Rhodesian Bush War

Would you fight, Jow Forums?

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Why would I fight in a war that was doomed from the start?

No. I would stay back and bang all the soldiers wifes/girlfriends when they get lonely. It's shooting fish in a barrel.

I ask the same question every time I look at my Great Great Grandfathers war chest. I still dont know the answer but all I know is I'd do it to.


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Dying in battle Is really winning.

Same, but I would fight for my state, slavery would have been naturally eradicated within a decade bc of international pressure anyway.

i did fight, light infantry

>slavery would have been naturally eradicated within a decade
the South literally perpetuated slavery and spurned new technology

>bc of international pressure anyway.
that pressure had been going on since 1785

proof or fuck off larper

importation of slaves was made illegal in the Confederate Constitution and the industrial revolution would have made slavery obsolete.

with pressure from England and France, the two main nations who would be buying the cotton would have pressured the south. and if not a decade would would defiantly be gone by 1914


better to die with honor than to live as a faggot user

Pretty sure the only foreigners Rhodesia allowed to fight for them were Americans and Australians with combat experience in Vietnam

7th Independent Company was almost exclusively French, the Selous Scouts had Portuguese, Mozambican, Angola, Zambian and all sorts of other African members. Countless South Africans, Englishmen, Scots, Welsh, Irish and Canadians served.

If you hated communists the Rhodies would have you.

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Journey not the destination user
And future generations look up to men like these

Fuck off racist /pol larpers. You racists will never win, soon we will defeat drumpf and all racists will be re-educated

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This isn't even worth a (you). Try harder you fucking failure.

If you kill your enemies, they win



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Without hesitation, I Would

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>not wanting to get paid killing nigger commies with other qt twinks

>the south
You misspelled southern elites

>T. Trudeau

Yes, the euros have no right in Zimbabwe.

Nigga you can’t even fuck women now lmao. Hell, if anything I’d fuck you

Rhodesia sucked ass

No it didn’t, eat my ass

Of couse it didnt, thats why its still around, right?

The only countries left are the shitty ones

Your logic is flawless

Yeah well, your tongue isn’t rimming me so fuck right off

I bet you think cascadia should be seriously considered too.
Silly cuck

Cascadia like my shit cascading down your throat as you tongue fuck me with all your might, faggot incel

>Anal stimulation fixation
And Im the faggot?

I'd go after Muagbe myself

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This. I would kill civilians too if it meant stopping him

Sure bud. What a waste of dubs


Don’t worry, I’ll break my cock in your ass too, don’t you fucking worry faggot

As if the South had the resources or the environment to sustain an industrial revolution.

No, it would have been around for quite a bit longer. It was far too institutionalized for it to be done away with. It’s not as if plantation owners would simply free all of the slaves which they payed good money for all at once.

No because i wouldn't want to die at the hands of fat retards gawking over a tool used to slot floppies and packing away as much bush cam and baby puke guns as they can

Spartans and Vikings Probably know a little about the best mentality for a warrior.

Only with an mi 24. I will make Ellis proud

lol you got cucked by moaists

my unissued rhodie statesman shirt, I have a decent rhodie collection ask me anything

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This is the truth desu.

I’d fight to save the breadbasket of Africa from commies, and help another nation after it told the UK to fuck off.
