Forums, if not the